Today, not being able to follow the $GAL chart anymore on Binance reminded me of how important is to cherish and live well each moment of our lives. Yeah, I know I sound extra melodramatic, but is true. There was one day when you went out with your palls from the neighborhood and it was the last time you played with them as a child. Next day you moved to other city, or you just started doing other stuff and you left that time of your life behind. There was or will be a day when you say "See ya!" to your best friend, or to a girl you like a lot, and it will be the last time you do that. One day you will have a beer, you will enjoy it a lot, and that one will be your last, because the doctor says something bad, or well, because you pass. Life is about NOW. You care about the future, but it is important to care NOW. You hodl NOW. You teach your kids how to open the cold storage, and what to do with the wealth you built with so much hard effort, sacrifice and love. Most of us are not even here to take profits for ourselves, but to take care of our peoples future. We will maybe not see them in the lambo! XD, but you can be damn sure we will asure tha dream NOW, with our crypto actions. I am grateful with the #Galxe team and the whole project at large. And with Binance for being a strong allied for all of us.

Now you, $G Token, bring me that horizon!

The illustration is my last #Gal Galxe chart.