This may come as a shocker or a suprise to you... isn't Bitcoin the mother of all Cryptos... Yes and No. Bitcoin has been losing on all fronts to the nr. 2: Ethereum. When you leave out any emotions and you look at the actual data, it becomes very clear, why Ethereum is a ruthless blockchain slayer. Its tokenomics is a sight to behold! As a reminder, 2 fundamental economic laws:

Value = Utility x Rarity x People who want it... the famous value formula.

Short Term, Price always follows emotions... aka a Betting Machine.

Long Term, Price always follows Value... aka a Weighing Machine

This is what it looks like for Ethereum:

The ETH supply has become 0.26% rarer over the last year:

The number of people flocking to Ethereum has been more than for any other blockchain

ETH's utility as a means of governance, consensus, collateral, gas fee, etc. is one of the strongest in the ecosystem. You can see this simply by how much fees are generated... People only pay for stuff if they feel they get more in return for it aka utility. So fees paid is one of the best indicators for actual utility.

#Ethereum #BTC #cryptocurrency