A very wealthy man was chilling at his office when a young sales person came by with a large wood plank. "I´m selling this wood plank. How much would you offer for it?", said the sales person cheerfully and with confidence.

The wealthy man laughed at him while touching the plank. "I will not give you a $DOGE for this. It haves zero value, no utility and I Will Never be interested on it", was the heavy answer. The salesperson smiled, and left, in the search of a new customer.

Months later, the salesperson who had made a small fortune by selling all kinds of stuff was in a holiday in his kayak. While preparing to pass the morning fishing, he saw a broken Jet Sky sinking. Swimming around was the wealthy man. He was scared and wet, but did recognize the sales person. Immediately screamed "Hey! You! Wood Planks seller! I would like to have a wood plank now!"

But, you said it was useless, that it had no utility, and that you would NEVER need it! So I used it as the base to build my kayak, see, this one!

I will pay you ALL OF MY FORTUNE for your wood plank, Kayak, whatever. I need it now!

My friend, I´m sorry, but is too late.

Moral: Buy $GAL before the split to G 😍


Thank you for reading and I wish you extreme success, wealth and health to enjoy it, but above all, wisdom to make it count for you and everyone else in this world.