This thing called stop loss is what a lot of people have sworn not to ever use

Why are you trading with $10,000 and you are not setting stop loss

A few hours ago a trader got liquidated of over $1,400,000 simply because he did not use stop loss

This trader did not lose because he doesn’t know how to trade, he lost because he refused to use stop loss!!

Why lose $1,400,000 when you can lose $350,000 ?

Why lose $10,000 when you can lose $1800 ?

Why lose $100,000 when you can lose $10,000?

Why and why are you trading without stop loss

Please 🙏, we are begging you, please always trade with stop loss

This market doesn’t know you

This market doesn’t care about you

The market isn’t interested in the loss you will suffer

the losses we are seeing on people’s futures positions is too much, it is too much

Learn to cut your losses

A lot of people lost all their capital because of they failed to use stop loss

A lot of people used stop loss and saved them self the loss of losing all their capital, if you use Stop loss to trade and you lose, you will still have more and more opportunities to trade with the remaining capital you have and from there, you can get everything you lost back