At $0.6159, LISTA's value is currently 5.0% less than it was yesterday. It has decreased by 11.4% this week. The trading volume over a 24-hour period is $63,865,815. It currently finds support at $0.60 after breaking the $0.62 support, with a level around $0.54 during the previous five days serving as a constant. If this pattern keeps up, there may be an additional drop to $0.56. The EMA suggests that there may be positive tendencies in store. LISTA was able to reach a lower low of $0.85 but was unable to break through. The USD exchange rate fluctuated throughout the last week, reaching a high of $0.794902 and a low of $0.615942. The recent listing of LISTA on Binance, which at first caused a surge in demand but is now in line with more general market trends, is the cause of the volatility.