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Well-known writer and investor Robert Kiyosaki is telling people to mix up their investments by adding silver to their list. Silver is the second most valuable metal after gold.

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In a recent tweet, Kiyosaki didn’t like the dollar and said silver is a safe choice.

He noticed that even though more people want green energy things like solar cars, silver’s price is 50% lower than its highest point. Kiyosaki talked about how silver has been important for a long time, both as a thing people want and as money. He also said it’s not smart to keep your money in “fake dollars.”

Kiyosaki has always said that putting money in silver is a good idea for getting more money. He says silver is different from regular money and helps you keep and grow your wealth. He also talked about how the dollar is losing value, especially compared to the Chinese yuan that’s becoming more important.

In an earlier tweet, Kiyosaki said that silver’s value could stay at about $20 for the next 3 to 5 years, and it might grow more in the long run, reaching between $100 and $500. He wanted people to know that even if they don’t have a lot of money, they can still invest in silver.

Lately, silver prices went up by 6%, which got people thinking about how good it could be to invest in it. People are waiting to hear what the US Federal Reserve chair will say about money and the economy in a meeting called Jackson Hole. Silver’s price going up faced some problems because the US dollar got stronger, gold prices went down, and the SPDR Gold Trust had fewer valuable things, so there’s a short-term view that things might not be great for silver.

Like what Kiyosaki says, when the dollar isn’t doing well compared to the yuan, silver looks more attractive. People are getting more interested in silver investments, even if there are risks, because things are changing in the world of money.

Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.

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