🚨 Breaking News!!! 🚨

Powell Forecasts Inflation May Drop to 2% by the End of Next Year or the Following Year

On July 2, BlockBeats reported that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell stated inflation could return to 2% by the end of next year or the year after. Powell emphasized that the Fed's current policy stance remains restrictive and appropriate.

Key Highlights:

📈 Catch-Up Inflation: Powell highlighted that some of the inflation in the service sector is "catch-up" inflation.

💼 **Labor Market**: The labor market is showing signs of cooling, and wage growth, while still above the desired

equilibrium is beginning to decline to a more sustainable level.

🔍 Challenges Ahead: Reducing inflation in the service sector remains particularly challenging.

Powell underscored the importance of the ongoing adjustments in the labour market, indicating that it is moving towards a healthier balance.

Overall, Powell's comments suggest a cautious optimism regarding the future of inflation and the effectiveness of the Fed's policies in steering the economy towards stability.

Stay tuned for more updates! 📊✨

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