Several countries recognize cryptocurrencies to varying extents. Here are some notable examples:

1. United States: Cryptocurrencies are generally recognized, and there are regulations in place to govern their use and taxation.

2. Japan: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are recognized as legal tender and regulated by the Financial Services Agency (FSA).

3. Germany: Cryptocurrencies are considered legal tender and are subject to regulation by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

4. Switzerland: Known for its crypto-friendly regulations, Switzerland has established a clear legal framework for cryptocurrencies.

5. Malta: Often referred to as the "Blockchain Island," Malta has enacted comprehensive legislation to regulate cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

6. Singapore: Cryptocurrencies are recognized and regulated under certain conditions by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

7. Australia: Cryptocurrencies are treated as property and are subject to capital gains tax when traded.

8. South Korea: Cryptocurrencies are recognized but are subject to strict regulations to prevent money laundering and ensure investor protection.

9. Estonia: Estonia allows companies to use cryptocurrencies for business purposes and has regulations in place to govern their use.

10. United Arab Emirates: Cryptocurrencies are recognized, and Dubai has launched initiatives to become a blockchain-friendly city.

It's important to note that regulations and recognition can vary widely even within these countries, and the regulatory landscape is continuously evolving. Always check for the latest updates and local regulations if you are dealing with cryptocurrencies.