According to Odaily, the Evmos community has initiated a new proposal discussion. The proposal suggests using the Interchain Security of Cosmos Hub to safeguard Evmos. The primary aim of this proposal is to enhance liquidity, strengthen cross-chain composability, and stimulate the growth of Evmos and the broader Cosmos ecosystem.

The Interchain Security of Cosmos Hub is a mechanism designed to provide security to various chains in the Cosmos network. By leveraging this security feature, Evmos aims to protect its network from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

The proposal also aims to boost the cross-chain composability, which is a crucial aspect of blockchain technology. It allows different blockchains to interact and work together, thereby enhancing the overall functionality and efficiency of the blockchain ecosystem.

Furthermore, the proposal seeks to stimulate the growth of Evmos and the broader Cosmos ecosystem. By improving liquidity and cross-chain composability, it is expected to attract more users and developers to the platform, thereby contributing to the growth and development of the Cosmos ecosystem.