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203 Posts
The Key to Successful Trading: Developing a Comprehensive Trading PlanTrading can be a lucrative way to invest your money, but it can also be risky if you don't have a plan. A trading plan is a crucial tool that can help you make informed trading decisions and minimize the risks associated with trading. A trading plan is a document that outlines your trading strategy and goals. It should include information about the markets you will trade in, the types of trades you will make, and the risk management strategies you will use. Here are some key components of a trading plan: Market analysis: Your trading plan should include an analysis of the markets you plan to trade in. This should include information about the trends, volatility, and key indicators that can affect the market. Entry and exit strategies: Your trading plan should outline your entry and exit strategies. This should include information about the types of trades you will make, the price points you will enter and exit at, and the timeframes you will use. Risk management: Your trading plan should include a risk management strategy. This should outline the maximum amount of money you are willing to risk on each trade, as well as the stop loss orders and other risk management techniques you will use. Record keeping: Your trading plan should include a record-keeping strategy. This should outline how you will track your trades, including the types of data you will collect and the tools you will use to analyze that data. Continuous improvement: Your trading plan should be a living document that you update and refine over time. This should include regular reviews of your trading performance and adjustments to your plan as needed. Having a trading plan is essential for success in trading. It can help you stay focused on your goals, minimize your risks, and make informed trading decisions. With a well-crafted trading plan, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your financial goals. #BNB #BNB #Stablecoins #socialfi #security

The Key to Successful Trading: Developing a Comprehensive Trading Plan

Trading can be a lucrative way to invest your money, but it can also be risky if you don't have a plan. A trading plan is a crucial tool that can help you make informed trading decisions and minimize the risks associated with trading.

A trading plan is a document that outlines your trading strategy and goals. It should include information about the markets you will trade in, the types of trades you will make, and the risk management strategies you will use. Here are some key components of a trading plan:

Market analysis: Your trading plan should include an analysis of the markets you plan to trade in. This should include information about the trends, volatility, and key indicators that can affect the market.

Entry and exit strategies: Your trading plan should outline your entry and exit strategies. This should include information about the types of trades you will make, the price points you will enter and exit at, and the timeframes you will use.

Risk management: Your trading plan should include a risk management strategy. This should outline the maximum amount of money you are willing to risk on each trade, as well as the stop loss orders and other risk management techniques you will use.

Record keeping: Your trading plan should include a record-keeping strategy. This should outline how you will track your trades, including the types of data you will collect and the tools you will use to analyze that data.

Continuous improvement: Your trading plan should be a living document that you update and refine over time. This should include regular reviews of your trading performance and adjustments to your plan as needed.

Having a trading plan is essential for success in trading. It can help you stay focused on your goals, minimize your risks, and make informed trading decisions. With a well-crafted trading plan, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your financial goals.

#BNB #BNB #Stablecoins #socialfi #security
Forging a Win-Win Ecosystem: INTO Facilitating the Value Transformation of The Web3 Gaming EcosystemThe convergence of blockchain technology’s transformative potential with the gaming industry’s limitless creativity is quietly heralding a disruptive shift in the realm of Web3 gaming. However, to unearth and realize the potential value of Web3 gaming, relying solely on a single technology or platform is far from sufficient. It calls for an open, symbiotic, and sustainable ecosystem, calling for fundamental shifts in values ​​and behavioral logic among participants. Social interaction, as the most successful business model in the Internet field, encompasses people’s daily social, shopping, work, business, gaming, finance, video, and live streaming activities, forming a diverse ecosystem. By creating the first batch of user traffic based on Web3 social interaction, developing gaming ecology to bring users new social and entertainment methods, further increasing user stickiness, and bringing more users and traffic to INTO, it continuously empowers the ecosystem. INTO not only provides the necessary technical and economic infrastructure for Web3 gaming but also opens up an innovative path for the integration and development of gaming ecology. During social interaction, it can realize the aggregation of social finance, social e-commerce, social gaming, social media, and other ecosystems, thereby achieving stronger user stickiness and activity. Opening the Door to Change: Unveiling the Innovative Path of Web3 Gaming When it comes to Web3 gaming, initially game developers and platforms typically reap the majority of profits, while players’ contributions often go unrewarded. This imbalance dampens players’ enthusiasm and hinders the healthy development of the gaming ecosystem.To tap into the true potential of Web3 gaming, we need to completely overhaul how value is distributed, making sure that everyone involved gets a fair share for their contributions. Secondly, the prevailing model for producing game content is predominantly a top-down, one-directional approach, which can suppress player creativity and diminish their sense of involvement.This leads to problems such as homogenization of game content and rigid gameplay, weakening the innovation vitality of the gaming ecosystem. To fully unleash the creative potential of Web3 gaming, the method of content production must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing every player to become a co-creator of the gaming world. Finally, in traditional gaming ecosystems, game assets and value are difficult to freely flow across game and platform boundaries, severely constraining the prosperity of the gaming economy. To build a highly connected, dynamically circular Web3 gaming economic system, the path of value circulation must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing game value to be efficiently allocated and appreciated on a larger scale. INTO’s first Web3 game Phantom Arena, where both wins and losses yield value returns, is set to start closed beta testing in early April. Each game requires holding Phantom Arena NFTs to participate, with only 10,000 NFTs initially issued, making them scarce resources with significant value appreciation potential. The earlier you own a Phantom Arena NFT, the earlier you have a social node and access to early game dividends. However, the initial batch of NFTs is limited in release, and acquiring Phantom Arena NFTs later on will only be possible by buying them on the NFT marketplace or by hatching Phantom Babies. The Phantom Baby hatching model aims to achieve shared ecological traffic, incentivize and mobilize active participation in all projects in the INTO social ecosystem, empowering their project tokens with value again, and attracting more ecological projects to join the INTO ecosystem and Match public chain, bringing in more user traffic into the INTO ecosystem market, once again forming a traffic aggregation effect, and further promoting the prosperity and development of the entire INTO Web3 social ecosystem system. Currently, the Star Project of the INTO platform has attracted communities of 30 projects globally. This Phantom Baby hatching plan will once again empower the community with value and attract more projects, guilds, and DAOs to join the INTO ecosystem. In summary, these problems are difficult to solve in the current network environment. To reconstruct the value system of Web3 gaming from the perspective of the ecosystem, a truly open, shared, and sustainable gaming new ecosystem must be built through systematic changes in technology, mechanisms, culture, and other aspects. This ecosystem will completely overturn the traditional value logic of games, enabling every participant to become the protagonist of the gaming world, providing fertile ground for every idea to be realized, and ensuring maximum circulation and appreciation of every value. This is the fundamental starting point and foothold for INTO to reconstruct the Web3 gaming ecosystem. INTO Reshaping the Gaming World: Exploring the New Landscape of Web3 Gaming The new ecosystem of Web3 gaming reconstructed by INTO is a value-centric, player-centric, creativity-oriented, and co-building-oriented ecosystem. In this system, the game is an open, dynamic, and continuously evolving value network. In this ecosystem, INTO’s Web3 game Phantom Arena is compatible with three public chains: Match, BSC, and ETH. The game features built-in NFT generation, an NFT marketplace, equipment exchange, NFT pools, and offers multiple players the opportunity to engage in real-time battles in chosen arenas to attain top rankings and win various rewards. Firstly, by introducing blockchain and tokenomics, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will feature a transparent, fair, and trustworthy value distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, every participant’s contribution, whether playing games, creating content, or providing computational resources, will receive corresponding token rewards. These rewards not only reflect the immediate value of participants but also represent their long-term commitment and trust in the gaming ecosystem. Through this approach, INTO achieves fair distribution of game earnings among all participants, stimulating intrinsic motivation for participation and contribution. Secondly, by introducing DAO mechanisms, INTO hands over the decision-making power of the game to the player community. In this ecosystem, every token holder can equally participate in the governance process of the game, including proposing, discussing, and voting. These proposals may involve modifications to game rules, allocation of development resources, arbitration of disputes, and more. Through DAO, the development direction and major decisions of the game will be jointly determined by community members. The “community-driven” governance model guarantees that the game’s development is consistently aligned with the players’ interests and needs, thereby actualizing true player autonomy. Ultimately, this ecosystem facilitates the reconfiguration of game value exchange. INTO creates an open, interconnected value network that seamlessly integrates in-game value with external value circulation channels.Within the ecosystem, players can freely trade, lease, and stake their game assets (such as NFTs, tokens, etc.), facilitating value flow and appreciation. Outside the ecosystem, INTO also supports cross-chain value transfer and cross-platform identity authentication, allowing players’ assets and identities to migrate freely between different games and platforms. Through this approach, INTO greatly expands the space for game value circulation, enabling every piece of value to find the best path to realization. INTO drives the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming INTO’s drive towards the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming can be summarized as a “three-in-one” ecological restructuring strategy. These four dimensions are respectively the value reconstruction at the technical level, the incentive reconstruction at the economic level, and the governance reconstruction at the community level. They support each other, promote each other, and together build INTO’s Web3 gaming ecosystem. Firstly, at the technical level, by utilizing blockchain technology, INTO builds a secure, transparent, and trustworthy value infrastructure. Specifically, INTO utilizes the characteristics of blockchain such as distributed ledger and smart contracts to digitize and tokenize game assets. Each virtual item within the game, such as equipment, props, characters, etc., is mapped to a unique NFT. These NFTs represent the real ownership of players over game assets and can be freely traded, leased, pledged, etc., similar to real-world assets, achieving value reconstruction. Secondly, at the economic level, INTO designs a mutually beneficial token economic model to build a fair, efficient, and sustainable value distribution mechanism. In this system, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will use $TOX, and players can earn $TOX by contributing in the game, such as gameplay duration, achievement levels, content creation, resource sharing, etc. These $TOX tokens are not only immediate rewards for player contributions but also basic credentials for participating in game governance and sharing game earnings. In this model, every game action of players is a process of creating value and can receive corresponding economic returns, greatly stimulating players’ enthusiasm and creativity, providing a continuous source of intrinsic motivation for the prosperity of the gaming ecosystem. Lastly, at the community level, it is through shaping values and establishing behavioral paradigms to build an open, inclusive, and innovative gaming culture ecosystem. INTO advocates core Web3 values such as “decentralization,” “co-creation and sharing,” and “player sovereignty,” deeply embedding them into game design, community building, economic models, etc. Guided by these principles, INTO actively promotes the openness of game creation and gameplay, encourages player participation in the production and governance of game content, advocates for shared mechanisms for resources and earnings, promotes the fair distribution of game benefits among all participants, and consistently upholds the principle of player interests first, respecting and safeguarding players’ sovereignty rights over their game assets and data. It can be foreseen that as INTO’s ecological restructuring continues to deepen, a truly meaningful Web3 gaming new ecosystem, a new type of gaming economic form characterized by player-centeredness, creativity orientation, and co-building and sharing, will accelerate under INTO’s leadership. The rise of this new ecosystem will not only redefine the direction of the gaming industry, it will also offer a clear and impactful example of what the digital economy era will bring. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) ABOUT INTOVERSE: INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture

Forging a Win-Win Ecosystem: INTO Facilitating the Value Transformation of The Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

The convergence of blockchain technology’s transformative potential with the gaming industry’s limitless creativity is quietly heralding a disruptive shift in the realm of Web3 gaming. However, to unearth and realize the potential value of Web3 gaming, relying solely on a single technology or platform is far from sufficient. It calls for an open, symbiotic, and sustainable ecosystem, calling for fundamental shifts in values ​​and behavioral logic among participants.
Social interaction, as the most successful business model in the Internet field, encompasses people’s daily social, shopping, work, business, gaming, finance, video, and live streaming activities, forming a diverse ecosystem. By creating the first batch of user traffic based on Web3 social interaction, developing gaming ecology to bring users new social and entertainment methods, further increasing user stickiness, and bringing more users and traffic to INTO, it continuously empowers the ecosystem. INTO not only provides the necessary technical and economic infrastructure for Web3 gaming but also opens up an innovative path for the integration and development of gaming ecology. During social interaction, it can realize the aggregation of social finance, social e-commerce, social gaming, social media, and other ecosystems, thereby achieving stronger user stickiness and activity.

Opening the Door to Change: Unveiling the Innovative Path of Web3 Gaming
When it comes to Web3 gaming, initially game developers and platforms typically reap the majority of profits, while players’ contributions often go unrewarded. This imbalance dampens players’ enthusiasm and hinders the healthy development of the gaming ecosystem.To tap into the true potential of Web3 gaming, we need to completely overhaul how value is distributed, making sure that everyone involved gets a fair share for their contributions.
Secondly, the prevailing model for producing game content is predominantly a top-down, one-directional approach, which can suppress player creativity and diminish their sense of involvement.This leads to problems such as homogenization of game content and rigid gameplay, weakening the innovation vitality of the gaming ecosystem. To fully unleash the creative potential of Web3 gaming, the method of content production must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing every player to become a co-creator of the gaming world.
Finally, in traditional gaming ecosystems, game assets and value are difficult to freely flow across game and platform boundaries, severely constraining the prosperity of the gaming economy. To build a highly connected, dynamically circular Web3 gaming economic system, the path of value circulation must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing game value to be efficiently allocated and appreciated on a larger scale. INTO’s first Web3 game Phantom Arena, where both wins and losses yield value returns, is set to start closed beta testing in early April. Each game requires holding Phantom Arena NFTs to participate, with only 10,000 NFTs initially issued, making them scarce resources with significant value appreciation potential.
The earlier you own a Phantom Arena NFT, the earlier you have a social node and access to early game dividends. However, the initial batch of NFTs is limited in release, and acquiring Phantom Arena NFTs later on will only be possible by buying them on the NFT marketplace or by hatching Phantom Babies.
The Phantom Baby hatching model aims to achieve shared ecological traffic, incentivize and mobilize active participation in all projects in the INTO social ecosystem, empowering their project tokens with value again, and attracting more ecological projects to join the INTO ecosystem and Match public chain, bringing in more user traffic into the INTO ecosystem market, once again forming a traffic aggregation effect, and further promoting the prosperity and development of the entire INTO Web3 social ecosystem system.
Currently, the Star Project of the INTO platform has attracted communities of 30 projects globally. This Phantom Baby hatching plan will once again empower the community with value and attract more projects, guilds, and DAOs to join the INTO ecosystem.
In summary, these problems are difficult to solve in the current network environment. To reconstruct the value system of Web3 gaming from the perspective of the ecosystem, a truly open, shared, and sustainable gaming new ecosystem must be built through systematic changes in technology, mechanisms, culture, and other aspects. This ecosystem will completely overturn the traditional value logic of games, enabling every participant to become the protagonist of the gaming world, providing fertile ground for every idea to be realized, and ensuring maximum circulation and appreciation of every value. This is the fundamental starting point and foothold for INTO to reconstruct the Web3 gaming ecosystem.

INTO Reshaping the Gaming World: Exploring the New Landscape of Web3 Gaming
The new ecosystem of Web3 gaming reconstructed by INTO is a value-centric, player-centric, creativity-oriented, and co-building-oriented ecosystem. In this system, the game is an open, dynamic, and continuously evolving value network. In this ecosystem, INTO’s Web3 game Phantom Arena is compatible with three public chains: Match, BSC, and ETH. The game features built-in NFT generation, an NFT marketplace, equipment exchange, NFT pools, and offers multiple players the opportunity to engage in real-time battles in chosen arenas to attain top rankings and win various rewards.
Firstly, by introducing blockchain and tokenomics, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will feature a transparent, fair, and trustworthy value distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, every participant’s contribution, whether playing games, creating content, or providing computational resources, will receive corresponding token rewards. These rewards not only reflect the immediate value of participants but also represent their long-term commitment and trust in the gaming ecosystem. Through this approach, INTO achieves fair distribution of game earnings among all participants, stimulating intrinsic motivation for participation and contribution.
Secondly, by introducing DAO mechanisms, INTO hands over the decision-making power of the game to the player community. In this ecosystem, every token holder can equally participate in the governance process of the game, including proposing, discussing, and voting. These proposals may involve modifications to game rules, allocation of development resources, arbitration of disputes, and more. Through DAO, the development direction and major decisions of the game will be jointly determined by community members. The “community-driven” governance model guarantees that the game’s development is consistently aligned with the players’ interests and needs, thereby actualizing true player autonomy.
Ultimately, this ecosystem facilitates the reconfiguration of game value exchange. INTO creates an open, interconnected value network that seamlessly integrates in-game value with external value circulation channels.Within the ecosystem, players can freely trade, lease, and stake their game assets (such as NFTs, tokens, etc.), facilitating value flow and appreciation. Outside the ecosystem, INTO also supports cross-chain value transfer and cross-platform identity authentication, allowing players’ assets and identities to migrate freely between different games and platforms. Through this approach, INTO greatly expands the space for game value circulation, enabling every piece of value to find the best path to realization.
INTO drives the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming

INTO’s drive towards the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming can be summarized as a “three-in-one” ecological restructuring strategy. These four dimensions are respectively the value reconstruction at the technical level, the incentive reconstruction at the economic level, and the governance reconstruction at the community level. They support each other, promote each other, and together build INTO’s Web3 gaming ecosystem.
Firstly, at the technical level, by utilizing blockchain technology, INTO builds a secure, transparent, and trustworthy value infrastructure. Specifically, INTO utilizes the characteristics of blockchain such as distributed ledger and smart contracts to digitize and tokenize game assets. Each virtual item within the game, such as equipment, props, characters, etc., is mapped to a unique NFT. These NFTs represent the real ownership of players over game assets and can be freely traded, leased, pledged, etc., similar to real-world assets, achieving value reconstruction.
Secondly, at the economic level, INTO designs a mutually beneficial token economic model to build a fair, efficient, and sustainable value distribution mechanism. In this system, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will use $TOX, and players can earn $TOX by contributing in the game, such as gameplay duration, achievement levels, content creation, resource sharing, etc. These $TOX tokens are not only immediate rewards for player contributions but also basic credentials for participating in game governance and sharing game earnings. In this model, every game action of players is a process of creating value and can receive corresponding economic returns, greatly stimulating players’ enthusiasm and creativity, providing a continuous source of intrinsic motivation for the prosperity of the gaming ecosystem.
Lastly, at the community level, it is through shaping values and establishing behavioral paradigms to build an open, inclusive, and innovative gaming culture ecosystem. INTO advocates core Web3 values such as “decentralization,” “co-creation and sharing,” and “player sovereignty,” deeply embedding them into game design, community building, economic models, etc. Guided by these principles, INTO actively promotes the openness of game creation and gameplay, encourages player participation in the production and governance of game content, advocates for shared mechanisms for resources and earnings, promotes the fair distribution of game benefits among all participants, and consistently upholds the principle of player interests first, respecting and safeguarding players’ sovereignty rights over their game assets and data.
It can be foreseen that as INTO’s ecological restructuring continues to deepen, a truly meaningful Web3 gaming new ecosystem, a new type of gaming economic form characterized by player-centeredness, creativity orientation, and co-building and sharing, will accelerate under INTO’s leadership. The rise of this new ecosystem will not only redefine the direction of the gaming industry, it will also offer a clear and impactful example of what the digital economy era will bring.

[>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture
🌐 Introducing the Genesis NFT Pass, a pivotal utility NFT membership for the Halo ecosystem! 🚀 Unite with partners, creators, and the community in this unique digital interaction. 🌟 Utilities Empowered by Halo Wallet: - 💹 Stake to earn XP: Hold Genesis Pass, earn 5 Halo XP daily, and level up for future token benefits. - 📝 Priority to Post: Genesis pass holders share insights with multimedia on Halo Wallet. - 🔄 Swap with 0 transaction fee: Enjoy zero-fee swap transactions for any token. - 🏅 Set yourself apart: Unique halo badges make you stand out on the Web3 social network. - 🤝 Joint membership: Unlock more benefits as a Halo Wallet, Kucoin, and Mocaverse joint member. 💼 Economic Privileges: - 💸 Monetize your contents - 🎁 Exclusive platform incentives - 🚀 Partner airdrops & whitelist privileges - 🔄 Zero-fee swap transactions - 📉 Discount on-ramp & off-ramp fees 🔍 Product Features: - 🚀 Priority to beta - 🔐 Stake Genesis NFTs to earn XP - 🗳️ Vote on shared contents - 🌟 Enjoy all Level 3 VIP perks 🗳️ Governance Rights: - 🏛️ Nominate or recommend content creators - 🤝 Participate in governance of native tokens - 📢 Recommendation mechanism for featured contents - 🤔 Participate in decision-making of product priorities Exciting times ahead! 🚀 #GenesisNFT #HaloEcosystem #socialfi
🌐 Introducing the Genesis NFT Pass, a pivotal utility NFT membership for the Halo ecosystem! 🚀 Unite with partners, creators, and the community in this unique digital interaction.

🌟 Utilities Empowered by Halo Wallet:
- 💹 Stake to earn XP: Hold Genesis Pass, earn 5 Halo XP daily, and level up for future token benefits.
- 📝 Priority to Post: Genesis pass holders share insights with multimedia on Halo Wallet.
- 🔄 Swap with 0 transaction fee: Enjoy zero-fee swap transactions for any token.
- 🏅 Set yourself apart: Unique halo badges make you stand out on the Web3 social network.
- 🤝 Joint membership: Unlock more benefits as a Halo Wallet, Kucoin, and Mocaverse joint member.

💼 Economic Privileges:
- 💸 Monetize your contents
- 🎁 Exclusive platform incentives
- 🚀 Partner airdrops & whitelist privileges
- 🔄 Zero-fee swap transactions
- 📉 Discount on-ramp & off-ramp fees

🔍 Product Features:
- 🚀 Priority to beta
- 🔐 Stake Genesis NFTs to earn XP
- 🗳️ Vote on shared contents
- 🌟 Enjoy all Level 3 VIP perks

🗳️ Governance Rights:
- 🏛️ Nominate or recommend content creators
- 🤝 Participate in governance of native tokens
- 📢 Recommendation mechanism for featured contents
- 🤔 Participate in decision-making of product priorities

Exciting times ahead! 🚀 #GenesisNFT #HaloEcosystem #socialfi
SocialFi summer 2024? $SOL Chat has been recognized as one of the top 8 coins in the communication and social media sector by Coin market cap Chat #socialfi
SocialFi summer 2024? $SOL Chat has been recognized as one of the top 8 coins in the communication and social media sector by Coin market cap Chat #socialfi
Explore the Future of SocialFi with Friend3 ($F3) - The Next Frontier in Decentralized Social Networking! Are you ready for the next big leap in SocialFi? Look no further – Friend3 ($F3) is about to redefine the landscape of decentralized social networking with its innovative features and vibrant community. Here's a quick rundown of what makes Friend3 a standout project: Incredible Features: Post, chat, trade, donate, and earn – all in one platform! A comprehensive suite of tools to enhance your SocialFi experience. 🔸 Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC) 🔸 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 🔸 Initial Market Cap (IMC): $265,500 🔸 Token Price: $0.010 📅 IDO Dates: November 22nd - 24th 📅 Listing Date: To be announced Ready to dive into the future of SocialFi? Mark your calendar for the IDO dates and explore Friend3's potential. #SoFi #socialfi #F3 #Friend3 #Partnership
Explore the Future of SocialFi with Friend3 ($F3) - The Next Frontier in Decentralized Social Networking!

Are you ready for the next big leap in SocialFi? Look no further – Friend3 ($F3) is about to redefine the landscape of decentralized social networking with its innovative features and vibrant community.

Here's a quick rundown of what makes Friend3 a standout project:

Incredible Features:

Post, chat, trade, donate, and earn – all in one platform!

A comprehensive suite of tools to enhance your SocialFi experience.

🔸 Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

🔸 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

🔸 Initial Market Cap (IMC): $265,500

🔸 Token Price: $0.010

📅 IDO Dates: November 22nd - 24th

📅 Listing Date: To be announced

Ready to dive into the future of SocialFi? Mark your calendar for the IDO dates and explore Friend3's potential.

#SoFi #socialfi #F3 #Friend3 #Partnership
If were are seeking an #airdrop in the #socialfi space assuming you were later to Tipcoin and Friendtech, I found a project with as much potential as #Friendtech and #Tipcoin combined and I believe it is of relevance to start early as many Twitter influencers aren't there yet and it has its own social platform besides tracking twitter. It also has an ongoing airdrop accumulation phase and the first epoch is in 5 days, plus it is on #Arbitrum. It is called Post Tech and it is fully functional but you can't join with an invite code! Simply use this: web3wikis You have a unique opportunity to start out on Post Tech early.
If were are seeking an #airdrop in the #socialfi space assuming you were later to Tipcoin and Friendtech, I found a project with as much potential as #Friendtech and #Tipcoin combined and I believe it is of relevance to start early as many Twitter influencers aren't there yet and it has its own social platform besides tracking twitter.

It also has an ongoing airdrop accumulation phase and the first epoch is in 5 days, plus it is on #Arbitrum.

It is called Post Tech and it is fully functional but you can't join with an invite code!

Simply use this: web3wikis

You have a unique opportunity to start out on Post Tech early.
The Return of Data Value: Core Issues and Practical Paths in the Web3 EraIn this digital age, data has become an intangible wealth, and the ways in which we control and utilize data are undergoing profound changes. When we talk about big data, we often focus on its vast scale, high value, and wide-ranging applications. However, we rarely ask: where does this data come from? And where will it go? Under the traditional internet model, user data is monopolized by platforms, leaving users in an exploited position in data production. This unequal data production relationship not only violates users’ data rights but also hinders the full realization of data value. However, the emergence of Web3 technology offers the possibility to reshape data production relationships and build a new type of big data ecosystem. The principles advocated by Web3, such as decentralization and user-controlled data, align perfectly with INTO’s concept of “user data sovereignty.” INTO is building a new Web3 big data ecosystem where users have autonomous control over their data, and data value returns to users, all based on Web3 technology. Through systematic reshaping of data rights, circulation, application, distribution, and other processes, a completely new mechanism for the socialization of data operations is being constructed. This mechanism, centered around users, adheres to the principle of compatible incentives, guided by open collaboration, and aims for value sharing, painting a beautiful picture of a new Web3 big data ecosystem. Traditional Data Hegemony Encounters Decentralization Revolution In the earlier days of the internet, ‘big data’ typically meant that massive corporations had exclusive control over vast quantities of data. Taking advantage of their platform’s reach, these companies harvested and stockpiled extensive user data in various ways, essentially building vast data kingdoms. Much of this data was gathered without users fully realizing it, as they engaged in online activities. Although users benefited from the services these platforms provided, they were, in essence, supplying their personal data to them without clear intention or reward. The relationship between data production and control is significantly lopsided. On one side, users, who generate data, can’t manage their own information or reap any financial benefits from it. Their data ends up being a means for platform-driven profit and monopolistic power, with users essentially serving as unpaid data miners. On the flip side, the tight grip that these platforms have on data can lead to a slew of issues, including privacy invasions and the mishandling of data, which seriously compromise user rights. Even more concerning is that this monopolistic data model impedes the full realization of data value. Since data is controlled and locked by platforms, it is difficult for other entities to access and utilize this data, limiting its circulation and application. This not only results in inefficient data utilization and wastage but also stifles innovation and collaboration based on data. Data should be a public resource driving social progress, but under the shadow of monopolies, it becomes the private property of giants to exploit for profit. Faced with this unequal and irrational data production relationship, Web3 offers a completely new solution. The decentralization principles advocated by Web3 fundamentally undermine the foundation of centralized platform data monopolies. In the world of Web3, users can utilize decentralized infrastructure such as blockchain and IPFS to autonomously store, manage, and circulate data. In this model, users transition from passive data providers to data owners. They can autonomously decide how to store and use their data, as well as choose to share data for compensation, thereby benefiting from the value of the data. This means that users not only regain control over personal data but also become beneficiaries of data value. Meanwhile, decentralization also paves the way for data to flow freely and be used collaboratively. In the Web3 ecosystem, data isn’t hoarded by platforms but is accessible in an open and transparent environment. This shift facilitates the sharing and trading of data among various parties, leading to the creation of more inventive applications and services that leverage this data. As a result, the inherent value of data is unlocked and magnified across a broader spectrum. Web3 introduces an entirely new toolkit for reshaping the way we create and handle data. It empowers users with ownership over their data, heralding a groundbreaking shift away from the old ways of data dominance. This transformation is about safeguarding user rights and unlocking the true worth of data. It signifies the dawn of a new big data age — an age where data is genuinely owned by the collective. INTO recognizes this momentous shift and aims to be at the forefront, leading the charge in establishing the Web3 big data ecosystem. Web3 Big Data Ecosystem: Decentralization, Equity Restoration, Privacy Protection The Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is a data ecosystem built on Web3 technologies such as blockchain, decentralized storage, and privacy computing, distinguishing itself from traditional centralized big data systems with the following core characteristics: Firstly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is highly decentralized. It utilizes blockchain technology to construct a data network, achieving distributed storage and processing of data. In this network, no single node can control or manipulate the entire dataset, greatly enhancing the security and reliability of data. Decentralization also empowers users with direct control over their data. Users can control their data assets through private keys, enabling autonomous storage, management, and circulation of data. Secondly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem restores data rights. In this ecosystem, users are no longer passive data contributors but the primary beneficiaries of data value. Through token incentives and smart contract technology, users can earn economic rewards through data sharing and transactions. This “earn money with data” model returns the channels and power of data monetization to users, reshaping the distribution pattern of the data economy and allowing ordinary users to truly share in the wealth of data. Thirdly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem achieves unprecedented privacy protection. An intuitive approach to privacy protection is anonymization, where users’ names, phone numbers, IDs, etc., are processed anonymously, becoming a string of characters that cannot be reverse-calculated, while only meaningful data for analysis is retained. For example, zero-knowledge proof technology allows verification of data authenticity without disclosing data content; homomorphic encryption technology enables direct computation and processing of data in encrypted states. Through these technologies, even during data sharing and transactions, user privacy can be well protected. Data can circulate securely between different entities without worrying about privacy breaches. Finally, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem demonstrates unprecedented openness and inclusivity. Data barriers between different entities are broken down, allowing data to freely circulate and exchange on a larger scale. This will greatly promote the optimal allocation of data elements, stimulating more innovative applications and services based on data. At the same time, openness also implies the possibility of more value creation. Anyone can derive new business models and service scenarios based on shared data. This is the essence of the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem. INTO embarks on the journey of building a new Web3 big data ecosystem based on profound insights into this essence, innovating with technology and mechanisms, reshaping data production relationships, empowering every data entity, and ensuring that the value of data benefits all participants. Return of Data Value: INTO Leads the Way in Web3 Big Data Innovation INTO, a trailblazing project in the Web3 space, is forging a novel path in the creation of the Web3 big data ecosystem with a blend of technological advancements and innovative approaches. This strategy can be encapsulated by a “four-in-one” model: consisting of on-chain data, smart distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback. These four aspects are interwoven, supporting and enhancing each other to embody INTO’s comprehensive vision for establishing a robust Web3 big data ecosystem. Firstly, INTO utilizes blockchain technology to achieve “on-chain data,” providing decentralized infrastructure for the big data ecosystem. In the INTO ecosystem, each user’s data is encrypted and stored on the blockchain, forming a distributed database. The immutability and distributed recording of the blockchain ensure the security and reliability of data storage. Moreover, on-chain data also implies the confirmation of data ownership. Each piece of data is bound to the user’s digital identity, thus achieving native protection of data ownership. On-chain data lays a solid technological foundation for the Web3 big data ecosystem. Building on this foundation, INTO further enhances the efficiency of data circulation and utilization through the “smart distribution” mechanism. Smart distribution refers to the use of smart contracts and token incentives to achieve intelligent matching and automatic trading of data among different entities. Specifically, data demanders can express their data needs by deploying smart contracts and attaching corresponding token rewards. Data suppliers, on the other hand, can choose suitable contracts to provide data based on their own data resources and preferences. The entire process is executed automatically by smart contracts, ensuring the efficiency and fairness of data transactions. Meanwhile, token incentives also stimulate the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in data circulation, unlocking greater value in societal collaboration. Of course, the premise of data sharing and trading is privacy security. INTO fully leverages various privacy computing technologies to construct a solid “privacy protection” barrier. For example, INTO adopts technologies such as differential privacy and secure multi-party computation to achieve data fusion and analysis across organizations while protecting the original data from leakage. Even in the process of sharing data, users’ privacy remains intact. Lastly, INTO has implemented a thoughtfully crafted “value feedback” mechanism that redirects the value generated by data back to the users, ensuring a fair distribution of data dividends. Within the INTO ecosystem, users are not only granted full ownership of their personal data but also stand to gain financial benefits through various means such as data authorization and data staking in the future. This ecosystem empowers users with both complete control over their data and the opportunity to reap the real-world value it generates, actualizing the tangible value of data ownership and its associated benefits. INTO’s approach to big data represents a deep reassessment of traditional data production dynamics and a visionary investigation into the evolution of the digital economy. As INTO continues to grow and refine its offerings, it is expected to play a significant role in constructing a digital society that is equitable, open, and transparent, ultimately contributing to a more promising digital future for all. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) ABOUT INTOVERSE: INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture

The Return of Data Value: Core Issues and Practical Paths in the Web3 Era

In this digital age, data has become an intangible wealth, and the ways in which we control and utilize data are undergoing profound changes. When we talk about big data, we often focus on its vast scale, high value, and wide-ranging applications. However, we rarely ask: where does this data come from? And where will it go? Under the traditional internet model, user data is monopolized by platforms, leaving users in an exploited position in data production. This unequal data production relationship not only violates users’ data rights but also hinders the full realization of data value.
However, the emergence of Web3 technology offers the possibility to reshape data production relationships and build a new type of big data ecosystem. The principles advocated by Web3, such as decentralization and user-controlled data, align perfectly with INTO’s concept of “user data sovereignty.” INTO is building a new Web3 big data ecosystem where users have autonomous control over their data, and data value returns to users, all based on Web3 technology. Through systematic reshaping of data rights, circulation, application, distribution, and other processes, a completely new mechanism for the socialization of data operations is being constructed. This mechanism, centered around users, adheres to the principle of compatible incentives, guided by open collaboration, and aims for value sharing, painting a beautiful picture of a new Web3 big data ecosystem.

Traditional Data Hegemony Encounters Decentralization Revolution
In the earlier days of the internet, ‘big data’ typically meant that massive corporations had exclusive control over vast quantities of data. Taking advantage of their platform’s reach, these companies harvested and stockpiled extensive user data in various ways, essentially building vast data kingdoms. Much of this data was gathered without users fully realizing it, as they engaged in online activities. Although users benefited from the services these platforms provided, they were, in essence, supplying their personal data to them without clear intention or reward.
The relationship between data production and control is significantly lopsided. On one side, users, who generate data, can’t manage their own information or reap any financial benefits from it. Their data ends up being a means for platform-driven profit and monopolistic power, with users essentially serving as unpaid data miners. On the flip side, the tight grip that these platforms have on data can lead to a slew of issues, including privacy invasions and the mishandling of data, which seriously compromise user rights.
Even more concerning is that this monopolistic data model impedes the full realization of data value. Since data is controlled and locked by platforms, it is difficult for other entities to access and utilize this data, limiting its circulation and application. This not only results in inefficient data utilization and wastage but also stifles innovation and collaboration based on data. Data should be a public resource driving social progress, but under the shadow of monopolies, it becomes the private property of giants to exploit for profit.
Faced with this unequal and irrational data production relationship, Web3 offers a completely new solution. The decentralization principles advocated by Web3 fundamentally undermine the foundation of centralized platform data monopolies. In the world of Web3, users can utilize decentralized infrastructure such as blockchain and IPFS to autonomously store, manage, and circulate data.
In this model, users transition from passive data providers to data owners. They can autonomously decide how to store and use their data, as well as choose to share data for compensation, thereby benefiting from the value of the data. This means that users not only regain control over personal data but also become beneficiaries of data value.
Meanwhile, decentralization also paves the way for data to flow freely and be used collaboratively. In the Web3 ecosystem, data isn’t hoarded by platforms but is accessible in an open and transparent environment. This shift facilitates the sharing and trading of data among various parties, leading to the creation of more inventive applications and services that leverage this data. As a result, the inherent value of data is unlocked and magnified across a broader spectrum.
Web3 introduces an entirely new toolkit for reshaping the way we create and handle data. It empowers users with ownership over their data, heralding a groundbreaking shift away from the old ways of data dominance. This transformation is about safeguarding user rights and unlocking the true worth of data. It signifies the dawn of a new big data age — an age where data is genuinely owned by the collective. INTO recognizes this momentous shift and aims to be at the forefront, leading the charge in establishing the Web3 big data ecosystem.

Web3 Big Data Ecosystem: Decentralization, Equity Restoration, Privacy Protection
The Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is a data ecosystem built on Web3 technologies such as blockchain, decentralized storage, and privacy computing, distinguishing itself from traditional centralized big data systems with the following core characteristics:
Firstly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is highly decentralized. It utilizes blockchain technology to construct a data network, achieving distributed storage and processing of data. In this network, no single node can control or manipulate the entire dataset, greatly enhancing the security and reliability of data. Decentralization also empowers users with direct control over their data. Users can control their data assets through private keys, enabling autonomous storage, management, and circulation of data.
Secondly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem restores data rights. In this ecosystem, users are no longer passive data contributors but the primary beneficiaries of data value. Through token incentives and smart contract technology, users can earn economic rewards through data sharing and transactions. This “earn money with data” model returns the channels and power of data monetization to users, reshaping the distribution pattern of the data economy and allowing ordinary users to truly share in the wealth of data.
Thirdly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem achieves unprecedented privacy protection. An intuitive approach to privacy protection is anonymization, where users’ names, phone numbers, IDs, etc., are processed anonymously, becoming a string of characters that cannot be reverse-calculated, while only meaningful data for analysis is retained. For example, zero-knowledge proof technology allows verification of data authenticity without disclosing data content; homomorphic encryption technology enables direct computation and processing of data in encrypted states. Through these technologies, even during data sharing and transactions, user privacy can be well protected. Data can circulate securely between different entities without worrying about privacy breaches.
Finally, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem demonstrates unprecedented openness and inclusivity. Data barriers between different entities are broken down, allowing data to freely circulate and exchange on a larger scale. This will greatly promote the optimal allocation of data elements, stimulating more innovative applications and services based on data. At the same time, openness also implies the possibility of more value creation. Anyone can derive new business models and service scenarios based on shared data.
This is the essence of the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem. INTO embarks on the journey of building a new Web3 big data ecosystem based on profound insights into this essence, innovating with technology and mechanisms, reshaping data production relationships, empowering every data entity, and ensuring that the value of data benefits all participants.

Return of Data Value: INTO Leads the Way in Web3 Big Data Innovation
INTO, a trailblazing project in the Web3 space, is forging a novel path in the creation of the Web3 big data ecosystem with a blend of technological advancements and innovative approaches. This strategy can be encapsulated by a “four-in-one” model: consisting of on-chain data, smart distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback. These four aspects are interwoven, supporting and enhancing each other to embody INTO’s comprehensive vision for establishing a robust Web3 big data ecosystem.
Firstly, INTO utilizes blockchain technology to achieve “on-chain data,” providing decentralized infrastructure for the big data ecosystem. In the INTO ecosystem, each user’s data is encrypted and stored on the blockchain, forming a distributed database. The immutability and distributed recording of the blockchain ensure the security and reliability of data storage. Moreover, on-chain data also implies the confirmation of data ownership. Each piece of data is bound to the user’s digital identity, thus achieving native protection of data ownership.
On-chain data lays a solid technological foundation for the Web3 big data ecosystem. Building on this foundation, INTO further enhances the efficiency of data circulation and utilization through the “smart distribution” mechanism. Smart distribution refers to the use of smart contracts and token incentives to achieve intelligent matching and automatic trading of data among different entities.
Specifically, data demanders can express their data needs by deploying smart contracts and attaching corresponding token rewards. Data suppliers, on the other hand, can choose suitable contracts to provide data based on their own data resources and preferences. The entire process is executed automatically by smart contracts, ensuring the efficiency and fairness of data transactions. Meanwhile, token incentives also stimulate the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in data circulation, unlocking greater value in societal collaboration.
Of course, the premise of data sharing and trading is privacy security. INTO fully leverages various privacy computing technologies to construct a solid “privacy protection” barrier. For example, INTO adopts technologies such as differential privacy and secure multi-party computation to achieve data fusion and analysis across organizations while protecting the original data from leakage. Even in the process of sharing data, users’ privacy remains intact.
Lastly, INTO has implemented a thoughtfully crafted “value feedback” mechanism that redirects the value generated by data back to the users, ensuring a fair distribution of data dividends. Within the INTO ecosystem, users are not only granted full ownership of their personal data but also stand to gain financial benefits through various means such as data authorization and data staking in the future. This ecosystem empowers users with both complete control over their data and the opportunity to reap the real-world value it generates, actualizing the tangible value of data ownership and its associated benefits.
INTO’s approach to big data represents a deep reassessment of traditional data production dynamics and a visionary investigation into the evolution of the digital economy. As INTO continues to grow and refine its offerings, it is expected to play a significant role in constructing a digital society that is equitable, open, and transparent, ultimately contributing to a more promising digital future for all.

[>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture
📃 New Whitepaper V2 Launch 📃 We are excited to finally launch our brand new whitepaper & showcase all the amazing products we have been building in one place. Here are the highlights: 🔹 New Features SocialFi update 🔹 Introduce Key/Vote 🔹 Mar3 point update 🔹 Social to earn model update 🔹 Token utility update Mar3 Whitepaper V2 is out as well, packed with exciting updates & token utilities 🔥 #Mar3 #Mar3.Ai #socialfi
📃 New Whitepaper V2 Launch 📃

We are excited to finally launch our brand new whitepaper & showcase all the amazing products we have been building in one place.

Here are the highlights:
🔹 New Features SocialFi update
🔹 Introduce Key/Vote
🔹 Mar3 point update
🔹 Social to earn model update
🔹 Token utility update

Mar3 Whitepaper V2 is out as well, packed with exciting updates & token utilities 🔥

#Mar3 #Mar3.Ai #socialfi
TADA announces new partnership with Moseiki 🎉 Moseiki, a Web3 Social Media platform, has been empowered by Erkan Gül, a prominent figure in the Turkish crypto ecosystem. Users enjoy ownership of their content, thanks to his funding and support. #Moseiki #socialfi
TADA announces new partnership with Moseiki 🎉

Moseiki, a Web3 Social Media platform, has been empowered by Erkan Gül, a prominent figure in the Turkish crypto ecosystem. Users enjoy ownership of their content, thanks to his funding and support.

#Moseiki #socialfi
Post.Tech Explained: How Does it Work? Post.Tech is a SocialFi/DeFi platform that offers a mix of social media and financial opportunities for users. The platform allows users to tokenize their profiles and posts, buy and sell shares of social profiles, and engage in rewarding activities through an airdrop campaign. It is the latest adversary to DeFi platform’s everything you need to know about the new and rapidly growing SocialFi/DeFi platform Post.Tech, explaining what it is and how it works.Sam Bankman-Fried Found Guilty on All Fraud...Post.Tech Explained: What is it?Post.Tech is a new platform and competitor to Friend.Tech in the SocialFi space. It blends elements of social networking with decentralized finance (DeFi). In doing this, it offers users social and financial opportunities with solid rewards.The platform is on the Arbitrum network. It features an array of innovative functions such as allowing users to buy and sell shares of social profiles, engage in private channel discussions, and even tease the concept of making individual posts tradable assets. Post.Tech’s growth recently comes from its interactive elements that can be fruitful for users in terms of reward.How does the Platform work?After signing up for Post.Tech, you can “tokenize” your profile, allowing others to buy and sell shares based on their future worth. You can also tokenize individual posts that gain popularity, adding a financial angle to your social interactions. The platform includes private discussion channels as well, offering a monetary award for social interaction.t and expand the platform’s community. The process is structured around a points system. This system rewards users for various activities on both the Post.Tech platform and Twitter.Earn Points: Users can earn points by creating posts, replying to existing posts, inviting friends to the platform, and trading profile shares.Point Calculations: After each activity period, known as an epoch, the points users have earned are tallied up.Token Calculations: When the campaign comes to an end, these points are used to calculate the number of Post.Tech tokens each user is entitled to.Claim Tokens: Users can then claim their earned tokens, making the points they’ve gathered turn into a tangible asset.Campaign Impact: The campaign aims to drive user growth and engagement. It also manages challenges like bot activity to maintain the platform’s integrity.By participating in the campaign, users not only get to explore Post.Tech’s unique features. They also have the opportunity to earn tokens, making it a win-win for both the platform and its community.#socialfi #dyor

Post.Tech Explained: How Does it Work?

Post.Tech is a SocialFi/DeFi platform that offers a mix of social media and financial opportunities for users. The platform allows users to tokenize their profiles and posts, buy and sell shares of social profiles, and engage in rewarding activities through an airdrop campaign. It is the latest adversary to DeFi platform’s everything you need to know about the new and rapidly growing SocialFi/DeFi platform Post.Tech, explaining what it is and how it works.Sam Bankman-Fried Found Guilty on All Fraud...Post.Tech Explained: What is it?Post.Tech is a new platform and competitor to Friend.Tech in the SocialFi space. It blends elements of social networking with decentralized finance (DeFi). In doing this, it offers users social and financial opportunities with solid rewards.The platform is on the Arbitrum network. It features an array of innovative functions such as allowing users to buy and sell shares of social profiles, engage in private channel discussions, and even tease the concept of making individual posts tradable assets. Post.Tech’s growth recently comes from its interactive elements that can be fruitful for users in terms of reward.How does the Platform work?After signing up for Post.Tech, you can “tokenize” your profile, allowing others to buy and sell shares based on their future worth. You can also tokenize individual posts that gain popularity, adding a financial angle to your social interactions. The platform includes private discussion channels as well, offering a monetary award for social interaction.t and expand the platform’s community. The process is structured around a points system. This system rewards users for various activities on both the Post.Tech platform and Twitter.Earn Points: Users can earn points by creating posts, replying to existing posts, inviting friends to the platform, and trading profile shares.Point Calculations: After each activity period, known as an epoch, the points users have earned are tallied up.Token Calculations: When the campaign comes to an end, these points are used to calculate the number of Post.Tech tokens each user is entitled to.Claim Tokens: Users can then claim their earned tokens, making the points they’ve gathered turn into a tangible asset.Campaign Impact: The campaign aims to drive user growth and engagement. It also manages challenges like bot activity to maintain the platform’s integrity.By participating in the campaign, users not only get to explore Post.Tech’s unique features. They also have the opportunity to earn tokens, making it a win-win for both the platform and its community.#socialfi #dyor
#socialfi will bring in more crypto adoption than #GameFi You might want to know the reason behind this statement. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ So yeah, it's because everybody uses social media, but we can't say the same for games. 👍🏽😅 Late GM today. By the way, happy Taco Tuesday💜!
#socialfi will bring in more crypto adoption than #GameFi

You might want to know the reason behind this statement.

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

So yeah, it's because everybody uses social media, but we can't say the same for games. 👍🏽😅

Late GM today. By the way, happy Taco Tuesday💜!
⚡TOP 10 #socialfi dApps by Users Activity (30d) (22 May 2023) Let's take a look at the top 10 social-fi #Dapps , based on users' activity over the past 30 days, according to the DappRadar. #GAL #HOOK #ID $GAL $HOOK $CYBER $ID
⚡TOP 10 #socialfi dApps by Users Activity (30d) (22 May 2023)

Let's take a look at the top 10 social-fi #Dapps , based on users' activity over the past 30 days, according to the DappRadar.

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