Binance Square
80 Posts
♟ Может ли пешка стать ферзем… или нет, в мире криптовалют? В последние 10 лет рынок крипто-активов и блокчейна значительно развился. Мы были свидетелями сильного роста цен на крипто-активы, огромного количества банкротств, массы мошенников, скама и множества других интересных явлений. Чтобы глубже понять основную мысль моей статьи, я хотел бы кратко остановиться на истории криптовалют, их быстром становлении и приходе современных финансовых консультантов из Instagram, которые, не имея опыта, обладают пониманием того, как правильно себя продвигать и позиционировать как опытных трейдеров. Процесс появления любой технологии всегда сопровождается похожими тенденциями: запуск технологии — период повышенных ожиданий (рост крипты) — впадина разочарования (падение крипты до 15 000) — долгий склон просветления — плато продуктивности. Из этих тенденций можно сделать простой житейский вывод, который заключается в том, что после первого роста в период завышенных ожиданий, привлекший на данный рынок огромное количество скам-проектов и профессиональных блогеров-консультантов в поисках легких денег, про крипту говорили даже домохозяйки и водители такси. Большинство из них были подписаны на известных блогеров, ничего не понимающих в инвестициях и фондовом рынке. Для них эти блогеры стали своего рода финансовыми гуру, которых они слушали. А что же профессионалы после первого роста крипты? Под профессионалами я понимаю опытных сотрудников инвест-департаментов больших компаний или портфельных управляющих, знающих фондовый рынок не понаслышке и работающих с клиентами. Я тогда работал в одной крупной инвестиционной компании и обсуждал криптовалюты с портфельными управляющими после ее первого роста до 60 000 долларов за биткоин ($BTC ). Многие из них говорили, что это скам и хайп, и в этих технологиях нет ничего хорошего на долгосрочную перспективу. Тогда я с ними соглашался. После первого роста появилось огромное количество непрофессиональных финансовых советников (блогеров из Instagram), которых, с вашего позволения, я назову "пешками". Рынок этих "пешек" стал большим, деньги крутились гигантские, и профессионалы в него не шли. После долгого падения рынка до 15 000 долларов за биткоин многих из них "смыло отливом", и мы увидели, кто из них "купался без трусов"— это известная поговорка Баффета. Рынок пережил период стагнации, который стал впадиной разочарований. Этот критический момент для криптовалюты предвестил начало фундаментальных изменений в данной области: внедрение ETF, разбирательства с Binance, ужесточение риторики SEC и многое другое. Все эти события оказали максимально позитивное влияние на крипту и показали, что у этой технологии есть большое будущее. Сейчас на рынок начали приходить настоящие профессионалы своего дела — тяжелые фигуры на шахматной доске: ладьи, кони, слоны, короли и ферзи. А пешки в лице многих финансовых консультантов из Инстаграмм так и остались пешками. Я думаю что каждый читатель торгующий крипту, сталкивался с данными профессионалами и вспомнит ситуацию, когда он получил  от них убытки. Но данная логика полностью вписывается в процесс развития технологий. И станет ли пешка в лице блогеров в один ряд с ферзями только покажет время. Пешка в ферзя может превратиться, но такие случаи будут редкими. Сейчас можно сделать вывод один. На крипторынок пришли профессионалы и места пешкам за шахматной доской больше не будет. Но хочу отметить, что профессионалам стоит поучиться у блогеров как правильно нужно делать пиар и привлекать к себе новую аудиторию. Большинство современных профессионалов слишком консервативные и молодое поколение их не понимает.  Они умные, но не умеют правильно делать маркетинг. А маркетинг это наше все на начальном этапе. Станет ли пешка ферзем, только покажет время! ♟ #trading #smartmoney #binance #Bitcoin #etf

♟ Может ли пешка стать ферзем… или нет, в мире криптовалют?

В последние 10 лет рынок крипто-активов и блокчейна значительно развился. Мы были свидетелями сильного роста цен на крипто-активы, огромного количества банкротств, массы мошенников, скама и множества других интересных явлений. Чтобы глубже понять основную мысль моей статьи, я хотел бы кратко остановиться на истории криптовалют, их быстром становлении и приходе современных финансовых консультантов из Instagram, которые, не имея опыта, обладают пониманием того, как правильно себя продвигать и позиционировать как опытных трейдеров.
Процесс появления любой технологии всегда сопровождается похожими тенденциями: запуск технологии — период повышенных ожиданий (рост крипты) — впадина разочарования (падение крипты до 15 000) — долгий склон просветления — плато продуктивности. Из этих тенденций можно сделать простой житейский вывод, который заключается в том, что после первого роста в период завышенных ожиданий, привлекший на данный рынок огромное количество скам-проектов и профессиональных блогеров-консультантов в поисках легких денег, про крипту говорили даже домохозяйки и водители такси. Большинство из них были подписаны на известных блогеров, ничего не понимающих в инвестициях и фондовом рынке. Для них эти блогеры стали своего рода финансовыми гуру, которых они слушали.
А что же профессионалы после первого роста крипты? Под профессионалами я понимаю опытных сотрудников инвест-департаментов больших компаний или портфельных управляющих, знающих фондовый рынок не понаслышке и работающих с клиентами. Я тогда работал в одной крупной инвестиционной компании и обсуждал криптовалюты с портфельными управляющими после ее первого роста до 60 000 долларов за биткоин ($BTC ). Многие из них говорили, что это скам и хайп, и в этих технологиях нет ничего хорошего на долгосрочную перспективу. Тогда я с ними соглашался. После первого роста появилось огромное количество непрофессиональных финансовых советников (блогеров из Instagram), которых, с вашего позволения, я назову "пешками". Рынок этих "пешек" стал большим, деньги крутились гигантские, и профессионалы в него не шли. После долгого падения рынка до 15 000 долларов за биткоин многих из них "смыло отливом", и мы увидели, кто из них "купался без трусов"— это известная поговорка Баффета. Рынок пережил период стагнации, который стал впадиной разочарований. Этот критический момент для криптовалюты предвестил начало фундаментальных изменений в данной области: внедрение ETF, разбирательства с Binance, ужесточение риторики SEC и многое другое. Все эти события оказали максимально позитивное влияние на крипту и показали, что у этой технологии есть большое будущее. Сейчас на рынок начали приходить настоящие профессионалы своего дела — тяжелые фигуры на шахматной доске: ладьи, кони, слоны, короли и ферзи. А пешки в лице многих финансовых консультантов из Инстаграмм так и остались пешками.
Я думаю что каждый читатель торгующий крипту, сталкивался с данными профессионалами и вспомнит ситуацию, когда он получил  от них убытки. Но данная логика полностью вписывается в процесс развития технологий. И станет ли пешка в лице блогеров в один ряд с ферзями только покажет время. Пешка в ферзя может превратиться, но такие случаи будут редкими.
Сейчас можно сделать вывод один. На крипторынок пришли профессионалы и места пешкам за шахматной доской больше не будет. Но хочу отметить, что профессионалам стоит поучиться у блогеров как правильно нужно делать пиар и привлекать к себе новую аудиторию. Большинство современных профессионалов слишком консервативные и молодое поколение их не понимает.  Они умные, но не умеют правильно делать маркетинг. А маркетинг это наше все на начальном этапе. Станет ли пешка ферзем, только покажет время! ♟
#trading #smartmoney #binance #Bitcoin #etf
Hackers Exploit #PolyNetwork Stealing Tokens Worth 403 ETH The #smartmoney on-chain analytical tool #Lookonchain has informed the #cryptocurrency community that there is a chance PolyNetwork will be attacked. Lookonchain claims that sales of 94 billion SHIB for 360 ETH, 495 million COOK for 16 $ETH , and 15 million RFuel for 27 ETH were among several unusual transactions.
Hackers Exploit #PolyNetwork Stealing Tokens Worth 403 ETH

The #smartmoney on-chain analytical tool #Lookonchain has informed the #cryptocurrency community that there is a chance PolyNetwork will be attacked. Lookonchain claims that sales of 94 billion SHIB for 360 ETH, 495 million COOK for 16 $ETH , and 15 million RFuel for 27 ETH were among several unusual transactions.
The logic of price delivery from point A to point B always consists of five stages: consolidation, where the main set of positions occurs; manipulations where liquidity is collected and extra passengers are dropped off; initiations, where intention is shown; test old positions; and continuation - as a result of the above actions. With an understanding of this knowledge, you will never trade against smart money. This works in all markets. Every day. #trading #smartmoney #cryptotrading
The logic of price delivery from point A to point B always consists of five stages:

consolidation, where the main set of positions occurs;

manipulations where liquidity is collected and extra passengers are dropped off;

initiations, where intention is shown;

test old positions;

and continuation - as a result of the above actions.

With an understanding of this knowledge, you will never trade against smart money.

This works in all markets. Every day.

#trading #smartmoney #cryptotrading
Добрейшего утра, коллеги! TON - прямо сейчас можно и пофиксить (фьючерс), если есть что... $BTC - в локальной шортовой структуре. $BNB - остается слабее всех, в глубоком откате, после теста Daily FVG. #smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
Добрейшего утра, коллеги!

TON - прямо сейчас можно и пофиксить (фьючерс), если есть что...

$BTC - в локальной шортовой структуре.

$BNB - остается слабее всех, в глубоком откате, после теста Daily FVG.

#smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
👉 $BNB - pls take a seat... Carefully look at the board. Look and meditate until you see the element for exit... And what a sweet attack... 👉 $ETH is in a short structure on the daily chart. Checked mitigated blocks and FVG. In such a setup, this step-up looks good for long positions. But it will become a long position when there are tests of the upper FVG and the formation of local long structures on the 1-hour and lower timeframes thereafter. Overall, everything is ready to break this short structure. #BullorBear #smartmoney #balancerocrypto #ETH #BNB
👉 $BNB - pls take a seat...

Carefully look at the board. Look and meditate until you see the element for exit...
And what a sweet attack...

👉 $ETH is in a short structure on the daily chart. Checked mitigated blocks and FVG. In such a setup, this step-up looks good for long positions. But it will become a long position when there are tests of the upper FVG and the formation of local long structures on the 1-hour and lower timeframes thereafter.
Overall, everything is ready to break this short structure.

#BullorBear #smartmoney #balancerocrypto #ETH #BNB
$ETH - A clear example of how further OB and their 50% are worked out... Next, there will be a zone of daily FVG. 👉 Pls note that it's necessary to close partially. And prior to close or close partially, you needed to add a little more and increase your position. Well, of course, you can buy randomly, withstand an 80% pullback, and exit in 2 years. You don’t really want that unless you are a long-term ETF investor! 😃 #BullorBear #ETH #smartmoney #balancerocrypto #etf
$ETH - A clear example of how further OB and their 50% are worked out... Next, there will be a zone of daily FVG.
👉 Pls note that it's necessary to close partially. And prior to close or close partially, you needed to add a little more and increase your position. Well, of course, you can buy randomly, withstand an 80% pullback, and exit in 2 years. You don’t really want that unless you are a long-term ETF investor! 😃

#BullorBear #ETH #smartmoney #balancerocrypto #etf
11 hours ago, Fresh Whale 0x425 deposited 387.7K ($4.3M) to at $11.09, earning $1.96M (84%) profit.Notably, this token amount was accumulated at the dip of $6.01.Moreover, our @0xNerdBot also noticed that Smart Money started selling ($-91K in last 24H).
11 hours ago, Fresh Whale 0x425 deposited 387.7K ($4.3M) to at $11.09, earning $1.96M (84%) profit.Notably, this token amount was accumulated at the dip of $6.01.Moreover, our @0xNerdBot also noticed that Smart Money started selling ($-91K in last 24H).
$BNB IDM OB впитал в себя весь страх Цена зажата в 50% дейли FVG и может давать волатильные тени в обе стороны! #smartmoney #trading
$BNB IDM OB впитал в себя весь страх
Цена зажата в 50% дейли FVG и может давать волатильные тени в обе стороны!

#smartmoney #trading
Community is interested in the newly launched $ENA . ENA is basically a tokenization of the hedge-fund performance - over 2 bln AUM with a 37% yield. An intriguing tool that could play a significant role in DeFi! Currently, the first comprehensive short structure has been formed. A rollback to 1.2-1.1 is suggested. #ENA #smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
Community is interested in the newly launched $ENA . ENA is basically a tokenization of the hedge-fund performance - over 2 bln AUM with a 37% yield. An intriguing tool that could play a significant role in DeFi!

Currently, the first comprehensive short structure has been formed. A rollback to 1.2-1.1 is suggested.

#ENA #smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
👉 TON once again convincingly reminded us that greed and incompetence are punishable. Past circles were successful, let's continue this tradition. Patience and waiting were rewarded. First in long, then in short. Well, even if you weren't ready to short, you had to exit upon confirmation of the short structure, why? That's right, to buy back lower. True, buying back at 5 wouldn't be wise; we wouldn't do it, and we don't advise you to, because where there's 5, there's also 3, and it might crack even the strongest nuts... We'd like TON to be cheaper and closer to 5 (as per the 15min chart), but if the short structures are broken, we'll see 8 before 5! #TON #smartmoney #bullorbear #balancerocrypto
👉 TON once again convincingly reminded us that greed and incompetence are punishable. Past circles were successful, let's continue this tradition. Patience and waiting were rewarded. First in long, then in short. Well, even if you weren't ready to short, you had to exit upon confirmation of the short structure, why?

That's right, to buy back lower. True, buying back at 5 wouldn't be wise; we wouldn't do it, and we don't advise you to, because where there's 5, there's also 3, and it might crack even the strongest nuts... We'd like TON to be cheaper and closer to 5 (as per the 15min chart), but if the short structures are broken, we'll see 8 before 5!

#TON #smartmoney #bullorbear #balancerocrypto
👉 $BTC market update: It’s been a lively week... While everyone was resting and expecting a hype due to the ETF news from HK regulator, slow clients were brought to "discomfort levels." Remember predicting 66? High Precision, as we say in our tribe. Sunday saw a retreat but maintained the short structure entirely! They tempted us into long positions in so many ways. Everything looked so beautiful and convincing. But at key points, they stopped and poured without sentiment. Attack patterns once again proved their mega-effectiveness. It's not a very comfortable trading zone right now. There are no long structures. And short positions are "not really interesting" anymore. Short-term targets, in the form of local lows, have been met, and the "green mile" may begin again. The algorithm is currently set for deep tests of extreme blocks. Therefore, even if you receive a ready structure, don't rush to load up. Make sure the distant block is checked, and then you can go all-in. #btc #BullorBear #smartmoney #balancerocrypto #etf
👉 $BTC market update:

It’s been a lively week... While everyone was resting and expecting a hype due to the ETF news from HK regulator, slow clients were brought to "discomfort levels." Remember predicting 66? High Precision, as we say in our tribe.

Sunday saw a retreat but maintained the short structure entirely! They tempted us into long positions in so many ways. Everything looked so beautiful and convincing. But at key points, they stopped and poured without sentiment. Attack patterns once again proved their mega-effectiveness.
It's not a very comfortable trading zone right now. There are no long structures. And short positions are "not really interesting" anymore. Short-term targets, in the form of local lows, have been met, and the "green mile" may begin again.

The algorithm is currently set for deep tests of extreme blocks. Therefore, even if you receive a ready structure, don't rush to load up. Make sure the distant block is checked, and then you can go all-in.

#btc #BullorBear #smartmoney #balancerocrypto #etf
Today I hinted the key word was “short”😉 Let's talk about the main thing in trading. While you are in position, your virtual Profit is NOT YOURS. It’s not in your pocket! It will become yours when you close part or all of the position you are in. When I first started trading, they were constantly telling me “take your money from the table.” This is why scalpers are the most profitable and stable guys. Although their profits alike a check from the discounter or a grocery store. Nevertheless they take the profit little by little but many times, every day.. Otherwise, the “trader game” can turn into a “long-term investor” or the never-ending game. #smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
Today I hinted the key word was “short”😉

Let's talk about the main thing in trading. While you are in position, your virtual Profit is NOT YOURS. It’s not in your pocket!
It will become yours when you close part or all of the position you are in.
When I first started trading, they were constantly telling me “take your money from the table.” This is why scalpers are the most profitable and stable guys. Although their profits alike a check from the discounter or a grocery store. Nevertheless they take the profit little by little but many times, every day..
Otherwise, the “trader game” can turn into a “long-term investor” or the never-ending game.

#smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
$BNB is looking good! It did everything just neatly... Double Structure Market Shift with a deep pullback into the block and … “goodbye”! BNB follows the index with some lag, but it forms structures in advance of significant movements! Keep an eye on it, it can indicate when $BTC is unclear. And look how precisely it checked the order block at the top. But it didn't hit the high. This can be interpreted in different ways: Either tge high was left for a dessert. Or it was paused, hinting at a short. It's not clear yet. But if you were in longs, you simply must take the profit. At least partially in these areas without waiting for the high to be hit. It's best to split the exit into 3 parts: 1) the first exit at the furthest FVG. 2) then, the lower edge of the order block, and 3) the rest of the position should be closed at the high. That’s how it works! #smartmoney #trading #balancero #bnb
$BNB is looking good!
It did everything just neatly... Double Structure Market Shift with a deep pullback into the block and … “goodbye”!
BNB follows the index with some lag, but it forms structures in advance of significant movements! Keep an eye on it, it can indicate when $BTC is unclear.

And look how precisely it checked the order block at the top. But it didn't hit the high. This can be interpreted in different ways: Either tge high was left for a dessert. Or it was paused, hinting at a short. It's not clear yet.
But if you were in longs, you simply must take the profit. At least partially in these areas without waiting for the high to be hit.

It's best to split the exit into 3 parts:
1) the first exit at the furthest FVG.
2) then, the lower edge of the order block, and
3) the rest of the position should be closed at the high.
That’s how it works!

#smartmoney #trading #balancero #bnb
$BNB ... Do we even need comments here? The market is pulling back. $BTC remains in a short structure and hasn't even set up a long trap. TON is taking a break after a rally, entering a range. We want to see $BTC break below 64, then JudaSwing to the highs from there. But these are just wet dreams... #BullorBear #smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
$BNB ... Do we even need comments here?

The market is pulling back. $BTC remains in a short structure and hasn't even set up a long trap.

TON is taking a break after a rally, entering a range.

We want to see $BTC break below 64, then JudaSwing to the highs from there. But these are just wet dreams...

#BullorBear #smartmoney #trading #balancerocrypto
PEPE attracts investments worth $2 million from smart money investors.A 30% increase in PEPE comes after investments from addresses identified as "smart money," according to data from research firm Nansen. Accumulation of PEPE at intelligent money addresses Intelligent money addresses have accumulated meme coins PEPE over the past seven days. According to Nansen's data, the number of wallets marked as smart money addresses has stabilized at 131, but their holdings have increased by $1.8 billion over the last week, representing over $2 million. During this period, PEPE recorded a 30% price increase. Wintermute Trading Wallet Nansen identifies the Wintermute trading wallet as an address that has accumulated $1.8 million in the last seven days. Their influx of PEPE is even larger when considering the last 30 days, during which nearly $2.8 million has come from this trading wallet. Address 0xc09 and Smart Dex Trader An address starting with 0xc09 shows the second-largest increase in the last seven days, having gained over $200,000 in PEPE from February 13th to February 15th. This wallet is labeled as "90D Smart Dex Trader," indicating traders with the highest realized profits in the last 90 days. Profitable Trader with Significant PEPE Purchase Another wallet, identified as a profitable trader for the last 30 days, made a significant purchase of over $92,000 in PEPE in the last 48 hours. Considering that both traders have been profitable in the past and with a 30% price increase over seven days, this suggests they could be on the right track or optimizing their investments. $PEPE #PEPE #smartmoney Notice: ,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“  

PEPE attracts investments worth $2 million from smart money investors.

A 30% increase in PEPE comes after investments from addresses identified as "smart money," according to data from research firm Nansen.
Accumulation of PEPE at intelligent money addresses
Intelligent money addresses have accumulated meme coins PEPE over the past seven days. According to Nansen's data, the number of wallets marked as smart money addresses has stabilized at 131, but their holdings have increased by $1.8 billion over the last week, representing over $2 million. During this period, PEPE recorded a 30% price increase.

Wintermute Trading Wallet
Nansen identifies the Wintermute trading wallet as an address that has accumulated $1.8 million in the last seven days. Their influx of PEPE is even larger when considering the last 30 days, during which nearly $2.8 million has come from this trading wallet.
Address 0xc09 and Smart Dex Trader
An address starting with 0xc09 shows the second-largest increase in the last seven days, having gained over $200,000 in PEPE from February 13th to February 15th. This wallet is labeled as "90D Smart Dex Trader," indicating traders with the highest realized profits in the last 90 days.
Profitable Trader with Significant PEPE Purchase
Another wallet, identified as a profitable trader for the last 30 days, made a significant purchase of over $92,000 in PEPE in the last 48 hours. Considering that both traders have been profitable in the past and with a 30% price increase over seven days, this suggests they could be on the right track or optimizing their investments.
#PEPE #smartmoney

,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“

👉 We hope you got our post regarding #TON seriously and bought into the long position closer to 5 within the pullback. $TON has been trading according to the classic scenario. We're currently sitting at 6.07 and, of course, will partially be closing it a bit 😅 #TON #smartmoney #BullorBear #balancerocrypto
👉 We hope you got our post regarding #TON seriously and bought into the long position closer to 5 within the pullback.
$TON has been trading according to the classic scenario. We're currently sitting at 6.07 and, of course, will partially be closing it a bit 😅

#TON #smartmoney #BullorBear #balancerocrypto
Context takes top priority. It's the global sum of all factors. It's the essence! Among all elements of context, it is the structure that holds the highest priority. Within the structure, algorithms can produce all sorts of nonsense, as happened with #TON yesterday. But the structure prevailed over all. Among patterns, the strongest, in our opinion, are attacks. Study the market, record and analyze observations. Compare. This is not smth you can read in books. We've gathered our experience over years. It took a year of practice for each element of trading. And we had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for it all. But it was worth it... #smartmoney #TON #balancerocrypto
Context takes top priority. It's the global sum of all factors. It's the essence!
Among all elements of context, it is the structure that holds the highest priority. Within the structure, algorithms can produce all sorts of nonsense, as happened with #TON yesterday. But the structure prevailed over all.
Among patterns, the strongest, in our opinion, are attacks.
Study the market, record and analyze observations. Compare. This is not smth you can read in books. We've gathered our experience over years. It took a year of practice for each element of trading. And we had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for it all. But it was worth it...

#smartmoney #TON #balancerocrypto
TON graph - Find 10 differences.... The algorithm repeats itself time after time. I constantly experience déjà vu when it executes maneuvers exactly like a quarter or a year ago. Anyone in the market every day has probably encountered this. There are “twin” days, where even the candle sequence is identical. And now, advocates of the free market - you better tell us about it. We made this all up… Yeah right (lol)! «TONy» (TON) was no exception. See these circles? Very similar, right? As mentioned earlier, TON is rushing ahead of Mr. Durov. A gift for the King! Be prepared to unload! Especially if they push it higher on insane volatility. ❗️And another thing: it's always better to exit and re-enter than to hold and give away 25-50% of the entire move. You gotta 1) exit, 2) check the situation, 3) come back on the pullback with a discount. Repeat these steps endlessly. #smartmoney #trading #TON #balancerocrypto
TON graph - Find 10 differences....
The algorithm repeats itself time after time. I constantly experience déjà vu when it executes maneuvers exactly like a quarter or a year ago. Anyone in the market every day has probably encountered this. There are “twin” days, where even the candle sequence is identical. And now, advocates of the free market - you better tell us about it. We made this all up… Yeah right (lol)!

«TONy» (TON) was no exception. See these circles? Very similar, right? As mentioned earlier, TON is rushing ahead of Mr. Durov. A gift for the King! Be prepared to unload! Especially if they push it higher on insane volatility.

❗️And another thing: it's always better to exit and re-enter than to hold and give away 25-50% of the entire move. You gotta 1) exit, 2) check the situation, 3) come back on the pullback with a discount. Repeat these steps endlessly.

#smartmoney #trading #TON #balancerocrypto
🧨 $ENA (out of the position) $PEPE (sell) $BOME (forming long) market updates: ENA hit 0.80. We’ve closed the short and leaving ENA alone for now. Yes, it convincingly moves away from longs OB but the movements are short-lived and everything could come to a halt. There's nothing interesting in it for now. ( 👉 see graph 1) PEPE: With the emergence of crypto, we reconfirmed that there is no fundamental analysis. After all, crypto has no balance sheets, no EBITDA, no "Book," no P/E, and all that metric to sell "structured products" to clients. 😂 PEPE outsmarted all these clever folks 😄 800 unloading zone. After all, at the top, there's a strong structure of short OB and swept IDM. Tough traders and OGs might even look for shorts. Pls notice the reversal from the parity zone of the previous attack and the repeated attack, which is the zone that kicked it flying to the sky... 👉(see graph 2) BOME: Testing the attack's parity. The first breakdown was successful... Another re-low and will be good! Otherwise, in this meme coin, only a few short traders and beneficiaries will laugh. 👉 (see graph 3) #ENA #PEPE #BOME #smartmoney #balancerocrypto
🧨 $ENA (out of the position) $PEPE (sell) $BOME (forming long) market updates:

ENA hit 0.80. We’ve closed the short and leaving ENA alone for now. Yes, it convincingly moves away from longs OB but the movements are short-lived and everything could come to a halt. There's nothing interesting in it for now.
( 👉 see graph 1)

PEPE: With the emergence of crypto, we reconfirmed that there is no fundamental analysis. After all, crypto has no balance sheets, no EBITDA, no "Book," no P/E, and all that metric to sell "structured products" to clients. 😂

PEPE outsmarted all these clever folks 😄

800 unloading zone. After all, at the top, there's a strong structure of short OB and swept IDM. Tough traders and OGs might even look for shorts.
Pls notice the reversal from the parity zone of the previous attack and the repeated attack, which is the zone that kicked it flying to the sky... 👉(see graph 2)

BOME: Testing the attack's parity. The first breakdown was successful... Another re-low and will be good! Otherwise, in this meme coin, only a few short traders and beneficiaries will laugh. 👉 (see graph 3)

#ENA #PEPE #BOME #smartmoney #balancerocrypto
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