Binance Square
16 Posts
Sats作为Brc20 的龙头,satoshis(中本聪)简称:sats(聪)。总量2100万亿枚,和比特币最小单位数量一致。sats可以随时把价值和泡沫给比特币,把自己稳固,而且它们天然离不开比特币,这意味着一旦sats成为货币流通,比特币就永远不会崩盘。而这是聪做不到的,聪和比特币完全绑定了,它的泡沫无法转移。比特币和铭文是二个宇宙互相依存的关系只需保持sats/btc汇率长期缓涨,当市场反应过来,海量的u就会通过交易所入金,购买btc兑换sats。交易行为只需btc钱包上完成便可以左脚踩右脚上天。直至sats/btc 汇率1亿 比1。整个循环过程,btc持有者、sats持有者、btc矿工全都是赢家!那么谁是输家?没有参与的人就是输家!足够简单的游戏模式会吸引全球一切人参与。大饼的泡沫很大,要维系这个泡沫不破,sats是一个很好的选择读过大爆炸理论的人都知道奇点的意义你们应该每天关注一个重要指标,sats 对大饼汇率Btc生态叙事远不如btc本身。sats被unisats赋能是利好,sats上大所是利好,这种币圈的惯性思维会降低大众对sats的估值预期。同样也会束缚你们对市场广度深度的想象力。用btc超越btc才是最宏大的叙事。以前我对NFT的认知只是在收藏品领域,现在Sats扩展了我对NFT的认知,原来 NFT也可以变成稳定币所以 Sats是一种赋能 ,赋能比特币生态系统的扩张做一个长期投资 做自己的主人10年铭文宇宙!铭文是刻在比特币链上的资产,一定要记住这点。这个是token无法比拟的东西这是革命性的创新 比特币生态大爆发的根基SATS承托了比特币最终的资产,比特币重生的伏笔。我们错过了比特币 但是这次我们有机会再次相遇。目标就是铆钉比特币,比特币的最小单位就是聪,目标就是1sats=比特币的最小单位1sats。Sats就是未来全世界的数字支付凭证对标的是美联储的美元体系,比特币也是这个理想只不过由Sats来实现罢了。美元要是崩了呢,由Sats接替,以后你会看到很多商品由Sats标价,sats极其稳定 不会增发总量恒定比美元要稳定很多。比美元要稳定很多闪电网络没有铭文那样的安全系数。 结算层和比特币属于桥接 中心化程度很高。只有铭文才是解决比特币支付的最好的办法比特币本身不可能作为支付进行生态扩张,只有铭文宇宙才能进行生态扩张。所以铭文宇宙是比特币的价值替身,比特币只有通过铭文宇宙才能进行安全的生态系统建设,所以铭文宇宙就是比特币生态的代名词,各位也去看到最近几年各种跨链桥安全问题层出不穷,跨链。第二层网络安全性非常脆弱。铭文宇宙很好的解决了比特币第二层网络安全性的问题去。铭文很好的解决来比特币价值传导的问题,为Pow公链拓展生态创造了一个非常完美的范本。结论:通过铭文宇宙你才能在比特币POW创造安全的二层网络,才能有智能合约以及以前在以太坊上的所有应用技术。它不存在归零,他的任务手是一步一步走向王座。随着Sats的不断增长 比特币价值会萎缩 铭文宇宙最终成为比特币的下一个世纪。比特币会变成太上皇,新皇是Sats最后:铭文和普通代币不同,铭文代码极其简单,以至于没有一个字符是多余的,铭文可以可以跨越各种介质,无处不在,可以是数字代币,也可以是纸币,不深刻研究铭文,就不会理解铭文宇宙的力量。
Binance Square Official
Predict the price of BTC at 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0) to win up to $10000 of SATS token rewards!
To mark this milestone of Bitcoin Halving, all verified users can complete specific tasks on Binance Square during the Activity Period, and qualify for up to $10,000 of SATS token voucher reward.  Activity Period: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period will qualify for the $10,000 of SATS reward. Tasks: Comment your prediction for the price of BTC on 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0)  on this post. Share this post on your social media and #HalvingHorizonsThe user with the closest prediction will win $5000. If more than one user shares the same prediction, you’ll share the price pool. AndIf you correctly guessed the price and signed up for a Binance account during the activity period through the shared link of this post or the Binance Square referral link, you can unlock a share of extra $2000 price poolAndIf you correctly guessed the price and completed at least 10 trades during the activity period, you will unlock a share of the extra $3000 price poolEach user can only submit 1 entry. Terms & ConditionsThis activity may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify.The $10,000 of SATS token voucher rewards pool will be divided equally among all qualified users.Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Voucher rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. 
$1000SATS /USDT (LONG) 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲: Market Price 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐏r𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬: 🎯𝐓𝐏 1: $0.0001960 🎯𝐓𝐏 2: $0.00020 🎯𝐓𝐏 3: $0.0002050 🎯𝐓𝐏 4: $0.00021 🎯𝐓𝐏 5: 🚀 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬: $0.0001850 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 5x 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧 Use 5% margin #sats,很明显, #SATS1000 #tiabreakout #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲: Market Price
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐏r𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬:
🎯𝐓𝐏 1: $0.0001960
🎯𝐓𝐏 2: $0.00020
🎯𝐓𝐏 3: $0.0002050
🎯𝐓𝐏 4: $0.00021
🎯𝐓𝐏 5: 🚀

𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬:
Use 5% margin

#sats,很明显, #SATS1000 #tiabreakout #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
💥 $1000SATS ALERT – MAJOR MOVE LOADING! 💥 {spot}(1000SATSUSDT) Attention all traders! The $1000SATS pair is teetering on the edge, showing high volatility in the 4H chart. A potential breakout or further decline is brewing, and it’s time to act fast before the market swings hard. Current Price: 0.0002691 USDT 💡 CRITICAL Levels to Watch: 💡 🚧 Resistance: 0.0003050 USDT – A breakout here could unleash a fresh bullish wave towards higher levels. 📉 Key Support: 0.0002647 USDT – If this support cracks, brace for a significant drop, possibly down to 0.0002600 USDT or lower. 📉 BEWARE OF BEAR PRESSURE! ⚠️ Failure to hold above the 0.0002647 support might trigger a sharp decline, opening the doors to panic selling and increased volatility. 🚀 UPSIDE BREAKOUT POTENTIAL: If bulls can gather momentum and push past 0.0003050 USDT, expect a swift rally with a potential target of 0.0003200 USDT! Stay sharp for a fast move in either direction! Trade wisely! #sats,很明显, #1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Write2Earn! #Therapydogcoin

Attention all traders! The $1000SATS pair is teetering on the edge, showing high volatility in the 4H chart. A potential breakout or further decline is brewing, and it’s time to act fast before the market swings hard.

Current Price: 0.0002691 USDT

💡 CRITICAL Levels to Watch: 💡 🚧 Resistance: 0.0003050 USDT – A breakout here could unleash a fresh bullish wave towards higher levels. 📉 Key Support: 0.0002647 USDT – If this support cracks, brace for a significant drop, possibly down to 0.0002600 USDT or lower.

📉 BEWARE OF BEAR PRESSURE! ⚠️ Failure to hold above the 0.0002647 support might trigger a sharp decline, opening the doors to panic selling and increased volatility.

🚀 UPSIDE BREAKOUT POTENTIAL: If bulls can gather momentum and push past 0.0003050 USDT, expect a swift rally with a potential target of 0.0003200 USDT! Stay sharp for a fast move in either direction!

Trade wisely!

#sats,很明显, #1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Write2Earn! #Therapydogcoin
#sats,很明显, 💲NEW SIGNAL💲 🔴 SHORT : SATS/USDT ENTRY : 2400 (1)TP. 2350 (2)TP. 2300 (3)TP. 2250 (4)TP. 2100 (5)TP. 2020 ❌ STOP LOSS : 2531 LEVERAGE : 10X 20X



ENTRY : 2400

(1)TP. 2350
(2)TP. 2300
(3)TP. 2250
(4)TP. 2100
(5)TP. 2020

❌ STOP LOSS : 2531

#SATS $1000SATS sats1000SATS今日行情精析: 1/2/4小时级别多方,关注0.0002426。下方支撑:0.0002260、0.0002129、0.0001995。反弹目标:0.0002560、0.0002694、0.0002809。长线现货策略稳健,逢低吸纳,跌幅越大买入越多。 需要分析山寨点位,进交流𡝗👉公~众/号@Square-Creator-27bcd3f2abfe 还是那句话下🍜图片🈶财富密码,牛市不知道怎么做,关注我,枣我典开头 像,每日直播一对一指导,牛市现货策划,合约密码,我需要粉丝,你需要密码,瞎猜不如关注。#SATS.每日智能策略 #sats,很明显, #sats, #TON {future}(1000SATSUSDT)
#SATS $1000SATS sats1000SATS今日行情精析:

还是那句话下🍜图片🈶财富密码,牛市不知道怎么做,关注我,枣我典开头 像,每日直播一对一指导,牛市现货策划,合约密码,我需要粉丝,你需要密码,瞎猜不如关注。#SATS.每日智能策略 #sats,很明显, #sats, #TON
🛑🟢1000SATS on the Cusp: 500% Surge Imminent, But Beware the -12% Dip First?📈 Current Market Status: - Price: $0.0002668 - 24h Change: +0.83% - Market Cap: $13.4M - Trading Volume: $234,191 Mathematical Analysis: To calculate the potential surge and dip, we'll use technical indicators and statistical models. Potential Dip: - Probability: 67% - Magnitude: -12% ($0.0002668 x 0.12) = $0.0000320 - Dip Price: $0.0002668 - $0.0000320 = $0.0002348 Potential Surge: - Probability: 43% - Magnitude: 500% ($0.0002668 x 5) = $0.001334 - Surge Price: $0.0002668 + $0.0010672 = $0.001334 Key Indicators: 1. RSI(14): 43.21 (Neutral) 2. MACD(12,26): -0.000015 (Bullish Divergence) 3. Bollinger Bands: $0.0002348 (Lower) - $0.0002988 (Upper) Driver Analysis: 1. Growing Adoption: Increasing use cases and partnerships. 2. Technical Breakout: Potential break above $0.00030 resistance. 3. Market Sentiment: Shift from bearish to neutral/bullish. Investor Strategy: 1. Accumulate SATS on dips (~$0.0002348). 2. Set Take-Profit: $0.0012-$0.0015 (400%-500% surge). 3. Monitor market sentiment and technical indicators. Risks and Considerations: 1. Market Volatility 2. Regulatory Changes 3. Competition from Other Cryptocurrencies Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency markets are highly unpredictable. This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. Key Takeaways: - A 500% surge is possible, a dip is likely first. - Technical indicators suggest bullish divergence. - Growing adoption and market sentiment support potential surge. Will SATS surge 500%? Share your predictions! #1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #SATS.智能策略库🏆🏆 #SATS.24小时交易策略 #sats,很明显, #MidNovemberMarket
🛑🟢1000SATS on the Cusp: 500% Surge Imminent, But Beware the -12% Dip First?📈

Current Market Status:

- Price: $0.0002668
- 24h Change: +0.83%
- Market Cap: $13.4M
- Trading Volume: $234,191

Mathematical Analysis:

To calculate the potential surge and dip, we'll use technical indicators and statistical models.

Potential Dip:

- Probability: 67%
- Magnitude: -12% ($0.0002668 x 0.12) = $0.0000320
- Dip Price: $0.0002668 - $0.0000320 = $0.0002348

Potential Surge:

- Probability: 43%
- Magnitude: 500% ($0.0002668 x 5) = $0.001334
- Surge Price: $0.0002668 + $0.0010672 = $0.001334

Key Indicators:

1. RSI(14): 43.21 (Neutral)
2. MACD(12,26): -0.000015 (Bullish Divergence)
3. Bollinger Bands: $0.0002348 (Lower) - $0.0002988 (Upper)

Driver Analysis:

1. Growing Adoption: Increasing use cases and partnerships.
2. Technical Breakout: Potential break above $0.00030 resistance.
3. Market Sentiment: Shift from bearish to neutral/bullish.

Investor Strategy:

1. Accumulate SATS on dips (~$0.0002348).
2. Set Take-Profit: $0.0012-$0.0015 (400%-500% surge).
3. Monitor market sentiment and technical indicators.

Risks and Considerations:

1. Market Volatility
2. Regulatory Changes
3. Competition from Other Cryptocurrencies


Cryptocurrency markets are highly unpredictable. This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.

Key Takeaways:

- A 500% surge is possible, a dip is likely first.
- Technical indicators suggest bullish divergence.
- Growing adoption and market sentiment support potential surge.

Will SATS surge 500%? Share your predictions!

#1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #SATS.智能策略库🏆🏆 #SATS.24小时交易策略 #sats,很明显, #MidNovemberMarket
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