Binance Square
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medium smooth operater
$FIL in a surprising move. That's a smart entry right there. We're heading towards 7.7 resistance. If you want to be successful in the bull run and in crypto in general. You need to learn to trust projects with good fundamentals, even if the charts say otherwise. How many people have you read trashing good projects just because they don't pump at the time they want? Remember, whenever you see a bleeding chart for a good project. Put your eyes on it. Check the overall market sentiment and if it's positive, analyse and make your entry point. Always do this. True gains are made during bear trends. Don't get wasted on daily charts. Nobody cares about you and everybody wants you to make mistakes so they can take the win I put my eyes on this project when I saw a lot of negative sentiment. Now those same trash talk turned into marketing for the project and gained attraction from investors and traders. You follow me, I will always try to show you opportunities even in challenging market conditions. I keep my eyes on $PYTH as well just see how the chart is looking right now. Dispite the May unlocks the technology fundamentals are strong and more people are filling their bugs. #BTC☀ #pyth #Write2Earn!
$FIL in a surprising move. That's a smart entry right there. We're heading towards 7.7 resistance.

If you want to be successful in the bull run and in crypto in general. You need to learn to trust projects with good fundamentals, even if the charts say otherwise.

How many people have you read trashing good projects just because they don't pump at the time they want?

Remember, whenever you see a bleeding chart for a good project. Put your eyes on it. Check the overall market sentiment and if it's positive, analyse and make your entry point. Always do this. True gains are made during bear trends.

Don't get wasted on daily charts. Nobody cares about you and everybody wants you to make mistakes so they can take the win

I put my eyes on this project when I saw a lot of negative sentiment. Now those same trash talk turned into marketing for the project and gained attraction from investors and traders.

You follow me, I will always try to show you opportunities even in challenging market conditions. I keep my eyes on $PYTH as well just see how the chart is looking right now. Dispite the May unlocks the technology fundamentals are strong and more people are filling their bugs.
#BTC☀ #pyth #Write2Earn!
$PYTH 🚨🚨 Introduction: After a prolonged period of decline, recent market activity suggests the formation of a potential bottom for $PYTH . This analysis delves into the current state of the market, highlighting key indicators and considerations for potential entry points. Key Observations: Golden Needle Bottom Formation: The coin #pyth has experienced a notable bottom at 0.3528, accompanied by a substantial transaction volume of 820 million. This influx of volume indicates significant interest from institutional investors, suggesting a shift in market dynamics. Main Force Accumulation: The observed transaction volume suggests the involvement of large funds, indicating a strategic accumulation phase by market leaders. Resistance Break Attempt: The current price of #pyth stands at 0.49, with attempts to breach resistance levels. While no significant upward surge has occurred yet, the presence of substantial buying interest suggests potential for further upward movement. Reasons for Entry: Institutional Involvement: Large volume transactions indicate institutional participation, signaling a favorable entry opportunity to align with market leaders. Support and Resistance Dynamics: Current market positioning indicates a favorable support and resistance exchange scenario, with limited downside potential. Technical Analysis: Positive indicators from K-line patterns, such as six consecutive daily positive closes and a moderate amplitude, signal strong market control by institutional players. Additionally, the golden fork formation in the 4-hour MACD supports a bullish outlook, indicating strength in the bullish momentum. Conclusion: While the analysis suggests favorable conditions for entry, it's essential to exercise caution and conduct individual analysis before making investment decisions. This report serves as a daily sharing of market insights and does not constitute financial advice. Investors are advised to analyze the market rationally and enter positions with caution. $PYTH 🔥🔥
$PYTH 🚨🚨
Introduction: After a prolonged period of decline, recent market activity suggests the formation of a potential bottom for $PYTH . This analysis delves into the current state of the market, highlighting key indicators and considerations for potential entry points.

Key Observations:

Golden Needle Bottom Formation: The coin #pyth has experienced a notable bottom at 0.3528, accompanied by a substantial transaction volume of 820 million. This influx of volume indicates significant interest from institutional investors, suggesting a shift in market dynamics.

Main Force Accumulation: The observed transaction volume suggests the involvement of large funds, indicating a strategic accumulation phase by market leaders.

Resistance Break Attempt: The current price of #pyth stands at 0.49, with attempts to breach resistance levels. While no significant upward surge has occurred yet, the presence of substantial buying interest suggests potential for further upward movement.

Reasons for Entry:

Institutional Involvement: Large volume transactions indicate institutional participation, signaling a favorable entry opportunity to align with market leaders.

Support and Resistance Dynamics: Current market positioning indicates a favorable support and resistance exchange scenario, with limited downside potential.

Technical Analysis: Positive indicators from K-line patterns, such as six consecutive daily positive closes and a moderate amplitude, signal strong market control by institutional players. Additionally, the golden fork formation in the 4-hour MACD supports a bullish outlook, indicating strength in the bullish momentum.

Conclusion: While the analysis suggests favorable conditions for entry, it's essential to exercise caution and conduct individual analysis before making investment decisions. This report serves as a daily sharing of market insights and does not constitute financial advice. Investors are advised to analyze the market rationally and enter positions with caution.
$PYTH 🔥🔥
6月有望飙升的六种加密货币,涨幅或超100%! 做好准备,接下来几个月的行情将会非常精彩! 不知道大家有没有注意到,这次牛市的风格与以往截然不同。明显感觉到两极分化的趋势,牛市的起步非常迅速,但后劲相对较慢。初步判断,前半段是快速拉升,后半段则是缓慢上涨。这是因为目前市场的资本结构发生了本质性变化,正规资本的入局使得市场快速拉升,而后进入横盘整理阶段。 另一个显著现象是,山寨币的资金流动明显乏力,板块轮动缓慢,上涨的持续性不足。这次牛市中,散户对一些VC(风险投资)币种并不感兴趣,更多的共识集中在流通量高、市值低且热点高的币种上。市场氛围相对保守,许多人处于观望状态。 这种状态表明牛市还没有到达真正的FOMO(害怕错过)情绪高点。大家可以大胆持币,耐心等待上涨机会。 1.FLOKI 凭借其核心团队代表着社区的利益,FLOKI运行于以太坊网络上, Floki特点优势 Floki Coin 拥有多种功能,使其有别于传统货币和其他加密货币。Floki Coin 的一个决定性特征是其社区治理模式。Floki Coin的持有者在有关项目未来发展和方向的决策过程中有发言权。 Floki的强劲势头,更预示着其未来巨大的上涨空间。突破新高,只是Floki辉煌征程的一个开始! 2.PEOPLE ConstitutionDAO 最初是一个众筹项目,旨在购买 2021 年美国宪法第一版。该活动成功筹集了 4200 万美元,但不幸的是,在激烈的 8 分钟竞价战中输掉了拍卖。此后,该项目已安排退还所有 17,437 名贡献者的款项。 然而,一些社区成员选择保留他们的 PEOPLE 代币,吸引外部投资者加入社区。在筹集的 11,613.39 ETH 中,有 5,115 ETH 留在社区金库中。 3.W 筑底阶段较为充分,表明该币种在市场底部已经经过了一段时间的积累和调整,为未来的上涨打下了坚实的基础。 一旦爆发,可能会像SUI、SEI等币种一样实现几倍上涨空间。这表明市场对该币种的未来表现持有较高的期待。 4.PYTH Pyth Network作为一个去中心化的第一方金融预言机,以其安全、透明的链上市场数据提供而闻名,摆脱了对第三方中间商(节点)的依赖。 pyth已经筑底,最近量能一直放大,明显狗庄吸筹,好标的,好赛道,好位置,可以长线布局,目标2-3倍。 5.FET FET 是一个开放的人工智慧 (AI) 实验室,正在利用其尖端的机器学习网路改变区块链场景。该平台专注于去中心化和优化互联网交易,以改善用户体验。 FET作为人工智能板块的明星币,凭借其强大的技术背景和团队支持,备受市场关注。该币种有望在AI元年迎来新一轮的FOMO热潮。投资者可关注其1.7U的极端支撑位,并考虑在适当位置进行布局。 6.Sui 最近宣布与 AI 初创公司 Atoma 合作,后者将把其即将推出的推理网络集成到 Sui 平台中。此次集成旨在让应用程序开发人员能够无缝整合 AI 功能。Atoma 决定与 Sui 合作,是因为该平台在可扩展性和性能方面享有盛誉。 此外,Sui 还透露计划于 2024 年 7 月在其平台上推出稳定币 AUSD。AUSD 将是 Sui 生态系统中某些链的专属资产,从而扩大了可用的原生资产范围。 财神这几天也打算埋伏几个潜力币,想跟上的评论区留言888带你上车,记住,机会是留给有准备的人 #FLOKI🔥 #people🔥🔥 #pyth #sui/usdt #山寨币热点


凭借其核心团队代表着社区的利益,FLOKI运行于以太坊网络上, Floki特点优势 Floki Coin 拥有多种功能,使其有别于传统货币和其他加密货币。Floki Coin 的一个决定性特征是其社区治理模式。Floki Coin的持有者在有关项目未来发展和方向的决策过程中有发言权。

ConstitutionDAO 最初是一个众筹项目,旨在购买 2021 年美国宪法第一版。该活动成功筹集了 4200 万美元,但不幸的是,在激烈的 8 分钟竞价战中输掉了拍卖。此后,该项目已安排退还所有 17,437 名贡献者的款项。
然而,一些社区成员选择保留他们的 PEOPLE 代币,吸引外部投资者加入社区。在筹集的 11,613.39 ETH 中,有 5,115 ETH 留在社区金库中。


Pyth Network作为一个去中心化的第一方金融预言机,以其安全、透明的链上市场数据提供而闻名,摆脱了对第三方中间商(节点)的依赖。

FET 是一个开放的人工智慧 (AI) 实验室,正在利用其尖端的机器学习网路改变区块链场景。该平台专注于去中心化和优化互联网交易,以改善用户体验。

最近宣布与 AI 初创公司 Atoma 合作,后者将把其即将推出的推理网络集成到 Sui 平台中。此次集成旨在让应用程序开发人员能够无缝整合 AI 功能。Atoma 决定与 Sui 合作,是因为该平台在可扩展性和性能方面享有盛誉。
此外,Sui 还透露计划于 2024 年 7 月在其平台上推出稳定币 AUSD。AUSD 将是 Sui 生态系统中某些链的专属资产,从而扩大了可用的原生资产范围。

#FLOKI🔥 #people🔥🔥 #pyth #sui/usdt #山寨币热点
Best Cheap Crypto to Buy Now Under 1 Dollar Below is a curated selection of 5 digital assets priced under $1, tailored for investors looking for budget-friendly yet promising crypto options. These tokens represent potential game-changers for investors scouring the market for affordable altcoins with high potential. With altcoins in the green zone, Bitcoin ETFs have amassed $10 billion in assets under management (AUM). This comes in just one month following approval. 1. TRON (TRX) TRON’s ecosystem continues to expand rapidly, surpassing 211 million total accounts globally. Despite its relatively low profile, TRX is showing significant growth potential. Tron was trading between 0.12 and 0.13 cents. However, recent weeks have seen TRX’s price surge above 0.1 cents, indicating potential for further increases. Transitioning to TRX’s current price trajectory, it’s evident that TRX is trading in bullish territory. As such, it is edging closer to 2. Pyth Network (PYTH) Since its recent listing on Binance, Pyth Network has gained over 11%. With the current upward trend, PYTH’s performance indicates bullish momentum will continue as investor interest grows. Meanwhile, PYTH maintains robust performance in the market scene. This indicates a strong market statement as the coin offers substantial returns to investors. 3. VeChain (VET) Vechain has recently been on a wave of partnerships, significantly increasing its price. Notably, it has partnered with the Boston Consulting Group to integrate blockchain technology into the textile sector, aiming to drive sustainability transformations. Similarly, VeChain has partnered with XCMG Group to address carbon footprint management in construction. This collaboration aims to facilitate more sustainable operations. Also, these partnerships represent significant steps towards achieving a circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. #VET: #pyth #TRX. $VET $PYTH $TRX
Best Cheap Crypto to Buy Now Under 1 Dollar

Below is a curated selection of 5 digital assets priced under $1, tailored for investors looking for budget-friendly yet promising crypto options. These tokens represent potential game-changers for investors scouring the market for affordable altcoins with high potential. With altcoins in the green zone, Bitcoin ETFs have amassed $10 billion in assets under management (AUM). This comes in just one month following approval.


TRON’s ecosystem continues to expand rapidly, surpassing 211 million total accounts globally. Despite its relatively low profile, TRX is showing significant growth potential. Tron was trading between 0.12 and 0.13 cents. However, recent weeks have seen TRX’s price surge above 0.1 cents, indicating potential for further increases. Transitioning to TRX’s current price trajectory, it’s evident that TRX is trading in bullish territory. As such, it is edging closer to

2. Pyth Network (PYTH)

Since its recent listing on Binance, Pyth Network has gained over 11%. With the current upward trend, PYTH’s performance indicates bullish momentum will continue as investor interest grows. Meanwhile, PYTH maintains robust performance in the market scene. This indicates a strong market statement as the coin offers substantial returns to investors.

3. VeChain (VET)

Vechain has recently been on a wave of partnerships, significantly increasing its price. Notably, it has partnered with the Boston Consulting Group to integrate blockchain technology into the textile sector, aiming to drive sustainability transformations.

Similarly, VeChain has partnered with XCMG Group to address carbon footprint management in construction. This collaboration aims to facilitate more sustainable operations. Also, these partnerships represent significant steps towards achieving a circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

#VET: #pyth #TRX. $VET $PYTH $TRX
U.S. SEC accuses founder of online encryption course of committing fraud against studentsThe US SEC has accused 51-year-old founder of the American Bitcoin Academy, Brian Sewell, and his company, Rockwell Capital Management, of defrauding students. The defendants claimed that their hedge fund would use complex tools such as artificial intelligence to generate returns. This fraudulent scheme resulted in 15 students losing $1.2 million. According to the SEC's statement, Rockwell Capital Management will pay $1.6 million and Sewell will pay $223,229 to settle the SEC's charges. #pyth

U.S. SEC accuses founder of online encryption course of committing fraud against students

The US SEC has accused 51-year-old founder of the American Bitcoin Academy, Brian Sewell, and his company, Rockwell Capital Management, of defrauding students. The defendants claimed that their hedge fund would use complex tools such as artificial intelligence to generate returns. This fraudulent scheme resulted in 15 students losing $1.2 million.
According to the SEC's statement, Rockwell Capital Management will pay $1.6 million and Sewell will pay $223,229 to settle the SEC's charges.
It will go back to where it fell from and break higher. $PYTH is a $LINK killer. I expect it to be a $20B mcap coin this bull. 20x returns from cmp. #pyth #PYTH/USDT. $PYTH
It will go back to where it fell from and break higher. $PYTH is a $LINK killer. I expect it to be a $20B mcap coin this bull. 20x returns from cmp.
Новость о листинге на Binance обеспечила токену Pyth Network рост на 42% На прошлой неделе альткоин, основанный на Solana (SOL), вырос более чем на 42% на фоне новостей о том, что Binance добавит поддержку спотовой торговли с его участием. Pyth Network (PYTH) — это сеть оракулов, целью которой является предоставление финансовых данных в режиме реального времени для смарт-контрактов и децентрализованных приложений (DApps). Изменение цены криптовалюты Pyth Network за 7 дней. Источник: CoinGecko #pyth #PYTH/USDT $PYTH
Новость о листинге на Binance обеспечила токену Pyth Network рост на 42%

На прошлой неделе альткоин, основанный на Solana (SOL), вырос более чем на 42% на фоне новостей о том, что Binance добавит поддержку спотовой торговли с его участием.

Pyth Network (PYTH) — это сеть оракулов, целью которой является предоставление финансовых данных в режиме реального времени для смарт-контрактов и децентрализованных приложений (DApps).

Изменение цены криптовалюты Pyth Network за 7 дней. Источник: CoinGecko
$PYTH pyth start printing money 💰💰💰🤑 don't waste your time link in picture come fast now start your profitable jurney with experts $BTC #TrendingTopic that's why I'm telling you stay with me money will come to you like this #pyth don't waste your money of hard work start now if you want to do legendary trading come fast link in picture #TrendingTopic $ETH
$PYTH pyth start printing money 💰💰💰🤑
don't waste your time link in picture come fast now start your profitable jurney with experts

$BTC #TrendingTopic
that's why I'm telling you stay with me money will come to you like this

don't waste your money of hard work start now
if you want to do legendary trading come fast link in picture

#TrendingTopic $ETH



#tia #STX #pyth


#Nosana privode companies with more accessible and affordable compute power for running #AI. Nosana is a decentralized computation platform powered by the #SOL Network


#Write2Earn #TradeNTell
Wow Today Tha Bast 🥳🎉 #pyth
Wow Today Tha Bast 🥳🎉 #pyth
Magic Eden users claim diamond retroactive Reward 👉 📌This only for people who trade their nfts on magiceden (sol ecosystem) If you add liqudity pool on scallop, you eligible to claim free $pyth Scallop Airdrop For PYTH Staker #pyth #scallop #magiceden #nft $PYTH
Magic Eden users claim diamond retroactive Reward


📌This only for people who trade their nfts on magiceden (sol ecosystem)

If you add liqudity pool on scallop, you eligible to claim free $pyth

Scallop Airdrop For PYTH Staker
#pyth #scallop #magiceden #nft $PYTH
#pyth Pyth Network Gains Traction Amid Market Fluctuations Amidst market changes, the Pyth Network is making waves in the crypto space. With its advanced oracle solutions, the network is gaining attention for its unique approach to price data aggregation. Its focus on accuracy and timeliness, backed by confidence intervals, sets it apart from competitors. Even in a volatile market, Pyth demonstrates resilience and offers robust insights, crucial for traders and financial platforms. The network's multi-chain capabilities, starting with Solana and its own Pythnet, show its commitment to broad applicability. By including a range of participants in its ecosystem, Pyth ensures the reliability of its price feeds. The reward system for publishers, rewarding precision in data, has caught the interest of data contributors. This positions the Pyth Network as a vital player in the realm of decentralized finance
Pyth Network Gains Traction Amid Market Fluctuations

Amidst market changes, the Pyth Network is making waves in the crypto space. With its advanced oracle solutions, the network is gaining attention for its unique approach to price data aggregation. Its focus on accuracy and timeliness, backed by confidence intervals, sets it apart from competitors. Even in a volatile market, Pyth demonstrates resilience and offers robust insights, crucial for traders and financial platforms.

The network's multi-chain capabilities, starting with Solana and its own Pythnet, show its commitment to broad applicability. By including a range of participants in its ecosystem, Pyth ensures the reliability of its price feeds. The reward system for publishers, rewarding precision in data, has caught the interest of data contributors. This positions the Pyth Network as a vital player in the realm of decentralized finance
Est-ce que certains se démarquent ? Oui, $APT , le plus rapide à récupérer, c'est celui que vous voulez, VITE !!! ❤️ Si vous avez trouvé cela utile, pensez à me donner un pourboire via la fonctionnalité Binance Tipping. Votre générosité m'aidera à continuer à fournir des contenus de haute qualité. 🙏🏿 $WLD  $PYTH #APT #pyth  #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #BTC
Est-ce que certains se démarquent ?

Oui, $APT , le plus rapide à récupérer, c'est celui que vous voulez, VITE !!!

❤️ Si vous avez trouvé cela utile, pensez à me donner un pourboire via la fonctionnalité Binance Tipping. Votre générosité m'aidera à continuer à fournir des contenus de haute qualité. 🙏🏿


#APT #pyth  #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #BTC
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