Binance Square
44 Posts
Pичapд Tэнг oжидaeт мaccoвoгo внeдpeния кpиптoвaлюты в poзничную тopгoвлю Пo cлoвaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cмeнившeгo нa пocту гeнepaльнoгo диpeктopa Binance Чaнпeнa Чжao, в тeчeниe гoдa нa кpиптoвaлютнoм pынкe cлeдуeт oжидaть знaчитeльныx измeнeний. B чacтнocти, бизнecмeн пpeдпoлoжил, чтo будeт уcoвepшeнcтвoвaнa дeйcтвующaя нopмaтивнo-пpaвoвaя бaзa, пoвыcитcя peгулятopнaя яcнocть. Пo мнeнию гeндиpeктopa Binance, будут внeдpeны paзличныe иннoвaции и вapиaнты пpимeнeния блoкчeйнa и кpиптoвaлют нa pынкe, блaгoдapя кoтopым блoкчeйн-ceктop cтaнeт вocтpeбoвaнным вo мнoгиx oтpacляx. Kpoмe этoгo, пpoизoйдёт мaccoвoe внeдpeниe кpиптoвaлют в poзничную тopгoвлю, пpичём в глoбaльныx мacштaбax, и пoльзoвaтeли cмoгут пoлучить цeнный oпыт oт иx иcпoльзoвaния, пoдчepкнул глaвa биpжи Binance. Coглacнo пpoгнoзaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cлeдующий гoд cтaнeт чpeзвычaйнo вaжным для вceй кpиптoиндуcтpии и пoзвoлит eй cтaть нaмнoгo бoлee знaчимoй для инcтитуциoнaльныx фoндoв и инвecтopoв. Этoт пpoгнoз был блaгocклoннo пpинят в кpиптocooбщecтвe, пocкoльку пpинятиe дaвнo cчитaeтcя нaибoлee знaчимым фaктopoм для pocтa цeны биткoинa и pядa тoкeнoв. #binance #newscrypto $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Pичapд Tэнг oжидaeт мaccoвoгo внeдpeния кpиптoвaлюты в poзничную тopгoвлю

Пo cлoвaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cмeнившeгo нa пocту гeнepaльнoгo диpeктopa Binance Чaнпeнa Чжao, в тeчeниe гoдa нa кpиптoвaлютнoм pынкe cлeдуeт oжидaть знaчитeльныx измeнeний.

B чacтнocти, бизнecмeн пpeдпoлoжил, чтo будeт уcoвepшeнcтвoвaнa дeйcтвующaя нopмaтивнo-пpaвoвaя бaзa, пoвыcитcя peгулятopнaя яcнocть. Пo мнeнию гeндиpeктopa Binance, будут внeдpeны paзличныe иннoвaции и вapиaнты пpимeнeния блoкчeйнa и кpиптoвaлют нa pынкe, блaгoдapя кoтopым блoкчeйн-ceктop cтaнeт вocтpeбoвaнным вo мнoгиx oтpacляx.

Kpoмe этoгo, пpoизoйдёт мaccoвoe внeдpeниe кpиптoвaлют в poзничную тopгoвлю, пpичём в глoбaльныx мacштaбax, и пoльзoвaтeли cмoгут пoлучить цeнный oпыт oт иx иcпoльзoвaния, пoдчepкнул глaвa биpжи Binance. Coглacнo пpoгнoзaм Pичapдa Tэнгa, cлeдующий гoд cтaнeт чpeзвычaйнo вaжным для вceй кpиптoиндуcтpии и пoзвoлит eй cтaть нaмнoгo бoлee знaчимoй для инcтитуциoнaльныx фoндoв и инвecтopoв.

Этoт пpoгнoз был блaгocклoннo пpинят в кpиптocooбщecтвe, пocкoльку пpинятиe дaвнo cчитaeтcя нaибoлee знaчимым фaктopoм для pocтa цeны биткoинa и pядa тoкeнoв.
#binance #newscrypto
THORChain будет интегрирован с Etherscan THORChain объявил, что его свопы теперь будут отслеживаться на Etherscan. Обратитесь к официальному твиту RUNE THORChain — это децентрализованный протокол ликвидности, который позволяет пользователям легко обменивать токены криптовалюты через сеть без необходимости использования посредников. Это достигается за счет создания пула ликвидности, который автоматически устанавливает цены и обеспечивает ликвидность для торговли. #RUNE #THORChain #news #CryptoNews #newscrypto $RUNE
THORChain будет интегрирован с Etherscan

THORChain объявил, что его свопы теперь будут отслеживаться на Etherscan.

Обратитесь к официальному твиту RUNE

THORChain — это децентрализованный протокол ликвидности, который позволяет пользователям легко обменивать токены криптовалюты через сеть без необходимости использования посредников. Это достигается за счет создания пула ликвидности, который автоматически устанавливает цены и обеспечивает ликвидность для торговли.
#RUNE #THORChain #news #CryptoNews #newscrypto
South Korea has launched a special investigative unit to tackle criminal activities related to crypto and protect investors' interests while waiting for comprehensive industry regulations. #newscrypto #news #dyor #crypto
South Korea has launched a special investigative unit to tackle criminal activities related to crypto and protect investors' interests while waiting for comprehensive industry regulations.
#newscrypto #news #dyor #crypto
@Dojo_Swap: RT by @Injective_: ⚔️ Mainnet is now live on . Keplr wallet is available for now, metamask will be added shortly. ⚔️ Us…
⚔️ Mainnet is now live on Keplr wallet is available for now, metamask will be added shortly.

⚔️ Users can now perform swaps and forming of liquidity (LP) on our dex. You can form LP and start earning trading fees!

⚔️ Farm is now available for staking of…

— DojoSwap | 1st AMM Dex on #INJ (@Dojo_Swap) December 26, 2023
✍️The key highlights for this morning🎯 📄 BlackRock, Hashdex, and Pando Asset have submitted revised S-1 applications. BlackRock expects an injection of $10 million as initial funding on January 3. 😊 Paxos has obtained approval from the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) to launch products on Solana. 💰 The Curve Finance community will compensate liquidity providers affected by the $61 million hack in July. 💸 BarnBridge DAO will pay SEC $1.7 million for the lack of registration of cryptocurrency offering and sales. 🇨🇳 The People's Bank of China urges the world to collaborate on cryptocurrency regulation. 😡 The SEC acknowledged inaccuracies in the lawsuit against DEBT Box but insists on freezing the company's assets. #newscrypto #news
✍️The key highlights for this morning🎯

📄 BlackRock, Hashdex, and Pando Asset have submitted revised S-1 applications. BlackRock expects an injection of $10 million as initial funding on January 3.

😊 Paxos has obtained approval from the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) to launch products on Solana.

💰 The Curve Finance community will compensate liquidity providers affected by the $61 million hack in July.

💸 BarnBridge DAO will pay SEC $1.7 million for the lack of registration of cryptocurrency offering and sales.

🇨🇳 The People's Bank of China urges the world to collaborate on cryptocurrency regulation.

😡 The SEC acknowledged inaccuracies in the lawsuit against DEBT Box but insists on freezing the company's assets.

#newscrypto #news
What is ETHEREUM coin? ETHEREUM is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority. $ETH #ETH #ETHEREUM #newscrypto
What is ETHEREUM coin?

ETHEREUM is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority.
$ETH #ETH #ETHEREUM #newscrypto
☄️ Decentralized lending protocol #Sturdy Finance fell victim to a security attack that resulted in the loss of 442 #ETH or about $800,000. 🚫 The team said it suspended all of its markets to prevent further potential losses. #newsbinance #newscrypto
☄️ Decentralized lending protocol #Sturdy Finance fell victim to a security attack that resulted in the loss of 442 #ETH or about $800,000.

🚫 The team said it suspended all of its markets to prevent further potential losses.
#newsbinance #newscrypto
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🆘What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🆘 - FTX sold $1B GBTC - Arthur Hayes "BTC 35K" - $UMA Oval announcement - $FIL Security Token Issues - $RNDR RNP-008 $NOS - Coinbase lists $ONDO - Bithumb will list $KAVA - Zetachain Airdrop #Highlight #Daily #cryptosignals #falconwhite #newscrypto
🆘What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🆘

- FTX sold $1B GBTC
- Arthur Hayes "BTC 35K"
- $UMA Oval announcement
- $FIL Security Token Issues
- $RNDR RNP-008 $NOS
- Coinbase lists $ONDO
- Bithumb will list $KAVA
- Zetachain Airdrop

#Highlight #Daily #cryptosignals #falconwhite #newscrypto
Breaking records in the crypto realm! Last week witnessed a remarkable surge in digital asset investments, totaling $1.18 billion – a threefold increase from last year. Trading volumes reached a historic high of $17.5 billion, constituting about 90% of daily volumes on reliable exchanges. Geographically, the U.S. led with substantial inflows of $1.24 billion, while Europe experienced minor outflows. Bitcoin (BTC) took the lead with an impressive $1.14 billion in inflows, followed by Ethereum (ETH) at $26 million. Altcoins like XRP, SOL, DOT, and ADA saw modest gains, ranging from $0.2 million to $5.6 million. Simultaneously, blockchain equities continued their robust performance, marking another strong week with $98 million in total inflows. This brings the cumulative inflows over the last seven weeks to an impressive $608 million. #newscrypto #BTC #cryptonews #Ethereum2024 #News $BTC $ETH
Breaking records in the crypto realm! Last week witnessed a remarkable surge in digital asset investments, totaling $1.18 billion – a threefold increase from last year. Trading volumes reached a historic high of $17.5 billion, constituting about 90% of daily volumes on reliable exchanges.

Geographically, the U.S. led with substantial inflows of $1.24 billion, while Europe experienced minor outflows. Bitcoin (BTC) took the lead with an impressive $1.14 billion in inflows, followed by Ethereum (ETH) at $26 million. Altcoins like XRP, SOL, DOT, and ADA saw modest gains, ranging from $0.2 million to $5.6 million.

Simultaneously, blockchain equities continued their robust performance, marking another strong week with $98 million in total inflows. This brings the cumulative inflows over the last seven weeks to an impressive $608 million.

#newscrypto #BTC #cryptonews #Ethereum2024 #News $BTC $ETH
5 SIGNS THAT SHOWS WE ARE CLOSER TO BULLRUN#bitcoin recent surge is attributed to major #newscrypto stories, including The International Monetary Fund's digital currency infrastructure, and BlackRock's $9 trillion asset manager filing for a spot ETF. Deutsche Bank's crypto custody business, Mastercard's blockchain software application, Wisdom Tree's filing for a spot ETF, EDX Markets. UK parliament approves #crypto If Blackrock And Other ETFs Gets Approved Then BTC Will Pump 🔥 more. This is Looking Like Bullrun has started 📈 These developments highlight the growing interest in Bitcoin and its potential for growth. #BTC already making that BULL move What COINs are you buying in preparation for the bullrun? Drop your comments 👇 guys


#bitcoin recent surge is attributed to major #newscrypto stories, including

The International Monetary Fund's digital currency infrastructure, and BlackRock's $9 trillion asset manager filing for a spot ETF.

Deutsche Bank's crypto custody business,

Mastercard's blockchain software application,

Wisdom Tree's filing for a spot ETF, EDX Markets.

UK parliament approves #crypto

If Blackrock And Other ETFs Gets Approved Then BTC Will Pump 🔥 more. This is Looking Like Bullrun has started 📈

These developments highlight the growing interest in Bitcoin and its potential for growth.

#BTC already making that BULL move

What COINs are you buying in preparation for the bullrun?

Drop your comments 👇 guys
Key economic events this weekMonday, June 12 18:00 - Expected consumer inflation 21:00 - Report on the execution of the US federal budget (May) Tuesday, June 13 14:00 - OPEC monthly report 15:30 - Basic consumer price index (CPI) 15:30 - Consumer Price Index (#CPI ) Wednesday, June 14 14:00 - Mortgage market index 15:30 - Basic producer price index (#PPI ) 15:30 - Producer Price Index (PPI) 21:00 - FOMC economic forecasts 21:00 - FOMC statement 21:00 - Decision on the interest rate of the Fed 21:30 - FOMC press conference Thursday, June 15 15:30 - Basic index of retail sales 15:30 - Export price index 15:30 - Import price index 15:30 - Number of initial applications for unemployment benefits 15:30 - Index of industrial activity from the Fed of Philadelphia 15:30 - Volume of retail sales 16:15 - Volume of industrial production Friday, June 16 17:00 - Index of consumer expectations from the University of Michigan 17:00 - Consumer sentiment index from the University of Michigan #newscrypto #keyeconomikevents

Key economic events this week

Monday, June 12

18:00 - Expected consumer inflation

21:00 - Report on the execution of the US federal budget (May)

Tuesday, June 13

14:00 - OPEC monthly report

15:30 - Basic consumer price index (CPI)

15:30 - Consumer Price Index (#CPI )

Wednesday, June 14

14:00 - Mortgage market index

15:30 - Basic producer price index (#PPI )

15:30 - Producer Price Index (PPI)

21:00 - FOMC economic forecasts

21:00 - FOMC statement

21:00 - Decision on the interest rate of the Fed

21:30 - FOMC press conference

Thursday, June 15

15:30 - Basic index of retail sales

15:30 - Export price index

15:30 - Import price index

15:30 - Number of initial applications for unemployment benefits

15:30 - Index of industrial activity from the Fed of Philadelphia

15:30 - Volume of retail sales

16:15 - Volume of industrial production

Friday, June 16

17:00 - Index of consumer expectations from the University of Michigan

17:00 - Consumer sentiment index from the University of Michigan

#newscrypto #keyeconomikevents
API3 обновит политику использования подписки dAPI 31 марта API3 внедрит изменения для пользователей dAPI. До сих пор dAPI без активных подписок направлялись на самофинансируемые каналы Nodary. Однако с 31 марта эта практика будет прекращена. Пользователям, которые используют контракт DapiProxy, рекомендуется обратить внимание на эти изменения, так как они могут повлиять на их работу. С более подробной информацией вы можете ознакомиться в официальном твите API3 API3 — это проект, который занимается созданием децентрализованных API (dAPI) для Web3-приложений. Проект находится под управлением децентрализованной автономной организации (DAO), а именно — API3 DAO. #API3 #API3USDT #news #CryptoNews #newscrypto
API3 обновит политику использования подписки dAPI 31 марта

API3 внедрит изменения для пользователей dAPI. До сих пор dAPI без активных подписок направлялись на самофинансируемые каналы Nodary. Однако с 31 марта эта практика будет прекращена.

Пользователям, которые используют контракт DapiProxy, рекомендуется обратить внимание на эти изменения, так как они могут повлиять на их работу.

С более подробной информацией вы можете ознакомиться в официальном твите API3

API3 — это проект, который занимается созданием децентрализованных API (dAPI) для Web3-приложений. Проект находится под управлением децентрализованной автономной организации (DAO), а именно — API3 DAO.
#API3 #API3USDT #news #CryptoNews #newscrypto
The Labyrinth Chollima hacking group, allegedly operating on behalf of North Korea, has been identified by CrowdStrike as one of several groups responsible for cyber intrusions. The group is believed to work for North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), its primary foreign intelligence agency. Labyrinth Chollima is one of the most productive hacking groups in North Korea and is said to be responsible for some of the boldest and most disruptive cyber intrusions in the isolated country. Cryptocurrency theft has resulted in a significant loss: the blockchain analytics company, Chainalysis, reported that last year, the group associated with North Korea stole around USD 1.7 billion worth of digital cash through various hacking activities. #dyor #crypto2023 #newscrypto #news
The Labyrinth Chollima hacking group, allegedly operating on behalf of North Korea, has been identified by CrowdStrike as one of several groups responsible for cyber intrusions. The group is believed to work for North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), its primary foreign intelligence agency.

Labyrinth Chollima is one of the most productive hacking groups in North Korea and is said to be responsible for some of the boldest and most disruptive cyber intrusions in the isolated country.

Cryptocurrency theft has resulted in a significant loss: the blockchain analytics company, Chainalysis, reported that last year, the group associated with North Korea stole around USD 1.7 billion worth of digital cash through various hacking activities.

#dyor #crypto2023 #newscrypto #news
Interesting news of the day✔️ #ETH fee has gone human, Ethereum gas average has fallen to a two-month low. 📈 The #FRS plans to take a break and is inclined to raise the rate in June. Positive, but we will find out how it will be on June 14. 🤔 #LUNA came to life thanks to CZ - the exchange never sold its 15.4 million LUNA. Someone saw a positive in this, but Binance lost $1.6 billion. #newscrypto

Interesting news of the day

✔️ #ETH fee has gone human, Ethereum gas average has fallen to a two-month low.

📈 The #FRS plans to take a break and is inclined to raise the rate in June. Positive, but we will find out how it will be on June 14.

🤔 #LUNA came to life thanks to CZ - the exchange never sold its 15.4 million LUNA. Someone saw a positive in this, but Binance lost $1.6 billion.

Friends, it's totally ok if memecoins aren't your thing. I respect your freedom to not buy them. Imo, they're just fun and I like seeing them start to make their way to #LUNC! I've always thought the speed and low cost of $LUNC would make a perfect memecoin platform #USTC #newscrypto
Friends, it's totally ok if memecoins aren't your thing. I respect your freedom to not buy them. Imo, they're just fun and I like seeing them start to make their way to #LUNC! I've always thought the speed and low cost of $LUNC would make a perfect memecoin platform #USTC

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