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194 Posts
As per some NEAR Protocol officials, this project with Google Cloud is essential to drive Web3 adoption on a wide scale. #googlecloud #near #google #nearprotocol #Web3
As per some NEAR Protocol officials, this project with Google Cloud is essential to drive Web3 adoption on a wide scale.

#googlecloud #near #google #nearprotocol #Web3
Top 10 Near ecosystem coins by Total Value Locked NEAR Protocol, also referred to as NEAR, is a decentralized application platform that is designed to facilitate the open web of the future and power its economy. #near #nearprotocol #defi #DeFi #tvl
Top 10 Near ecosystem coins by Total Value Locked

NEAR Protocol, also referred to as NEAR, is a decentralized application platform that is designed to facilitate the open web of the future and power its economy.

#near #nearprotocol #defi #DeFi #tvl
Near проводит гивэвей Near организует серию корпоративных мероприятий с участием проектов Rogues, Sender и Arkana. Мероприятия предлагают возможность выигрыша призов. Основной приз составит 100 NEAR, дополнительно будут вручены четыре приза по 75 NEAR каждому. События запланированы на период с 26 декабря по 3 января. #nearprotocol $NEAR
Near проводит гивэвей

Near организует серию корпоративных мероприятий с участием проектов Rogues, Sender и Arkana. Мероприятия предлагают возможность выигрыша призов. Основной приз составит 100 NEAR, дополнительно будут вручены четыре приза по 75 NEAR каждому. События запланированы на период с 26 декабря по 3 января.

Summary of The Official NEAR White Paper and Market cap data The original size of the white paper is 43 pages. A summary has been created upon request by Binance-User-Criptogranjero. You can reply with any summary you want, and I will work on it as soon as possible. Market cap data NEAR Protocol Volume/Market cap (24h) 3.74% Circulating supply 930,171,918 NEAR Total supply 1,000,000,000 NEAR Max. supply -- Fully diluted market cap $1,300,123,772 Introduction NEAR is a decentralized platform that aims to enable the creation of scalable and usable applications that can benefit from the security and openness of the blockchain. NEAR is designed to address the challenges of usability, scalability and security that limit the adoption of existing platforms. NEAR uses a novel consensus mechanism called Nightshade, which splits the network into multiple shards that process transactions in parallel. NEAR also introduces a dynamic runtime that adapts to the changing needs of the applications and the network. NEAR leverages a human-readable account model that simplifies the user experience and enables cross-contract calls. NEAR also supports a rich developer ecosystem with various tools and languages. Background The blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries and domains by enabling trustless and transparent interactions among diverse participants. However, the current state of the art suffers from several limitations that hinder its mainstream adoption. These limitations include: Usability: The user experience of blockchain applications is often complex and unintuitive, requiring users to manage cryptographic keys, deal with high latency and fees, and cope with poor performance and availability. Scalability: The throughput and latency of blockchain networks are limited by the consensus protocol, which requires all nodes to process and validate all transactions. This creates a trade-off between security and scalability, as increasing the number of nodes or the size of the blocks reduces the efficiency and speed of the network. Security: The security of blockchain networks depends on the assumptions and incentives of the participants, which may not always hold in practice. For example, rational actors may collude or censor transactions to maximize their profits, or malicious actors may launch attacks to disrupt or compromise the network. Design Principles NEAR is guided by four design principles that shape its vision and architecture: Usability: NEAR aims to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience that abstracts away the complexity of the underlying technology. Users should be able to interact with applications using familiar interfaces and concepts, without worrying about keys, fees, or network issues. Scalability: NEAR aims to achieve high scalability and performance by leveraging parallelism and sharding. Transactions should be processed quickly and cheaply, regardless of the network size or load. Security: NEAR aims to ensure the security and integrity of the network and the applications by employing rigorous cryptography and economic incentives. Transactions should be final and immutable, and participants should be accountable for their actions. Simplicity: NEAR aims to keep its design and implementation as simple as possible, avoiding unnecessary complexity or overhead. Simplicity enables easier development, testing, auditing, and maintenance of the system. System Overview NEAR consists of four main components: Network: The network layer is responsible for peer-to-peer communication among nodes, as well as routing and broadcasting transactions and blocks. Consensus: The consensus layer is responsible for reaching agreement on the state of the system among nodes, as well as producing and validating blocks. NEAR uses a variant of Nakamoto consensus called Nightshade, which enables sharding and fast finality. Runtime: The runtime layer is responsible for executing transactions and smart contracts, as well as managing accounts, storage, and fees. NEAR uses a dynamic runtime that can evolve over time according to the governance decisions. Developer Experience: The developer experience layer is responsible for providing tools and languages for building applications on NEAR. NEAR supports multiple programming languages, such as Rust, AssemblyScript, C#, etc., as well as various frameworks and libraries. Network The network layer consists of three types of nodes: Validators: Validators are nodes that participate in the consensus protocol by producing and validating blocks. Validators are selected based on their stake (the amount of tokens they lock up) and their performance (the quality of their service). Validators are randomly assigned to different shards every epoch (a fixed period of time). Fishermen: Fishermen are nodes that monitor the network for malicious behavior by validators or other nodes. Fishermen do not produce or validate blocks, but they can submit proofs of misbehavior to challenge invalid blocks or transactions. Fishermen are rewarded for their service with a fraction of the slashed stake of the offenders. Light Clients: Light clients are nodes that do not store or process the full state of the system, but only verify block headers using cryptographic proofs. Light clients can interact with applications using remote procedure calls (RPCs) or query contracts using Merkle proofs. Consensus The consensus layer uses a sharded proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol called Nightshade, which combines the ideas of Nakamoto consensus and Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). Nightshade consists of two main components: Block Production: Block production is the process of creating new blocks by validators. Each shard has a leader who proposes a block for that shard, and other validators in that shard approve or reject the block. The leader is rotated every block using a verifiable random function (VRF). The block production is synchronized across shards using a beacon chain, which is a special shard that produces blocks at a higher frequency and serves as a source of randomness and time for the system. Block Finalization: Block finalization is the process of reaching final agreement on the validity and order of blocks by validators. Each shard has a committee of validators who vote on the blocks for that shard, using a BFT protocol called Doomslug. The votes are aggregated using threshold signatures, which reduce the communication overhead and enable fast finality. The block finalization is coordinated across shards using a fork choice rule, which determines the canonical chain based on the weight of the blocks and the votes. Runtime The runtime layer consists of two main components: State Transition: State transition is the process of applying transactions to the state of the system, resulting in a new state. Transactions are grouped into chunks, which are assigned to different shards based on the accounts they touch. Chunks are executed in parallel by validators in each shard, using a WebAssembly-based virtual machine called NEAR VM. The state transition is verified across shards using state receipts, which are cryptographic proofs of the outcomes and dependencies of the chunks. State Storage: State storage is the process of storing and retrieving the state of the system, which consists of accounts, contracts, and data. The state is stored in a key-value store called Trie, which is partitioned across shards based on the account prefixes. The state storage is optimized across shards using rent, which is a fee that accounts pay for occupying storage space, and garbage collection, which is a mechanism that removes unused or expired data from the Trie. Developer Experience The developer experience layer consists of three main components: Account Model: The account model is the abstraction that NEAR uses to represent users and contracts in the system. Accounts have human-readable names (e.g., alice.near) that can be registered and transferred using subdomains (e.g., bob.alice.near). Accounts can also make cross-contract calls using promises, which are asynchronous and composable operations that can handle success or failure callbacks. Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are programs that run on NEAR and define the logic and data of applications. Smart contracts can be written in various languages, such as Rust, AssemblyScript, C#, etc., and compiled to WebAssembly bytecode that can run on NEAR VM. Smart contracts can also use standard libraries and interfaces, such as NEAR SDKs and NEP standards, to simplify development and interoperability. Tools and Services: Tools and services are software components that facilitate the development, testing, deployment, and monitoring of applications on NEAR. Tools and services include IDEs, CLI tools, testing frameworks, code analysis tools, explorers, wallets, faucets, bridges, etc. Conclusion NEAR is a scalable and usable platform that enables developers to create applications that can benefit from the security and openness of the blockchain. NEAR achieves this by combining novel techniques and technologies, such as sharding, dynamic runtime, human-readable accounts, multiple languages, etc. NEAR also fosters a vibrant community and ecosystem that supports innovation and collaboration. NEAR aims to become a global public utility that empowers users and developers to create a more open, fair, and decentralized web. #near #nearprotocol #nearfoundation #REXBOX #crypto2023 $NEAR

Summary of The Official NEAR White Paper and Market cap data

The original size of the white paper is 43 pages. A summary has been created upon request by Binance-User-Criptogranjero. You can reply with any summary you want, and I will work on it as soon as possible.

Market cap data NEAR Protocol

Volume/Market cap (24h) 3.74%

Circulating supply 930,171,918 NEAR

Total supply 1,000,000,000 NEAR

Max. supply --

Fully diluted market cap $1,300,123,772


NEAR is a decentralized platform that aims to enable the creation of scalable and usable applications that can benefit from the security and openness of the blockchain. NEAR is designed to address the challenges of usability, scalability and security that limit the adoption of existing platforms. NEAR uses a novel consensus mechanism called Nightshade, which splits the network into multiple shards that process transactions in parallel. NEAR also introduces a dynamic runtime that adapts to the changing needs of the applications and the network. NEAR leverages a human-readable account model that simplifies the user experience and enables cross-contract calls. NEAR also supports a rich developer ecosystem with various tools and languages.


The blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries and domains by enabling trustless and transparent interactions among diverse participants. However, the current state of the art suffers from several limitations that hinder its mainstream adoption. These limitations include:

Usability: The user experience of blockchain applications is often complex and unintuitive, requiring users to manage cryptographic keys, deal with high latency and fees, and cope with poor performance and availability.

Scalability: The throughput and latency of blockchain networks are limited by the consensus protocol, which requires all nodes to process and validate all transactions. This creates a trade-off between security and scalability, as increasing the number of nodes or the size of the blocks reduces the efficiency and speed of the network.

Security: The security of blockchain networks depends on the assumptions and incentives of the participants, which may not always hold in practice. For example, rational actors may collude or censor transactions to maximize their profits, or malicious actors may launch attacks to disrupt or compromise the network.

Design Principles

NEAR is guided by four design principles that shape its vision and architecture:

Usability: NEAR aims to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience that abstracts away the complexity of the underlying technology. Users should be able to interact with applications using familiar interfaces and concepts, without worrying about keys, fees, or network issues.

Scalability: NEAR aims to achieve high scalability and performance by leveraging parallelism and sharding. Transactions should be processed quickly and cheaply, regardless of the network size or load.

Security: NEAR aims to ensure the security and integrity of the network and the applications by employing rigorous cryptography and economic incentives. Transactions should be final and immutable, and participants should be accountable for their actions.

Simplicity: NEAR aims to keep its design and implementation as simple as possible, avoiding unnecessary complexity or overhead. Simplicity enables easier development, testing, auditing, and maintenance of the system.

System Overview

NEAR consists of four main components:

Network: The network layer is responsible for peer-to-peer communication among nodes, as well as routing and broadcasting transactions and blocks.

Consensus: The consensus layer is responsible for reaching agreement on the state of the system among nodes, as well as producing and validating blocks. NEAR uses a variant of Nakamoto consensus called Nightshade, which enables sharding and fast finality.

Runtime: The runtime layer is responsible for executing transactions and smart contracts, as well as managing accounts, storage, and fees. NEAR uses a dynamic runtime that can evolve over time according to the governance decisions.

Developer Experience: The developer experience layer is responsible for providing tools and languages for building applications on NEAR. NEAR supports multiple programming languages, such as Rust, AssemblyScript, C#, etc., as well as various frameworks and libraries.


The network layer consists of three types of nodes:

Validators: Validators are nodes that participate in the consensus protocol by producing and validating blocks. Validators are selected based on their stake (the amount of tokens they lock up) and their performance (the quality of their service). Validators are randomly assigned to different shards every epoch (a fixed period of time).

Fishermen: Fishermen are nodes that monitor the network for malicious behavior by validators or other nodes. Fishermen do not produce or validate blocks, but they can submit proofs of misbehavior to challenge invalid blocks or transactions. Fishermen are rewarded for their service with a fraction of the slashed stake of the offenders.

Light Clients: Light clients are nodes that do not store or process the full state of the system, but only verify block headers using cryptographic proofs. Light clients can interact with applications using remote procedure calls (RPCs) or query contracts using Merkle proofs.


The consensus layer uses a sharded proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol called Nightshade, which combines the ideas of Nakamoto consensus and Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). Nightshade consists of two main components:

Block Production: Block production is the process of creating new blocks by validators. Each shard has a leader who proposes a block for that shard, and other validators in that shard approve or reject the block. The leader is rotated every block using a verifiable random function (VRF). The block production is synchronized across shards using a beacon chain, which is a special shard that produces blocks at a higher frequency and serves as a source of randomness and time for the system.

Block Finalization: Block finalization is the process of reaching final agreement on the validity and order of blocks by validators. Each shard has a committee of validators who vote on the blocks for that shard, using a BFT protocol called Doomslug. The votes are aggregated using threshold signatures, which reduce the communication overhead and enable fast finality. The block finalization is coordinated across shards using a fork choice rule, which determines the canonical chain based on the weight of the blocks and the votes.


The runtime layer consists of two main components:

State Transition: State transition is the process of applying transactions to the state of the system, resulting in a new state. Transactions are grouped into chunks, which are assigned to different shards based on the accounts they touch. Chunks are executed in parallel by validators in each shard, using a WebAssembly-based virtual machine called NEAR VM. The state transition is verified across shards using state receipts, which are cryptographic proofs of the outcomes and dependencies of the chunks.

State Storage: State storage is the process of storing and retrieving the state of the system, which consists of accounts, contracts, and data. The state is stored in a key-value store called Trie, which is partitioned across shards based on the account prefixes. The state storage is optimized across shards using rent, which is a fee that accounts pay for occupying storage space, and garbage collection, which is a mechanism that removes unused or expired data from the Trie.

Developer Experience

The developer experience layer consists of three main components:

Account Model: The account model is the abstraction that NEAR uses to represent users and contracts in the system. Accounts have human-readable names (e.g., alice.near) that can be registered and transferred using subdomains (e.g., bob.alice.near). Accounts can also make cross-contract calls using promises, which are asynchronous and composable operations that can handle success or failure callbacks.

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are programs that run on NEAR and define the logic and data of applications. Smart contracts can be written in various languages, such as Rust, AssemblyScript, C#, etc., and compiled to WebAssembly bytecode that can run on NEAR VM. Smart contracts can also use standard libraries and interfaces, such as NEAR SDKs and NEP standards, to simplify development and interoperability.

Tools and Services: Tools and services are software components that facilitate the development, testing, deployment, and monitoring of applications on NEAR. Tools and services include IDEs, CLI tools, testing frameworks, code analysis tools, explorers, wallets, faucets, bridges, etc.


NEAR is a scalable and usable platform that enables developers to create applications that can benefit from the security and openness of the blockchain. NEAR achieves this by combining novel techniques and technologies, such as sharding, dynamic runtime, human-readable accounts, multiple languages, etc. NEAR also fosters a vibrant community and ecosystem that supports innovation and collaboration. NEAR aims to become a global public utility that empowers users and developers to create a more open, fair, and decentralized web.

#near #nearprotocol #nearfoundation #REXBOX #crypto2023

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) price may rise strongly.The price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has broken down below an important horizontal support level, but is showing some signs of a potential price increase. A recovery back to the horizontal support level could lead to a strong uptrend. Key Support The price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has been trading below the 20-week EMA ($2.13) since May 2022. This level has rejected the price multiple times and led to a low of $1.24. The price has since rallied from the low and broke above the horizontal resistance level at $1.7, but was once again rejected by the EMA 20-week during February and again in April 2023 (red arrows). This is a bearish signal as the EMA 20-week is often used to determine long-term trends. Subsequently, the price of NEAR has broken down below the $1.7 level, where it was expected to provide support after the breakout. Therefore, the price of NEAR may continue to decline to the yearly low of $1.24. The RSI indicator supports this outlook when it is below 50 and sloping downwards. Daily outlook Despite the bearish signals from the weekly timeframe, the daily chart is showing some signs of a potential uptrend. Firstly, NEAR price bounced off the minor support at $1.5 and formed a cluster of bullish pin bar candles, indicating strong buying pressure at lower levels. Secondly, the RSI indicator has also bounced up from oversold territory and broken above the downtrend line, suggesting that the bearish momentum is weakening. Therefore, NEAR price may retest the $1.7 support level and create a false breakout on the weekly timeframe. If that happens, it could surge towards the 20-week MA at $2.13. Conclusion The most likely prospect indicates that the NEAR price will recover to the $1.7 support level and then increase sharply. This view will be invalidated if the price breaks down below the $1.5 level. #Near #nearprotocol #USDT 

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) price may rise strongly.

The price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has broken down below an important horizontal support level, but is showing some signs of a potential price increase. A recovery back to the horizontal support level could lead to a strong uptrend.

Key Support

The price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has been trading below the 20-week EMA ($2.13) since May 2022. This level has rejected the price multiple times and led to a low of $1.24.

The price has since rallied from the low and broke above the horizontal resistance level at $1.7, but was once again rejected by the EMA 20-week during February and again in April 2023 (red arrows). This is a bearish signal as the EMA 20-week is often used to determine long-term trends.

Subsequently, the price of NEAR has broken down below the $1.7 level, where it was expected to provide support after the breakout. Therefore, the price of NEAR may continue to decline to the yearly low of $1.24.

The RSI indicator supports this outlook when it is below 50 and sloping downwards.

Daily outlook

Despite the bearish signals from the weekly timeframe, the daily chart is showing some signs of a potential uptrend.

Firstly, NEAR price bounced off the minor support at $1.5 and formed a cluster of bullish pin bar candles, indicating strong buying pressure at lower levels.

Secondly, the RSI indicator has also bounced up from oversold territory and broken above the downtrend line, suggesting that the bearish momentum is weakening.

Therefore, NEAR price may retest the $1.7 support level and create a false breakout on the weekly timeframe. If that happens, it could surge towards the 20-week MA at $2.13.


The most likely prospect indicates that the NEAR price will recover to the $1.7 support level and then increase sharply. This view will be invalidated if the price breaks down below the $1.5 level.

#Near #nearprotocol #USDT

Near Protocol to use Wormhole bridge for cross-chain transfersNear plans to integrate with Wormhole and make use of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs for secure cross-chain transfers. Near and Wormhole developers are developing light client solutions that can computationally support ZK Proofs. Developers from Layer 1 #nearprotocol and Wormhole Bridge are collaborating to create light client solutions for supporting cross-chain transfers using Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs. #Near Protocol's core team will integrate with Wormhole bridge for all of its cross-chain transfers of assets, replacing Near’s use of its main cross-chain bridge called Rainbow, according to an announcement from Near Foundation. This means Wormhole bridge will become the main bridge for all of Near's cross-chain transfers of assets with the Ethereum mainnet. Use of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in the integration Near's integration with Wormhole will make use of ZK Proofs for additional security of cross-chain transfers between Near and Ethereum. ZK Proofs allow transactions to be validated without revealing any extra transaction details. This provides a way to confirm and verify the state of transfers between Ethereum and Near blockchains securely. However, this process can be computationally heavy, necessitating the use of light client solutions, Near Foundation explained.  A light client is a version of a full node in a #blockchain network that only downloads a fraction of the entire blockchain, while still being able to verify transactions. Developers from both teams plan to build light client solutions that will delegate most of the computational load required for employing ZK Proofs to an off-chain layer. This strategy, the Near foundation said, will optimize storage and computational resources. “The integration with Wormhole is aimed at bolstering our multi-chain interoperability by harnessing the power of cutting-edge Zero-Knowledge (ZK) light clients,” the foundation wrote. “By offloading most of the computational load to an off-chain entity, these clients optimize storage and compute resources, paving the way for a streamlined and efficient bridging process.” source: theblock image source: ai #CryptoDailyDigest Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed by the author, or any people mentioned in this article, are for informational purposes only, and they do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading crypto assets comes with a risk of financial loss.

Near Protocol to use Wormhole bridge for cross-chain transfers

Near plans to integrate with Wormhole and make use of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs for secure cross-chain transfers.

Near and Wormhole developers are developing light client solutions that can computationally support ZK Proofs.

Developers from Layer 1 #nearprotocol and Wormhole Bridge are collaborating to create light client solutions for supporting cross-chain transfers using Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs.

#Near Protocol's core team will integrate with Wormhole bridge for all of its cross-chain transfers of assets, replacing Near’s use of its main cross-chain bridge called Rainbow, according to an announcement from Near Foundation. This means Wormhole bridge will become the main bridge for all of Near's cross-chain transfers of assets with the Ethereum mainnet.

Use of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in the integration

Near's integration with Wormhole will make use of ZK Proofs for additional security of cross-chain transfers between Near and Ethereum. ZK Proofs allow transactions to be validated without revealing any extra transaction details. This provides a way to confirm and verify the state of transfers between Ethereum and Near blockchains securely. However, this process can be computationally heavy, necessitating the use of light client solutions, Near Foundation explained. 

A light client is a version of a full node in a #blockchain network that only downloads a fraction of the entire blockchain, while still being able to verify transactions.

Developers from both teams plan to build light client solutions that will delegate most of the computational load required for employing ZK Proofs to an off-chain layer. This strategy, the Near foundation said, will optimize storage and computational resources.

“The integration with Wormhole is aimed at bolstering our multi-chain interoperability by harnessing the power of cutting-edge Zero-Knowledge (ZK) light clients,” the foundation wrote. “By offloading most of the computational load to an off-chain entity, these clients optimize storage and compute resources, paving the way for a streamlined and efficient bridging process.”

source: theblock

image source: ai



The views and opinions expressed by the author, or any people mentioned in this article, are for informational purposes only, and they do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading crypto assets comes with a risk of financial loss.
NEAR Soars 12% Following a Partnership With Alibaba.. The NEAR Foundation – a Switzerland-based non-profit organization behind the decentralized platform NEAR Protocol – has reportedly teamed up with the Chinese tech behemoth Alibaba Cloud to support the advancement of Web3 in Asia and the Middle East. The price of NEAR – the native token of the ecosystem – reacted positively, spiking by over 12% shortly after the announcement. #near #nearprotocol #nearfoundation $NEAR
NEAR Soars 12% Following a Partnership With Alibaba..

The NEAR Foundation – a Switzerland-based non-profit organization behind the decentralized platform NEAR Protocol – has reportedly teamed up with the Chinese tech behemoth Alibaba Cloud to support the advancement of Web3 in Asia and the Middle East.

The price of NEAR – the native token of the ecosystem – reacted positively, spiking by over 12% shortly after the announcement.

#near #nearprotocol #nearfoundation $NEAR
5 альткоинов, за которыми стоит следить в январе В январе проекты KAVA, Near Protocol (NEAR), Avalanche , Axie Infinity (AXS) и Stellar ждут важные обновления, которые могут положительно сказаться на цене их нативных токенов. Декабрь стал удачным месяцем для держателей таких альткоинов, как Solana , Injective и ORDI. Однако эти пять монет могут привлечь еще больше внимания в начале 2024 года. #Solana📈🚀🌐 #Avalanche #nearprotocol #stelar #ordi $SOL $NEAR $AVAX
5 альткоинов, за которыми стоит следить в январе

В январе проекты KAVA, Near Protocol (NEAR), Avalanche , Axie Infinity (AXS) и Stellar ждут важные обновления, которые могут положительно сказаться на цене их нативных токенов.

Декабрь стал удачным месяцем для держателей таких альткоинов, как Solana
, Injective и ORDI. Однако эти пять монет могут привлечь еще больше внимания в начале 2024 года.
#Solana📈🚀🌐 #Avalanche #nearprotocol #stelar #ordi
Near примет участие в «Chain Abstraction Day» в Денвере 28 февраля Компания Near в сотрудничестве с Agoric и Frontier Research примет участие в «Chain Abstraction Day» в рамках мероприятия «ETHDenver», который пройдет в Денвере 28 февраля. С более подробной информацией вы можете ознакомиться в официальном твите NEAR NEAR Protocol это децентрализованная платформа для разработки приложений. Платформа была создана с целью облегчения разработки и использования децентрализованных приложений (dApps) и построена на основе технологии блокчейн. #NEAR #nearprotocol #NEARUSDT $NEAR
Near примет участие в «Chain Abstraction Day» в Денвере 28 февраля

Компания Near в сотрудничестве с Agoric и Frontier Research примет участие в «Chain Abstraction Day» в рамках мероприятия «ETHDenver», который пройдет в Денвере 28 февраля.

С более подробной информацией вы можете ознакомиться в официальном твите NEAR

NEAR Protocol это децентрализованная платформа для разработки приложений. Платформа была создана с целью облегчения разработки и использования децентрализованных приложений (dApps) и построена на основе технологии блокчейн.
#NEAR #nearprotocol #NEARUSDT
Near проведет АМА в X 31 января Near проведет сессию вопросов и ответов в X с участием представителя Black Dragon. В мероприятии также примет участие Мирон Миронюк, генеральный директор и основатель Cosmose AI. Мероприятие состоится 31 января в 17:00 по UTC. С более подробной информацией вы можете ознакомиться в официальном твите NEAR NEAR Protocol это децентрализованная платформа для разработки приложений. Платформа была создана с целью облегчения разработки и использования децентрализованных приложений (dApps) и построена на основе технологии блокчейн. #nearprotocol #NEAR #NEARUSDT $NEAR
Near проведет АМА в X 31 января

Near проведет сессию вопросов и ответов в X с участием представителя Black Dragon. В мероприятии также примет участие Мирон Миронюк, генеральный директор и основатель Cosmose AI. Мероприятие состоится 31 января в 17:00 по UTC.

С более подробной информацией вы можете ознакомиться в официальном твите NEAR

NEAR Protocol это децентрализованная платформа для разработки приложений. Платформа была создана с целью облегчения разработки и использования децентрализованных приложений (dApps) и построена на основе технологии блокчейн.
#nearprotocol #NEAR #NEARUSDT
The NEAR Foundation, the non-profit organization that supports the development and adoption of NEAR Protocol, a scalable and user-friendly blockchain platform, has announced a partnership with Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, one of the largest technology companies in the world.  #nearprotocol #crypto2023 #alibaba
The NEAR Foundation, the non-profit organization that supports the development and adoption of NEAR Protocol, a scalable and user-friendly blockchain platform, has announced a partnership with Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, one of the largest technology companies in the world. 

#nearprotocol #crypto2023

New Airdrops : Hot Near Network 🏷 Reward : Claim 0.01 $Hot For All 🪂 Register : HOT ➖ Create New Wallet & Save mnemonik ➖ Claim hot token ➖ Mining ➖ Done 📖Source: #nearprotocol #near #nearwallet $NEAR
New Airdrops : Hot Near Network
🏷 Reward : Claim 0.01 $Hot For All

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#nearprotocol #near #nearwallet $NEAR
NEAR APAC, Vietnam's largest blockchain conference, is scheduled for September 9th-10th, 2023, uniting global blockchain experts, enterprises, and startups. $NEAR #near #nearprotocol
NEAR APAC, Vietnam's largest blockchain conference, is scheduled for September 9th-10th, 2023, uniting global blockchain experts, enterprises, and startups.

$NEAR #near #nearprotocol
Crypto project NEAR has partnered with artificial intelligence company Cosmose AIThe NEAR Foundation, a Swiss non-profit organization that supports the governance and development of the NEAR protocol, has partnered with the Cosmose AI company, founded in 2014. The NEAR Foundation also made a strategic investment in the company within the framework of the partnership. This increased the value of the Cosmose AI company to $ 500 million. Cosmose AI, a company that uses artificial intelligence analytics to track in-store traffic, predict people's offline purchases, and interact with shoppers online, has partnered with the NEAR Foundation. The foundation, an entity that supports the management of the NEAR protocol, also made an investment in the Cosmose AI company within the framework of this partnership, but the amount was not disclosed. After the investment, the valuation of the company reached $ 500 million. “It's crazy to even think about paying without blockchain” Cosmose AI, which also works with major companies such as Louis Vuitton, Richemont, L'Oréal and Estée Lauder, used the following statements in its statement on the subject: “With this new investment, as Cosmose AI, we will combine the principles of Web3 with the retail ecosystem supported by artificial intelligence. We will continue to build a seamless ecosystem for shoppers and retail sellers” Paying paid attention to the fact that “It's crazy to imagine a payment system without blockchain,” said Miron Mironiuk, CEO of Cosmose AI, noting that NEAR will offer fast and much cheaper payment systems to them. The company's two products, Cosmose Media and KaiKai, will further develop Web3-oriented innovations through this partnership. #near #nearprotocol #Binance #crypto2023 #askbinancesensei

Crypto project NEAR has partnered with artificial intelligence company Cosmose AI

The NEAR Foundation, a Swiss non-profit organization that supports the governance and development of the NEAR protocol, has partnered with the Cosmose AI company, founded in 2014. The NEAR Foundation also made a strategic investment in the company within the framework of the partnership. This increased the value of the Cosmose AI company to $ 500 million.

Cosmose AI, a company that uses artificial intelligence analytics to track in-store traffic, predict people's offline purchases, and interact with shoppers online, has partnered with the NEAR Foundation.

The foundation, an entity that supports the management of the NEAR protocol, also made an investment in the Cosmose AI company within the framework of this partnership, but the amount was not disclosed. After the investment, the valuation of the company reached $ 500 million.

“It's crazy to even think about paying without blockchain”

Cosmose AI, which also works with major companies such as Louis Vuitton, Richemont, L'Oréal and Estée Lauder, used the following statements in its statement on the subject:

“With this new investment, as Cosmose AI, we will combine the principles of Web3 with the retail ecosystem supported by artificial intelligence. We will continue to build a seamless ecosystem for shoppers and retail sellers”

Paying paid attention to the fact that “It's crazy to imagine a payment system without blockchain,” said Miron Mironiuk, CEO of Cosmose AI, noting that NEAR will offer fast and much cheaper payment systems to them.

The company's two products, Cosmose Media and KaiKai, will further develop Web3-oriented innovations through this partnership. #near #nearprotocol #Binance #crypto2023 #askbinancesensei
NEAR/USDT looks good on 1 Day time frame in rectangular support expecting trendline breakout. trade at your own risk Buying Range: ($2.184 - $1.970) Scalping Targets: ($2.237 - $2.304) Spot Targets: ($2.374 - $2.576- $2.873) Stop Loss: ($1.885) #nearprotocol #Binance #BNB #BTC
NEAR/USDT looks good on 1 Day time frame in rectangular support expecting trendline breakout.
trade at your own risk
Buying Range: ($2.184 - $1.970)
Scalping Targets: ($2.237 - $2.304)
Spot Targets: ($2.374 - $2.576- $2.873)
Stop Loss: ($1.885)
#nearprotocol #Binance #BNB #BTC
🟡The NEAR Token team created their Telegram wallet. And now, you can get a HOT token within the Telegram app. 📦 Hot Airdrop Mining Bot ✅️💲 Referral: 20% Mining from Friends 🎁 Distribution: TBA 🛡 Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🤖 Airdrop Link: 📣Guide: 🟡Start the Airdrop Bot 🟡 Join telegram channels 🟡Complete all Tasks 🟡Start Mining 🔴 Note: Please do your own research (DYOR) before joining any project, also projects are 100% free. Don't send any fee or penny for receiving any token. #airdropfreetokens #freetokens #airdrop #near #nearprotocol #telegram
🟡The NEAR Token team created their Telegram wallet. And now, you can get a HOT token within the Telegram app.

📦 Hot Airdrop Mining Bot
✅️💲 Referral: 20% Mining from Friends
🎁 Distribution: TBA
🛡 Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🤖 Airdrop Link:

🟡Start the Airdrop Bot
🟡 Join telegram channels
🟡Complete all Tasks
🟡Start Mining

🔴 Note: Please do your own research (DYOR) before joining any project, also projects are 100% free. Don't send any fee or penny for receiving any token.

#airdropfreetokens #freetokens #airdrop #near #nearprotocol #telegram
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