The upgrade which has recently happened in the
#InjectiveBlockchain has been a quite an interesting one which will intern bring about more interoperability, seamless transaction and interaction between its ecosystem and other ecosystem(inSVM, inEVM and the CasmWsm).
#volanupgrade Have harmonizes most of the integrations and ipgrade of all the dApp that has been happening in the ecosystem prior to this event, and this has increases the efficiency of the blockchain Let's take a look at some detailed information about the influence of the volan upgrade in the blockchain.
RWA(Real World Asset): Giving institutions the privilege to have permission to get an asset launching while having full control over which address is to be interacted with the specific asset.
Easy Adoptation Of injective Native Wallet: The
#Volan Upgrade has provided s centric where the majority of the
@Injective Native Wallet can now seamlessly interact with most of the integrated dApps on the blockchain
Super Easy Token Burning: It has provided a basis at which any token that is created or minted in the
#Injective Ecosystem can easily be burned at any time.
Oracle Feed Design: The Volan Upgrade has enabled the Off-Chain prices to be able to feed directly, thereby promoting and encouraging both easy and sophisticated dApp to be easily introduced into the blockchain
More Expansion on the Interoperability: The Upgrade has created an environment for most dApps that are integrated in the Injective ecosystem to easily connect and interract seamlessly in the blockchain.
For the #noderunner, you will need a 3GB compatible device as long as you are on the injective ecosystem.
for more information about the importance of Volan Upgrade kindly visit👇