Binance Square
31 Posts
Mahmoud El-Lathy
5 أخطاء فادحة يرتكبها جميع المتداولين الجدد (لا تفعلها!)مقدمة👌 يواجه العديد من المتداولين الجدد صعوبات في بداية رحلتهم في عالم التداول، خاصةً خلال السنة الأولى. و بخاصة فى عالم العملات الرقمية شديد التقلب. قد تؤدي هذه الصعوبات إلى شعورهم باليأس والانسحاب من هذا المجال. لكن لا داعي للقلق! سأشارككم اليوم بعض المشاكل الشائعة التي يواجهها المتداولون الجدد، مع حلول فعّالة للتغلب عليها ------------- المشاكل الشائعة:😯 القلق المستمر بشأن الصفقاتقد يؤدي ذلك إلى تشتيت انتباهك عن حياتك الشخصية والشعور بالاكتئاب.تأثير الخسائر على الشخصية والمزاج: عندما تبدأ بخسارة الكثير من المال، يصبح من الصعب استعادته، ومحاولة تعويض الخسائر قد تؤدي إلى خسائر أكبر.الارتباك الذهني:قد يؤدي الشعور بالاكتئاب إلى صعوبة التفكير بوضوح واتخاذ القرارات الصائبة.التسرع في فتح صفقات جديدة: يعتبر التداول المفرط خطأ شائعًا يرتكبه المتداولون عديمو الصبر، مما يؤدي إلى خسائر كبيرة.استثمار جميع أموالك في التداول: لا تضع كل بيضك في سلة واحدة! --------- الحلول الفعّالة:👌 خطط لصفقاتك: حدد أهدافك ونقاط دخولك وخروجك قبل فتح أي صفقة كما يجب عليك دراسة حاله السوق بشكل جيد. - ابدأ بفتح صفقات صغيرة: لا تستثمر ابدا أكثر مما يمكنك تحمل خسارته حتى لا تتأثر نفسيتك بالسلب حين التعرض الى خسائر اثناء تداولك. - ركز على المخاطر المعقولة: حدد مستوى المخاطر الذي تشعر بالراحة معه و ده لطبيعه اسواق العملات الرقمية شديده التقلب. - استخدم نظام التداول: اختر نظامًا يناسب شخصيتك وأسلوبك في التداول. - خذ فترات راحة من التداول: لا تدع التداول يسيطر على حياتك فلابد لك من اخد بعض الوقت بعيداً عن الشارت و التداول فالسوق لن يتحرك من مكانه و انما عقلك هو من يحتاج الى راحه و اعاده ترتيب اوراقك مره اخرى. -------- نصائح إضافية:✨ - تعلم من أخطائك: تحليل أخطائك وتعلم منها لتجنب تكرارها في المستقبل. - كن صبورًا: لا تتوقع تحقيق ثروة سريعة. - ابحث عن دعم إضافي: انضم إلى مجتمع التداول أو استشر خبيرًا ماليًا. -------- خاتمة:😉 التداول رحلة طويلة تتطلب التعلم والصبر. تذكر أن جميع المتداولين الجدد يواجهون صعوبات في بداية رحلتهم. لكن من خلال تطبيق النصائح التي شاركتها معكم، يمكنك التغلب على هذه الصعوبات وتحقيق النجاح في عالم التداول. #LearningFromMistakes $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)

5 أخطاء فادحة يرتكبها جميع المتداولين الجدد (لا تفعلها!)

يواجه العديد من المتداولين الجدد صعوبات في بداية رحلتهم في عالم التداول، خاصةً خلال السنة الأولى.
و بخاصة فى عالم العملات الرقمية شديد التقلب.
قد تؤدي هذه الصعوبات إلى شعورهم باليأس والانسحاب من هذا المجال.
لكن لا داعي للقلق! سأشارككم اليوم بعض المشاكل الشائعة التي يواجهها المتداولون الجدد، مع حلول فعّالة للتغلب عليها
المشاكل الشائعة:😯
القلق المستمر بشأن الصفقاتقد يؤدي ذلك إلى تشتيت انتباهك عن حياتك الشخصية والشعور بالاكتئاب.تأثير الخسائر على الشخصية والمزاج: عندما تبدأ بخسارة الكثير من المال، يصبح من الصعب استعادته، ومحاولة تعويض الخسائر قد تؤدي إلى خسائر أكبر.الارتباك الذهني:قد يؤدي الشعور بالاكتئاب إلى صعوبة التفكير بوضوح واتخاذ القرارات الصائبة.التسرع في فتح صفقات جديدة: يعتبر التداول المفرط خطأ شائعًا يرتكبه المتداولون عديمو الصبر، مما يؤدي إلى خسائر كبيرة.استثمار جميع أموالك في التداول:
لا تضع كل بيضك في سلة واحدة!
الحلول الفعّالة:👌
خطط لصفقاتك: حدد أهدافك ونقاط دخولك وخروجك قبل فتح أي صفقة كما يجب عليك دراسة حاله السوق بشكل جيد.
- ابدأ بفتح صفقات صغيرة: لا تستثمر ابدا أكثر مما يمكنك تحمل خسارته حتى لا تتأثر نفسيتك بالسلب حين التعرض الى خسائر اثناء تداولك.
- ركز على المخاطر المعقولة: حدد مستوى المخاطر الذي تشعر بالراحة معه و ده لطبيعه اسواق العملات الرقمية
شديده التقلب.
- استخدم نظام التداول: اختر نظامًا يناسب شخصيتك وأسلوبك في التداول.
- خذ فترات راحة من التداول: لا تدع التداول يسيطر على حياتك فلابد لك من اخد بعض الوقت بعيداً عن الشارت
و التداول فالسوق لن يتحرك من مكانه و انما عقلك هو من يحتاج الى راحه و اعاده ترتيب اوراقك مره اخرى.
نصائح إضافية:✨
- تعلم من أخطائك: تحليل أخطائك وتعلم منها لتجنب تكرارها في المستقبل.
- كن صبورًا: لا تتوقع تحقيق ثروة سريعة.
- ابحث عن دعم إضافي: انضم إلى مجتمع التداول أو استشر خبيرًا ماليًا.
التداول رحلة طويلة تتطلب التعلم والصبر. تذكر أن جميع المتداولين الجدد يواجهون صعوبات في بداية رحلتهم. لكن
من خلال تطبيق النصائح التي شاركتها معكم، يمكنك التغلب على هذه الصعوبات وتحقيق النجاح في عالم التداول.
Market mein greed (lalach) aksar logon ke liye nuksan ka sabab banti hai. MRA (Market Risk Awareness) ka yehi sabak hai ke aap hamesha realistic aur strategic approach rakhein: 1. Profit Realization: Agar market 2x se 10x tak barh jaye, toh zaroor apna profit secure kar lena chahiye. Is se aap unnecessary risk se bach jate hain. 2. Crash Ka Faida: Jab market crash kare aur valuation apni asli value se neeche aa jaye, us waqt wapas entry lena behtareen strategy ho sakti hai. Yehi approach long-term investors ke liye effective hoti hai. Market ke cycles ko samajhna aur emotional decisions se bachna bohot zaruri hai. #Crypto #LearningFromMistakes
Market mein greed (lalach) aksar logon ke liye nuksan ka sabab banti hai. MRA (Market Risk Awareness) ka yehi sabak hai ke aap hamesha realistic aur strategic approach rakhein:

1. Profit Realization: Agar market 2x se 10x tak barh jaye, toh zaroor apna profit secure kar lena chahiye. Is se aap unnecessary risk se bach jate hain.

2. Crash Ka Faida: Jab market crash kare aur valuation apni asli value se neeche aa jaye, us waqt wapas entry lena behtareen strategy ho sakti hai.

Yehi approach long-term investors ke liye effective hoti hai. Market ke cycles ko samajhna aur emotional decisions se bachna bohot zaruri hai.

#Crypto #LearningFromMistakes
A moment ago, we covered how to identify the Stop Loss when the trend is upward… if you haven’t read it yet, that’s VERY BAD… you’re missing out on important educational posts, something rare to find on SQUARE. That’s why it’s worth knowing what to do next—because with just one click, you could change your trajectory and start leveling up your knowledge! Now, let’s dive into how to approach SHORT positions and correctly visualize the SL. Keep in mind that what we do before starting trading operations is a PROJECTION. Since we’re dealing with futures contracts, it’s crucial to be cautious with leverage, timing, and safety orders to set a tolerance level. Think of the Stop Loss as your seatbelt—it could save your life in case of an accident. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out for a chat! #EducationalContent #LearningFromMistakes
A moment ago, we covered how to identify the Stop Loss when the trend is upward… if you haven’t read it yet, that’s VERY BAD… you’re missing out on important educational posts, something rare to find on SQUARE. That’s why it’s worth knowing what to do next—because with just one click, you could change your trajectory and start leveling up your knowledge!

Now, let’s dive into how to approach SHORT positions and correctly visualize the SL. Keep in mind that what we do before starting trading operations is a PROJECTION. Since we’re dealing with futures contracts, it’s crucial to be cautious with leverage, timing, and safety orders to set a tolerance level. Think of the Stop Loss as your seatbelt—it could save your life in case of an accident.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out for a chat!

#EducationalContent #LearningFromMistakes
Here are some proven and relatively safe ways to make profits from crypto investments, along with realistic examples of potential profits: #BTC☀ #LearningFromMistakes #BinanceTournament #Beginners 1. *Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)*: Invest $100 monthly in Bitcoin for 1 year, regardless of the market's performance. Realistic profit: 10-20% annual return (e.g., $1,200 - $1,400 total value) 1. *Long-Term Holding (LTH)*: Hold 1 Bitcoin for 2 years, without selling or trading. Realistic profit: 50-100% return (e.g., $10,000 - $20,000) 1. *Dividend-Paying Cryptocurrencies*: Invest $1,000 in NEO, earning 5% annual dividends. Realistic profit: $50 annual dividend (5% of $1,000) 1. *Staking*: Stake 10 ETH, earning 5% annual staking rewards. Realistic profit: 0.5 ETH annual reward (5% of 10 ETH) 1. *Index Funds or ETFs*: Invest $1,000 in a crypto index fund, tracking the market's overall performance. Realistic profit: 20-30% annual return (e.g., $1,200 - $1,300 total value) 1. *Fundamental Analysis (FA)*: Invest $1,000 in a promising altcoin, like Chainlink (LINK), with strong fundamentals. Realistic profit: 100-200% return (e.g., $2,000 - $3,000) 1. *Technical Analysis (TA)*: Buy 1 BTC at $40,000, using TA to predict a price increase to $50,000. Realistic profit: $10,000 profit (25% return) 1. *Lending and Borrowing*: Lend 10 BTC at 5% annual interest, earning $500 interest. Realistic profit: $500 annual interest (5% of 10 BTC) 1. *Arbitrage*: Buy 1 ETH at $2,000 on one exchange, selling it at $2,200 on another. Realistic profit: $200 profit (10% return) Remember, these examples are hypothetical and may not reflect real-world performance. Cryptocurrency investments carry risks, and profits are never guaranteed. Always do your own research or seek the guidance of experts, set realistic expectations, and manage risk appropriately. #dalanefx_on _!n$tagräm. {future}(ETHUSDT)
Here are some proven and relatively safe ways to make profits from crypto investments, along with realistic examples of potential profits:
#BTC☀ #LearningFromMistakes #BinanceTournament #Beginners
1. *Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)*:
Invest $100 monthly in Bitcoin for 1 year, regardless of the market's performance.

Realistic profit: 10-20% annual return (e.g., $1,200 - $1,400 total value)

1. *Long-Term Holding (LTH)*:
Hold 1 Bitcoin for 2 years, without selling or trading.

Realistic profit: 50-100% return (e.g., $10,000 - $20,000)

1. *Dividend-Paying Cryptocurrencies*:
Invest $1,000 in NEO, earning 5% annual dividends.

Realistic profit: $50 annual dividend (5% of $1,000)

1. *Staking*:
Stake 10 ETH, earning 5% annual staking rewards.

Realistic profit: 0.5 ETH annual reward (5% of 10 ETH)

1. *Index Funds or ETFs*:
Invest $1,000 in a crypto index fund, tracking the market's overall performance.

Realistic profit: 20-30% annual return (e.g., $1,200 - $1,300 total value)

1. *Fundamental Analysis (FA)*:
Invest $1,000 in a promising altcoin, like Chainlink (LINK), with strong fundamentals.

Realistic profit: 100-200% return (e.g., $2,000 - $3,000)

1. *Technical Analysis (TA)*:
Buy 1 BTC at $40,000, using TA to predict a price increase to $50,000.

Realistic profit: $10,000 profit (25% return)

1. *Lending and Borrowing*:
Lend 10 BTC at 5% annual interest, earning $500 interest.

Realistic profit: $500 annual interest (5% of 10 BTC)

1. *Arbitrage*:
Buy 1 ETH at $2,000 on one exchange, selling it at $2,200 on another.

Realistic profit: $200 profit (10% return)

Remember, these examples are hypothetical and may not reflect real-world performance. Cryptocurrency investments carry risks, and profits are never guaranteed. Always do your own research or seek the guidance of experts, set realistic expectations, and manage risk appropriately.
#dalanefx_on _!n$tagräm.
The Famous Monkey Story in Every Market! A rich man visited a village, offering $100 for each monkey. Villagers eagerly captured monkeys from the forest and sold them. As monkeys became scarce, the man increased his offer to $200, then $300. The villagers worked harder, eventually exhausting the monkey supply. The rich man then announced he would pay $800 per monkey but had to leave town, leaving his manager in charge. The manager offered to sell monkeys for $400 each, promising the villagers could resell them for $800. Excited, the villagers bought the monkeys, using all their savings. The manager disappeared, and the rich man never returned. The villagers were left with worthless monkeys, illustrating the dangers of greed and quick money schemes. #Crypto #LearningFromMistakes #EducationalContent
The Famous Monkey Story in Every Market!

A rich man visited a village, offering $100 for each monkey. Villagers eagerly captured monkeys from the forest and sold them. As monkeys became scarce, the man increased his offer to $200, then $300. The villagers worked harder, eventually exhausting the monkey supply.

The rich man then announced he would pay $800 per monkey but had to leave town, leaving his manager in charge. The manager offered to sell monkeys for $400 each, promising the villagers could resell them for $800. Excited, the villagers bought the monkeys, using all their savings.

The manager disappeared, and the rich man never returned. The villagers were left with worthless monkeys, illustrating the dangers of greed and quick money schemes.

#Crypto #LearningFromMistakes #EducationalContent
Apart from $WLD another coin I will be watching keenly is $PEPE . After taking out the liquidity at the high, it is wise to wait for the pullback and buy low once again . This is one of the scenario where you have to sit on your hands and wait for it to come to your buying zone rather than trying to sell to your zone😅. We have made this mistake once in a while and if not you will. Take your 🍿and watch when it gets there we execute fearlessly. This is just my view. I will be glad to hear yours on the comments. Make sure you follow for more. Profitable trading 🤑🤑. #learntoearnmay #LearningFromMistakes #LearningFromLosses
Apart from $WLD another coin I will be watching keenly is $PEPE . After taking out the liquidity at the high, it is wise to wait for the pullback and buy low once again . This is one of the scenario where you have to sit on your hands and wait for it to come to your buying zone rather than trying to sell to your zone😅. We have made this mistake once in a while and if not you will. Take your 🍿and watch when it gets there we execute fearlessly. This is just my view. I will be glad to hear yours on the comments. Make sure you follow for more. Profitable trading 🤑🤑.

#learntoearnmay #LearningFromMistakes #LearningFromLosses
💱 Understanding Crypto Options Crypto options offer traders a powerful tool to speculate on the future prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). These contracts give you the right—but not the obligation—to buy or sell crypto at a predetermined price on or before a specific date. Options come in two forms: calls and puts. A call option allows you to buy a cryptocurrency at a set price in the future, while a put option gives you the right to sell it at a predetermined price. Each option has a strike price(the price at which you can buy or sell) and an expiration date(the deadline to exercise the option). Unlike futures contracts, which obligate the buyer or seller to complete the transaction, options give you the flexibility to decide whether to exercise your right, depending on how the market moves. This flexibility makes options a popular choice for traders looking to hedge against price volatility or leverage their positions for potential gains. Crypto options are a versatile addition to any trader’s toolkit, enabling you to speculate on price movements with more control and less immediate commitment than other trading methods. Whether you’re looking to hedge risks or capitalize on market trends, options offer a way to navigate the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency trading. Learn Crypto✅️‌‌ #looz_crypto #LearningFromMistakes
💱 Understanding Crypto Options

Crypto options offer traders a powerful tool to speculate on the future prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). These contracts give you the right—but not the obligation—to buy or sell crypto at a predetermined price on or before a specific date.

Options come in two forms: calls and puts. A call option allows you to buy a cryptocurrency at a set price in the future, while a put option gives you the right to sell it at a predetermined price. Each option has a strike price(the price at which you can buy or sell) and an expiration date(the deadline to exercise the option).

Unlike futures contracts, which obligate the buyer or seller to complete the transaction, options give you the flexibility to decide whether to exercise your right, depending on how the market moves. This flexibility makes options a popular choice for traders looking to hedge against price volatility or leverage their positions for potential gains.

Crypto options are a versatile addition to any trader’s toolkit, enabling you to speculate on price movements with more control and less immediate commitment than other trading methods. Whether you’re looking to hedge risks or capitalize on market trends, options offer a way to navigate the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency trading.

Learn Crypto✅️‌‌
#looz_crypto #LearningFromMistakes
Understanding the Head and Shoulders Chart Pattern: - Formation: Consists of two smaller peaks (shoulders) on either side of a higher peak (head). - Breakout Confirmation: Occurs when the price breaks the neckline after forming the second shoulder, signaling a potential trend reversal upward - Target: The move's potential height can be estimated from the head's height added to the breakout point. This pattern is a classic reversal indicator, great for identifying entry points#LearningFromMistakes $NOT
Understanding the Head and Shoulders Chart Pattern:

- Formation: Consists of two smaller peaks (shoulders) on either side of a higher peak (head).

- Breakout Confirmation: Occurs when the price breaks the neckline after forming the second shoulder, signaling a potential trend reversal upward

- Target: The move's potential height can be estimated from the head's height added to the breakout point.

This pattern is a classic reversal indicator, great for identifying entry points#LearningFromMistakes $NOT
STEP by STEP HOW I MAKE PROFIT FROM CRYPTO WITH LOW CAPITAL ! Here is one real tip which took a user @Square-Creator-56b291750 from $20 to $80 in 32 days, so simple that anyone an apply this and see success. Thanks to Dalanefx on !nstägrâm, she gave these easy steps and it worked perfectly . We applied same strategy and here is success we achieved: STEP by STEP of how we made profit easily using a 2x leverage: Step 1. Margin: You deposit 0.01 BTC (approximately $194.59 at $19,459.30/BTC) as margin to open the position. Step 2. Entry price: You set a limit order to sell 1 BTCUSDT at $19,459.30 (entry price). Step 3. Mark price: The current mark price is $19,500 (the fair value of the contract). Step 4. Contract size: 1 BTCUSDT contract is equivalent to 1 USDⓈ (USDT) value of 1 BTC. Step 5. Leverage: You use 2x leverage. Step 6. Position value: Your position value would be $38,918.60 (19,459.30 x 2). Step 7. Profit/Loss (P/L): If the mark price falls to $18,500, your P/L would be $1,081.40 (19,500 - 18,500). Step 8. Liquidation price: If the mark price rises to $20,918.60, your position would be liquidated (forcibly closed). In Summary:- 1 BTC = 58,662.70 USDT (used to calculate the position value) - Leverage size: 2x (means you're using 2 times the margin to open the position) - Entry price: 19,459.30 USDT (the price you executed your trade at) - Mark price: 19,500 USDT (the current fair value of the contract) - You're shorting 1 BTCUSDT, hoping the price will fall. You can comment below for more info or reach out to Dalanefx on !nstägräm #ProfitWithConfidence #ProfitableInvesting #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #LearningFromMistakes #Beginnersguide

Here is one real tip which took a user @KelzGOR from $20 to $80 in 32 days, so simple that anyone an apply this and see success.

Thanks to Dalanefx on !nstägrâm, she gave these easy steps and it worked perfectly .

We applied same strategy and here is success we achieved:

STEP by STEP of how we made profit easily using a 2x leverage:

Step 1. Margin: You deposit 0.01 BTC (approximately $194.59 at $19,459.30/BTC) as margin to open the position.

Step 2. Entry price: You set a limit order to sell 1 BTCUSDT at $19,459.30 (entry price).

Step 3. Mark price: The current mark price is $19,500 (the fair value of the contract).

Step 4. Contract size: 1 BTCUSDT contract is equivalent to 1 USDⓈ (USDT) value of 1 BTC.

Step 5. Leverage: You use 2x leverage.

Step 6. Position value: Your position value would be $38,918.60 (19,459.30 x 2).

Step 7. Profit/Loss (P/L): If the mark price falls to $18,500, your P/L would be $1,081.40 (19,500 - 18,500).

Step 8. Liquidation price: If the mark price rises to $20,918.60, your position would be liquidated (forcibly closed).

In Summary:- 1 BTC = 58,662.70 USDT (used to calculate the position value)

- Leverage size: 2x (means you're using 2 times the margin to open the position)

- Entry price: 19,459.30 USDT (the price you executed your trade at)

- Mark price: 19,500 USDT (the current fair value of the contract)

- You're shorting 1 BTCUSDT, hoping the price will fall.

You can comment below for more info or reach out to Dalanefx on !nstägräm
#ProfitWithConfidence #ProfitableInvesting #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #LearningFromMistakes #Beginnersguide
Trading rules to keep in mind.  (Remember these are trading rules not investing.) 1. Everything that goes up will come down but everything that is down will not necessarily go up. 2. Most of the cryptocurrencies move in a zone identification of the zone is the real game.  3. Always follow the rules that you have made for yourself. 4. Always identify the trend by the 24 hour chart. 5. Never take more than 5x leverage FOLLOW FOR MORE SUCH CONTENT #buythedip #tradingtechnique #Learning_Earning #LearningFromMistakes #rules
Trading rules to keep in mind. 
(Remember these are trading rules not investing.)

1. Everything that goes up will come down but everything that is down will not necessarily go up.

2. Most of the cryptocurrencies move in a zone identification of the zone is the real game. 

3. Always follow the rules that you have made for yourself.

4. Always identify the trend by the 24 hour chart.

5. Never take more than 5x leverage

FOLLOW FOR MORE SUCH CONTENT #buythedip #tradingtechnique #Learning_Earning #LearningFromMistakes #rules




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Unlocking $10 - $20 as a Newcomer: The Surprising Formula Exposed!Fed up with promises of “easy cash” online? The ones that shout, "Earn $500 a day without lifting a finger!" Deep down, you know it sounds too good to be true, right? Well, brace yourself because we’re about to reveal the real path to earning a steady $10 to $20 even if you’re just starting—and it’s probably not what you’re expecting. Get ready to dive into a world of genuine, small-scale opportunities that add up fast! $USDC $BNB $BTC Discovering the World of Micro-Hustles: The Puzzle Pieces of Earning Ever heard of “micro-hustles”? These little gigs might not have the appeal of get-rich-quick schemes, but they bring in dollars that stack up with time. Think of it as a puzzle—each small task, each dollar, contributes to the larger picture. The key is consistency; these gigs require minimal skill, only a smartphone, and a bit of patience. With just a few clever approaches, you can be on your way to earning without any financial commitment. Real Ways to Make It Happen 1. Online Surveys That Pay: Forget the eye-rolling; certain survey sites actually compensate for genuine feedback, paying $1 to $5 per survey. With some research, you’ll find platforms offering quick payouts and bonuses, so each small amount quickly turns into a decent total. 2. Maximizing GPT (Get Paid To) Sites: GPT sites reward simple tasks like watching ads or downloading apps. The trick? Multitask on several GPT platforms, tackling similar tasks across them to maximize earnings. Think of it as leveling up multiple games at once—each one bringing in a few more bucks. 3. Entry-Level Freelancing Gigs: Believe it or not, freelancing isn’t just for experts. Sites like Fiverr and Upwork have straightforward gigs, from data entry to basic transcription. A few positive reviews can snowball these initial $5 gigs into consistent projects and more substantial pay. 4. The Magic of Cashback Apps: Spending money to make money sounds odd, but cashback apps offer cash rewards or bonuses for everyday purchases. Scan a receipt after a purchase, and, with the right platform, you’re raking in a few dollars on top of your initial spend. The Unseen Side Hustle: Reselling with a Twist Here’s one hidden in plain sight—reselling. Start with items you don’t need, or even better, search for freebies people give away online. Clean them up, add a bit of polish, and resell for a modest profit. It may not seem glamorous, but for those willing to put in a little work, it’s a straightforward way to earn a steady $10 to $20. So, is it about the money? Not at first. The goal here is momentum—getting started and opening doors to more. Small hustles often reveal new ways to grow, and once you begin, there’s no telling where the journey might lead. Ready to jump in? Start small, stay consistent, and let the earnings surprise you! #ScrollOnBinance #USJoblessClaimsDip #Write2Earn! #LearningFromMistakes

Unlocking $10 - $20 as a Newcomer: The Surprising Formula Exposed!

Fed up with promises of “easy cash” online? The ones that shout, "Earn $500 a day without lifting a finger!" Deep down, you know it sounds too good to be true, right? Well, brace yourself because we’re about to reveal the real path to earning a steady $10 to $20 even if you’re just starting—and it’s probably not what you’re expecting. Get ready to dive into a world of genuine, small-scale opportunities that add up fast!
Discovering the World of Micro-Hustles: The Puzzle Pieces of Earning

Ever heard of “micro-hustles”? These little gigs might not have the appeal of get-rich-quick schemes, but they bring in dollars that stack up with time. Think of it as a puzzle—each small task, each dollar, contributes to the larger picture. The key is consistency; these gigs require minimal skill, only a smartphone, and a bit of patience. With just a few clever approaches, you can be on your way to earning without any financial commitment.

Real Ways to Make It Happen

1. Online Surveys That Pay: Forget the eye-rolling; certain survey sites actually compensate for genuine feedback, paying $1 to $5 per survey. With some research, you’ll find platforms offering quick payouts and bonuses, so each small amount quickly turns into a decent total.

2. Maximizing GPT (Get Paid To) Sites: GPT sites reward simple tasks like watching ads or downloading apps. The trick? Multitask on several GPT platforms, tackling similar tasks across them to maximize earnings. Think of it as leveling up multiple games at once—each one bringing in a few more bucks.

3. Entry-Level Freelancing Gigs: Believe it or not, freelancing isn’t just for experts. Sites like Fiverr and Upwork have straightforward gigs, from data entry to basic transcription. A few positive reviews can snowball these initial $5 gigs into consistent projects and more substantial pay.

4. The Magic of Cashback Apps: Spending money to make money sounds odd, but cashback apps offer cash rewards or bonuses for everyday purchases. Scan a receipt after a purchase, and, with the right platform, you’re raking in a few dollars on top of your initial spend.

The Unseen Side Hustle: Reselling with a Twist

Here’s one hidden in plain sight—reselling. Start with items you don’t need, or even better, search for freebies people give away online. Clean them up, add a bit of polish, and resell for a modest profit. It may not seem glamorous, but for those willing to put in a little work, it’s a straightforward way to earn a steady $10 to $20.

So, is it about the money? Not at first. The goal here is momentum—getting started and opening doors to more. Small hustles often reveal new ways to grow, and once you begin, there’s no telling where the journey might lead. Ready to jump in? Start small, stay consistent, and let the earnings surprise you!
#ScrollOnBinance #USJoblessClaimsDip #Write2Earn! #LearningFromMistakes
BULLISH REVERSAL : A bullish reversal pattern suggests that a downtrend is ending, and an uptrend might begin. In this scenario: Aggressive Trendline Retest: The price quickly revisits and bounces off a key trendline (a line connecting past lows). Previous High Retest: The price also retests the previous high level (a point where the price peaked before) to confirm it as a new support. If these retests hold, it signals that the market is likely shifting from a bearish to a bullish trend. #LearningFromMistakes #TON #dogs #CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole

A bullish reversal pattern suggests that a downtrend is ending, and an uptrend might begin. In this scenario:

Aggressive Trendline Retest: The price quickly revisits and bounces off a key trendline (a line connecting past lows).
Previous High Retest: The price also retests the previous high level (a point where the price peaked before) to confirm it as a new support.
If these retests hold, it signals that the market is likely shifting from a bearish to a bullish trend.

#LearningFromMistakes #TON #dogs #CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole
📉 Stuck in a Pump Coin? Here's What to Do: Example: $RARE If you bought a coin during a pump and are now stuck with it at a high price, don’t hold onto it forever hoping it will bounce back. Even Bitcoin was at a similar price 3.5 years ago in early 2021. The market often gives a relief bounce from key levels, but that doesn’t always mean a full reversal. Use these bounces to at least recover some of your investment. Mistakes happen and can be valuable lessons if you learn from them. Don’t let greed trap you. Instead, move on and make a new plan. Got some questions regarding $RARE but answers will benefit all #CryptoAdvice #InvestmentTips #marketstrategy #LearningFromMistakes
📉 Stuck in a Pump Coin? Here's What to Do:

Example: $RARE

If you bought a coin during a pump and are now stuck with it at a high price, don’t hold onto it forever hoping it will bounce back. Even Bitcoin was at a similar price 3.5 years ago in early 2021.

The market often gives a relief bounce from key levels, but that doesn’t always mean a full reversal. Use these bounces to at least recover some of your investment. Mistakes happen and can be valuable lessons if you learn from them. Don’t let greed trap you. Instead, move on and make a new plan.

Got some questions regarding $RARE but answers will benefit all

#CryptoAdvice #InvestmentTips #marketstrategy #LearningFromMistakes
🚀 Attention Crypto Enthusiasts! 🚀 Are you aware of the terms CEXs, DEXs, DeFi, Crypto Wallets, Smart Contracts, DApps, and DAO? If not, you might be at risk of losing your precious cryptos! 😱 These terms are the backbone of the crypto world. Understanding them is crucial to navigate the crypto landscape safely and efficiently. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Spend just 20 minutes going through the link below, and you’ll have these concepts at your fingertips. 🔗 [Click Here]( to learn more on Binance Academy 🔗 Remember, knowledge is power, especially in the crypto universe! Equip yourself with the right information and let’s conquer the crypto world together! 💪🚀 #learn #LearningFromMistakes #Learing_Earning #learnthenearn #learnbinance
🚀 Attention Crypto Enthusiasts! 🚀

Are you aware of the terms CEXs, DEXs, DeFi, Crypto Wallets, Smart Contracts, DApps, and DAO? If not, you might be at risk of losing your precious cryptos! 😱

These terms are the backbone of the crypto world. Understanding them is crucial to navigate the crypto landscape safely and efficiently.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Spend just 20 minutes going through the link below, and you’ll have these concepts at your fingertips.

🔗 Click Here to learn more on Binance Academy 🔗

Remember, knowledge is power, especially in the crypto universe! Equip yourself with the right information and let’s conquer the crypto world together! 💪🚀
#learn #LearningFromMistakes #Learing_Earning #learnthenearn #learnbinance
Lost 15k USD on 1st of October. Wrecked due to my bad decision to follow someone’s signals and guess what? I paid him 800usd for that shit 😅 Side effects of not knowing how to trade by yourself. I always depend upon someone’s signals and it’s the second time i got a major loss. Don’t follow these fake GURUS they don’t know anything they just gamble on your money. If it goes well they take credit. If it goes wrong your money’s gone they’ll still sleep well. #ScamAware #scamsafety #learningbyloosing #LearningFromMistakes
Lost 15k USD on 1st of October. Wrecked due to my bad decision to follow someone’s signals and guess what?
I paid him 800usd for that shit 😅
Side effects of not knowing how to trade by yourself. I always depend upon someone’s signals and it’s the second time i got a major loss.
Don’t follow these fake GURUS they don’t know anything they just gamble on your money. If it goes well they take credit. If it goes wrong your money’s gone they’ll still sleep well.

#ScamAware #scamsafety #learningbyloosing #LearningFromMistakes
make all the money u can arkm and sol ,arkm buy at 1-1.3$ and sol buy at 110-130$ at spot (no at future🙄) then wait for 80 -90 days You will have X3+++++💰 AND THATS FOR FREE😉
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