Binance Square
10 Posts
Ethiopia Becomes A Major Crypto Mining Destination
Chinese Bitcoin miners are moving to Ethiopia because it has low energy costs and good laws, which is beneficial for the business as a whole.A new center for their activities has emerged on the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, where Chinese Bitcoin miners have set their sights. This change in focus is a response to tighter restrictions and higher power prices in other regions of the globe. Ethiopia has recently emerged as an appealing location because of its cheap energy prices and more friendly government policies.Ethiopia is attractive for more than just its cheap electricity; the government is warming up to the cryptocurrency business by being receptive to Bitcoin mining, even if trading cryptocurrencies is illegal in the country. Chinese participation in the $4.8 billion dam project highlights the country’s promise as a center for crypto-mining operations that provide cheap electricity.A total of 21 Bitcoin miners, the majority of whom are Chinese, have struck arrangements with Ethiopia’s state power monopoly, thanks to the country’s cheap energy. Ethiopia presents a unique opportunity for companies seeking to preserve their competitive advantage in Bitcoin mining, especially when considered against the background of worldwide issues confronting the sector, such as power shortages and environmental concerns.But there are dangers associated with the move towards Ethiopia. When the energy demands of Bitcoin miners start to outstrip local requirements, public dissatisfaction and governmental crackdowns ensue, as seen in Iran and Kazakhstan nations that were first accepting of mining may swiftly reverse their attitude. The growth of Bitcoin mining is a sensitive topic in Ethiopia since roughly half of the population does not have access to energy.Chinese Bitcoin miners, fleeing economic and political upheaval in other regions, have flocked to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the biggest dam in Africa. It is evident that the nation is becoming more prominent in the cryptocurrency mining business since there are shipping containers nearby that are full of high-performance computer equipment.
Safaricom M-Pesa receives Ethiopian mobile money license, ending state monopoly The Kenya-based company already has 3 million mobile phone users in Ethiopia and plans to make it the 10th country where the payment service will be available. #Ufin #Ethiopian #LucidHoang #MPesa #eucryptotaxplans
Safaricom M-Pesa receives Ethiopian mobile money license, ending state monopoly

The Kenya-based company already has 3 million mobile phone users in Ethiopia and plans to make it the 10th country where the payment service will be available.

#Ufin #Ethiopian #LucidHoang #MPesa #eucryptotaxplans
BRICS Enters #Bitcoin #Mining: China & Ethiopia Sign BTC Miners Deal The new #BRICS member Ethiopia is signing Bitcoin mining deals with its alliance partner #China. The #Ethiopian State Electricity Company launched affordable hydropower to attract foreign investments into the country. Ethiopia’s pursuit for foreign exchange currencies netted China’s interest making the two BRICS countries sign a Bitcoin miners deal. China found Ethiopia’s hydropower electricity affordable and lucrative, attracting the perfect opportunity for Bitcoin miners.
BRICS Enters #Bitcoin #Mining: China & Ethiopia Sign BTC Miners Deal

The new #BRICS member Ethiopia is signing Bitcoin mining deals with its alliance partner #China. The #Ethiopian State Electricity Company launched affordable hydropower to attract foreign investments into the country. Ethiopia’s pursuit for foreign exchange currencies netted China’s interest making the two BRICS countries sign a Bitcoin miners deal. China found Ethiopia’s hydropower electricity affordable and lucrative, attracting the perfect opportunity for Bitcoin miners.
P2P ማጭበርበሮች ማንቂያ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ የP2P የማጭበርበሪያ ዝርዝሮች፡- - የማጭበርበር ዘዴ፡ አጭበርባሪ ሻጮች ክፍያ ከፈጸሙ በኋላ ትዕዛዙን እንዲሰርዙ ለማሳመን ይሞክራሉ። - አታላይ ማብራሪያ፡- "የስርዓት ስህተት" USDTን በራስ ሰር መክፈት ይከለክላል ይላሉ። - የውሸት ማረጋገጫ፡- በእጅ ለመክፈት ወይም ገንዘብ ተመላሽ ለማድረግ ቃል ይገባሉ፣ ነገር ግን ትዕዛዙን ከሰረዙ ብቻ ነው። - የመመለስ ዘዴ፡ ትዕዛዙን መሰረዝ USDT ሳያገኙ ገንዘብዎን ወደ ማጣት ያመራል። ውጤት፡ የገንዘብ ኪሳራ እና ምንም USDT አልደረሰም። ያስታውሱ፡ ትዕዛዙን በጭራሽ አይሰርዙት። #Ethiopia #Habesha #EthiopianBirr #Ethiopian #Birr
P2P ማጭበርበሮች ማንቂያ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

የP2P የማጭበርበሪያ ዝርዝሮች፡-

- የማጭበርበር ዘዴ፡ አጭበርባሪ ሻጮች ክፍያ ከፈጸሙ በኋላ ትዕዛዙን እንዲሰርዙ ለማሳመን ይሞክራሉ።

- አታላይ ማብራሪያ፡- "የስርዓት ስህተት" USDTን በራስ ሰር መክፈት ይከለክላል ይላሉ።

- የውሸት ማረጋገጫ፡- በእጅ ለመክፈት ወይም ገንዘብ ተመላሽ ለማድረግ ቃል ይገባሉ፣ ነገር ግን ትዕዛዙን ከሰረዙ ብቻ ነው።

- የመመለስ ዘዴ፡ ትዕዛዙን መሰረዝ USDT ሳያገኙ ገንዘብዎን ወደ ማጣት ያመራል።

ውጤት፡ የገንዘብ ኪሳራ እና ምንም USDT አልደረሰም።

ያስታውሱ፡ ትዕዛዙን በጭራሽ አይሰርዙት።

#Ethiopia #Habesha #EthiopianBirr #Ethiopian #Birr
የዛሬ ዕለታዊ የውጭ ምንዛሬ ምን ይመስላል ? (ሐምሌ 29/2016 ዓ/ም) በኢትዮያ ንግድ ባንክ የዛሬ ምንዛሬ ከቅዳሜው ምንዛሬ ዋጋ የተለየ ነገር የለም። የአሜሪካ ዶላር መግዣው 95.6931 ፤ መሸጫው 101.4347 ሆኖ ዛሬ ቀጥሏል። በግል ባንኮች ግን ፉክክሩ ደርቷል። ለአብነት (#CASH)፦ ➡ አቢሲንያ ባንክ 💵 ዶላር መግዣው 100.2288 ፤ መሸጫው 113.2585 💷 ፓውንድ መግዣው 122.2153 ፤ መሸጫው 138.1033 💶 ዩሮ መግዣው 109.3596 ፤ መሸጫው 123.5763 ➡️ ወጋገን ባንክ 💵 ዶላር 101.6434 መግዣ ፤ መሸጫው 113.8406 💷 ፓውንድ መግዣ 130.1137 ፤  መሸጫ 145.7273 💶 ዩሮ መግዣ 110.9031 ፤ መሸጫው 124. 2115 ➡️ ዳሸን ባንክ 💵 ዶለር መግዣው 100.9253 ፤ መሸጫው 112.0271 💷 ፓውንድ መግዣ 124.0748 ፤ መሸጫ 137.7230 💶ዩሮ መግዣው 109.4334 ፤ መሸጫው 121.4711 🇸🇦የሳውዲ ሪያል 24.3462 መግዣው ፤ መሸጫው 27.0243 🇦🇪የUAE ድርሃም መግዣው በ24.8666፤ መሸጫው 27.6019 ➡️ ንብ ባንክ 💵 ዶላር መግዣው 101.0959 ፤ መሸጫው 111.2055 💷 ፓውንድ መግዣው 129.3521 ፤ መሸጫው 142.2874 💶ዩሮ መግዣው 110.3056 ፤ መሸጫው 121.3362 🇦🇪የUAE ድርሃም መግዣው 27.5263 ፤ መሸጫው 30.2789 🇸🇦የሳዑዲ ሪያል መግዣው 26.9446 ፤ መሸጫው 29.6390 #Floatingexchangerate #ethiopiabanks #ethiopiaIMF #Ethiopia #Ethiopian
የዛሬ ዕለታዊ የውጭ ምንዛሬ ምን ይመስላል ?
(ሐምሌ 29/2016 ዓ/ም)

በኢትዮያ ንግድ ባንክ የዛሬ ምንዛሬ ከቅዳሜው ምንዛሬ ዋጋ የተለየ ነገር የለም።

የአሜሪካ ዶላር መግዣው 95.6931 ፤ መሸጫው 101.4347 ሆኖ ዛሬ ቀጥሏል።

በግል ባንኮች ግን ፉክክሩ ደርቷል።

ለአብነት (#CASH)፦

➡ አቢሲንያ ባንክ

💵 ዶላር መግዣው 100.2288 ፤ መሸጫው 113.2585
💷 ፓውንድ መግዣው 122.2153 ፤ መሸጫው 138.1033
💶 ዩሮ መግዣው 109.3596 ፤ መሸጫው 123.5763

➡️ ወጋገን ባንክ

💵 ዶላር 101.6434 መግዣ ፤ መሸጫው 113.8406
💷 ፓውንድ መግዣ 130.1137 ፤  መሸጫ 145.7273
💶 ዩሮ መግዣ 110.9031 ፤ መሸጫው 124. 2115

➡️ ዳሸን ባንክ

💵 ዶለር መግዣው 100.9253 ፤ መሸጫው 112.0271
💷 ፓውንድ መግዣ 124.0748 ፤ መሸጫ 137.7230
💶ዩሮ መግዣው 109.4334 ፤ መሸጫው 121.4711
🇸🇦የሳውዲ ሪያል 24.3462 መግዣው ፤ መሸጫው 27.0243
🇦🇪የUAE ድርሃም መግዣው በ24.8666፤ መሸጫው 27.6019

➡️ ንብ ባንክ

💵 ዶላር መግዣው 101.0959 ፤ መሸጫው 111.2055
💷 ፓውንድ መግዣው 129.3521 ፤ መሸጫው 142.2874
💶ዩሮ መግዣው 110.3056 ፤ መሸጫው 121.3362
🇦🇪የUAE ድርሃም መግዣው 27.5263 ፤ መሸጫው 30.2789
🇸🇦የሳዑዲ ሪያል መግዣው 26.9446 ፤ መሸጫው 29.6390

#Floatingexchangerate #ethiopiabanks #ethiopiaIMF #Ethiopia #Ethiopian
As observed, the black market is declining as more USD supply enters the market. To completely stabilize the market, the NBE should lift some restrictions, such as granting USD access not only to travelers but also to locals and raising the current limits. This would eliminate the need for people to turn to the black market instead of banks. #Ethiopia #BinanceETH #MarketDownturn #Ethiopian #Africa
As observed, the black market is declining as more USD supply enters the market. To completely stabilize the market, the NBE should lift some restrictions, such as granting USD access not only to travelers but also to locals and raising the current limits. This would eliminate the need for people to turn to the black market instead of banks.

#Ethiopia #BinanceETH #MarketDownturn #Ethiopian #Africa
Ethiopian Birr On Binance DeFi#Ethiopian #Birr is Now Available on Binance DeFi $ETB . Keep Up To Date On Instagram at Ethiopian_Birr For Details and Updates

Ethiopian Birr On Binance DeFi

#Ethiopian #Birr is Now Available on Binance DeFi $ETB . Keep Up To Date On Instagram at Ethiopian_Birr For Details and Updates
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