Binance Square
1,107 Posts
#BTC、 $BTC 这一波行情有可能突破历史新高,但也有可能继续在大区间内震荡。我们之前在低位进场的部位现在已经全部盈利了,可以考虑拉起止损,让利润奔跑。如果突破了71500美元但没有进一步上涨的话,可能会继续震荡。当前支撑和阻力位相差不大,因为市场还没有明显方向。记住要养成良好的止损习惯,及时平掉部分盈利,移动止损到成本线以上。就像在GMX上的操作一样,如果没有及时拉起止损,可能会让盈利变成亏损。因此,好的交易策略非常重要。祝大家交易顺利!市场目前比较平淡,可以放空时间,看看电影、逛逛街。 #大盘走势
#BTC、 $BTC 这一波行情有可能突破历史新高,但也有可能继续在大区间内震荡。我们之前在低位进场的部位现在已经全部盈利了,可以考虑拉起止损,让利润奔跑。如果突破了71500美元但没有进一步上涨的话,可能会继续震荡。当前支撑和阻力位相差不大,因为市场还没有明显方向。记住要养成良好的止损习惯,及时平掉部分盈利,移动止损到成本线以上。就像在GMX上的操作一样,如果没有及时拉起止损,可能会让盈利变成亏损。因此,好的交易策略非常重要。祝大家交易顺利!市场目前比较平淡,可以放空时间,看看电影、逛逛街。

#op 今天3.45关键,过了3.8
Marathon Digital Holds Over $1.1 Billion in BitcoinAccording to Arkham monitoring, Marathon Digital Holdings, a bitcoin mining company, holds over $1.1 billion worth of bitcoin across 23 addresses. The company mined 12,850 bitcoins in 2023, generating $387.5 million in revenue. #大盘走势

Marathon Digital Holds Over $1.1 Billion in Bitcoin

According to Arkham monitoring, Marathon Digital Holdings, a bitcoin mining company, holds over $1.1 billion worth of bitcoin across 23 addresses. The company mined 12,850 bitcoins in 2023, generating $387.5 million in revenue.
📌GET REWARD 𝚄𝙿𝚃𝙾 $3 𝚄𝚂𝙳𝚃/𝙿𝙴𝙿𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙼𝚈 𝚃𝚆𝙾 𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝚃𝚂💰💰🎁... The current market of altcoins is really like this: if Bitcoin goes up, it will not follow the rise; if Bitcoin goes down, it will fall. This is the disadvantage of ETFs. The capital inflow is too concentrated, and altcoins cannot get a share. People only recognize BTC, and they don’t recognize other coins. This leads to the market differentiation in a certain period. BTC has always had money flowing in, and altcoins are only played by people in the circle; Breakthrough situation 1. Bitcoin goes to a new high to open up the situation, and altcoin dealers are willing to pull the market; 2. The altcoins fall for a period of time, and then wash the market and pull up again; 3. ETH or SOL ETFs are passed, and funds begin to enter the ecosystem. #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势
The current market of altcoins is really like this: if Bitcoin goes up, it will not follow the rise; if Bitcoin goes down, it will fall.
This is the disadvantage of ETFs. The capital inflow is too concentrated, and altcoins cannot get a share.
People only recognize BTC, and they don’t recognize other coins.
This leads to the market differentiation in a certain period. BTC has always had money flowing in, and altcoins are only played by people in the circle;
Breakthrough situation
1. Bitcoin goes to a new high to open up the situation, and altcoin dealers are willing to pull the market;
2. The altcoins fall for a period of time, and then wash the market and pull up again;
3. ETH or SOL ETFs are passed, and funds begin to enter the ecosystem.
#etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势
据Protos报道,自2011年以来,Luke Dashjr一直是审核比特币改进提案(BIP)的唯一分配者,但最近他因拒绝为另一位比特币核心贡献者Casey Rodarmor的提案分配BIP编号而受到批评。Dashjr认为这个提案是一种垃圾协议,因此没有认真对待,也没有为其分配BIP编号。这一行为引发了对Dashjr作为BIP管理员角色的质疑,批评者称他正在变成一个守门员,可以单方面阻止比特币代码的更改。 Dashjr还提交了一个旨在阻止Ordinals的拉取请求,这引起了广泛关注。批评者认为,这将损害矿工的收入来源,等同于言论审查。比特币核心维护者Ava Chow最终拒绝了Dashjr的请求,没有采用他的代码,表示这个拉取请求存在争议,并且目前没有达成所有人都接受的结论。 Dashjr回应了对他的批评,表示另一位BIP编辑在一月份就停止工作了。他强调,他自愿为BIP工作,没有任何报酬。然而,Dashjr对Ordinals的强硬立场似乎使他很难证明自己作为比特币改进提案唯一管理员的合理性。他的拒绝行为引发了许多比特币用户对比特币网络升级审查过程的去中心化程度的质疑。 #大盘走势 #BIP #BTC $BTC
据Protos报道,自2011年以来,Luke Dashjr一直是审核比特币改进提案(BIP)的唯一分配者,但最近他因拒绝为另一位比特币核心贡献者Casey Rodarmor的提案分配BIP编号而受到批评。Dashjr认为这个提案是一种垃圾协议,因此没有认真对待,也没有为其分配BIP编号。这一行为引发了对Dashjr作为BIP管理员角色的质疑,批评者称他正在变成一个守门员,可以单方面阻止比特币代码的更改。
Dashjr还提交了一个旨在阻止Ordinals的拉取请求,这引起了广泛关注。批评者认为,这将损害矿工的收入来源,等同于言论审查。比特币核心维护者Ava Chow最终拒绝了Dashjr的请求,没有采用他的代码,表示这个拉取请求存在争议,并且目前没有达成所有人都接受的结论。
#大盘走势 #BIP #BTC $BTC
📌𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼 𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙴 REWARD 𝚄𝙿𝚃𝙾 10$ 𝚄𝚂𝙳𝚃/𝙿𝙴𝙿𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙼𝚈 𝚃𝚆𝙾 𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝚃𝚂💰💰🎁... $W I see a lot of people talking about this W recently, so I’d like to say a few words here. Please note the Parabolic Stop and Reversal (SAR) indicator, which tracks the W price from below. As long as this price-tracking indicator tracks the price from below, the possibility of an uptick is high. However, based on the outlook of the Relative Strength Index (RSI), which is still below the “50” average, the upward trajectory may be delayed as the bulls adjust. And the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) reinforces this assumption as they are in negative territory. If W bulls recover the market, the key levels to watch are $1.183 and $1.442. Turning the seller congestion level into support will encourage more buy orders. The subsequent buyer momentum may push the price of the coin further up, potentially as high as a peak of $1.860. Conversely, the MACD in negative territory suggests that bears are also in play. If this group of traders takes over the market, the Wormhole price may fall below the current support level. In a severe scenario, the downtrend could lead Wormhole price to a range low of $0.050. Meanwhile, the pre-money price move to $1 million is on the cards as Wormhole price has already filled a descending wedge pattern, confirming the next directional bias. #大盘走势

I see a lot of people talking about this W recently, so I’d like to say a few words here.

Please note the Parabolic Stop and Reversal (SAR) indicator, which tracks the W price from below. As long as this price-tracking indicator tracks the price from below, the possibility of an uptick is high.

However, based on the outlook of the Relative Strength Index (RSI), which is still below the “50” average, the upward trajectory may be delayed as the bulls adjust. And the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) reinforces this assumption as they are in negative territory.

If W bulls recover the market, the key levels to watch are $1.183 and $1.442. Turning the seller congestion level into support will encourage more buy orders. The subsequent buyer momentum may push the price of the coin further up, potentially as high as a peak of $1.860.

Conversely, the MACD in negative territory suggests that bears are also in play. If this group of traders takes over the market, the Wormhole price may fall below the current support level. In a severe scenario, the downtrend could lead Wormhole price to a range low of $0.050.

Meanwhile, the pre-money price move to $1 million is on the cards as Wormhole price has already filled a descending wedge pattern, confirming the next directional bias.

大饼的4小时图,其上涨趋势已经愈发明显,犹如一只雄狮准备跃出草丛,目标直指73000的双顶形态。从当前的走势看,它似乎志在冲击75000,乃至更远的80000大关。但这样的气势汹汹,若没有市场的持续助力,恐怕也只是昙花一现,难以持久。 目前,大饼已经企稳并展现出反弹的势头。但这一轮,如果它无法成功突破新高,那么很可能将继续陷入震荡之中。这样的震荡,可不是短期内能够结束的,或许会持续一个月,甚至更久。美联储的降息预期虽然在下半年,但目前看来,市场似乎缺乏进一步上涨的动力。所谓的牛市,也许只能勉强维持现状,一旦失去支撑,市场不涨便是跌。 减半行情即将在本月画上句号,届时市场的反应将至关重要。若市场依旧无动于衷,那么未来的走势将变得相当棘手。没有了新高的刺激,剩下的恐怕只有无尽的震荡或是无情的下跌。投资者们需要保持警惕,随时做好应对市场变化的准备。 #大盘走势 #BTC、 #WIF 我是财神,币圈老手,只讲真话。想快速入门币圈?关注我,查看主页,免费为你提供真实建议,助你稳步前行,共创辉煌!
#大盘走势 #BTC、 #WIF

#大盘走势 $BTC 明日才是正式踩踏开始,大饼破4万,山寨集体缩水90%
#大盘走势 $BTC 明日才是正式踩踏开始,大饼破4万,山寨集体缩水90%
🌟本轮BTC牛市结束了吗?还是会再次迎来一波新高? ☄️第一个牛市周期是从2009年12月21日到2011年6月6日,比特币价格暴涨了3191倍,增长惊人。 ☄️接着是2011年11月14日到2013年11月25日的周期,涨幅虽然减少了,但仍然达到了572倍,令人印象深刻。 ☄️2015年8月17日到2017年12月18日期间,涨幅进一步缩小到122倍。 ☄️最近的牛市周期是从2018年12月10日到2021年11月8日,涨幅仅增长了22倍。 根据历史数据分析,从2022年11月21日开始的这一轮比特币周期可能会比最低点涨幅约4.5倍,预计最高点接近72723美元。需要注意的是,2024年3月14日记录的73835美元价格已经接近这个峰值。谨慎地指出,“每个牛市周期的涨幅约为前一个周期的20%,显示出能量损失很大。” 主要预测是牛市将持续到2025年9月/10月。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC #大盘走势 #牛市进行中…







#BTC #大盘走势 #牛市进行中…
$BTC 日線,在盤整區中間,但這位子應該還是可以觀察一下 #大盘走势
$BTC 日線,在盤整區中間,但這位子應該還是可以觀察一下 #大盘走势
比特币阴跌 以太现货ETF通过就是时间问题
每日高质量更文,花您宝贵两秒👆点关注不迷路#大盘走势 #pepe #TON生态 #W #etc
以太现货ETF也通过 这个时候大家对买比特币现货ETF就很有信心了
SOL还真的跌到132,比特币不破58000  SOL正常可以守住123
认知社不知道比特币什么时候暴跌,但是我们每次比特币暴跌都提醒是机会,我们在比特币暴跌入场,布局我们喜欢的以太UNI  和热点山寨.
数据:某新地址近 16 个小时已从币安提取 1.187 亿美元的加密资产
某新建地址在最近 16 个小时里从币安提出了价值 1.187 亿美元的资产,包括 7,402 枚 ETH(2303 万美元)和 9567 万枚 USDT。
富兰克林邓普顿推出以太坊 ETF,在 DTCC 上市
富兰克林邓普顿以太坊现货 ETF 在 DTCC 上市并不保证 SEC 批准现货以太币 ETF 的 S-1 申请。 
以太坊链上 DEX 4 月 26 日交易量为 18.68 亿美元,排名第一。
此外,Solana 链上 DEX 昨日交易量为 8.5615 亿美元,已连续 5 天排名第二;BSC 链上 DEX 昨日交易量为 6.555 亿美元,排名第三。
📍认知社解读:利好JTO 但是怕就怕SEC
🔹总结:比特币不破58000,山寨这个位置就是历史性底部区域; 24年是比特币以太的牛市初级阶段 ,每次暴跌都是机会,长线的k线研究重点关注以太次UNI OP  NEAR BLUR和link大饼;
支撑位:62500      58000
压力位:64600     66000
压力位:3190     3240
支撑位:3110     3060
认知社23年的1.多near 1.多OP ,和0.2的BLUR  200的BNB 5.5的LINK 被套和摆烂N个月,24年的很多山寨可能也要被套几个月,这个时候更新玩波段意义不大,今后几个月大多数时候大家一起躺平.
支撑位: 7.4    6.6
压力位:7.9   8.2
最低0.37 和认知社昨天文章支撑位吻合
 最低14  比预期高 1413  支撑位
 最低0.26  比认知社预期高  0.24  0.2是重要支撑位
最低0.93 比预期高
620  645是关键压力位
支撑位:580    570
压力位:610    640
2.25  2.1支撑位
认知社是独家在OP 底部1.3附近的时候提醒布局坎昆升级的
压力位:2.45   2.55
支撑位:2.2     2.1
认知社地球独家提醒“ARB”0.9下方定投比如0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73. 实战最低0.74
压力位:7.2 7.5
支撑位:6.8  6.6
高位出的接回,时间不够 以后可能暂时不更新 态太多币
也不爱和那些KOL鼓吹的什么钱 都赚到的样子
银行都有倒闭的  甚至有的大国法币都会倒闭的  恒大和中植系几万亿都破产
在牛市中,即使看空也不一定要做空。个人情况下,我暂时更倾向于在低点买入。 #BTC、 $BTC #大盘走势
#BTC、 $BTC #大盘走势
Grayscale transferred a total of approximately 4,107 BTC to Coinbase PrimeAccording to Arkham data, approximately 23 minutes ago, Grayscale transferred about 4,107.187 BTC (valued at approximately $291 million) to Coinbase Prime address. In addition, Grayscale also transferred 2,150.073 BTC (valued at approximately $152 million) to three new addresses. #大盘走势

Grayscale transferred a total of approximately 4,107 BTC to Coinbase Prime

According to Arkham data, approximately 23 minutes ago, Grayscale transferred about 4,107.187 BTC (valued at approximately $291 million) to Coinbase Prime address. In addition, Grayscale also transferred 2,150.073 BTC (valued at approximately $152 million) to three new addresses.
BlackRock: IBIT's Bitcoin holdings as of April 9 exceeded 266,000 BTCBlackRock has updated official data showing that as of April 9th, the Bitcoin holdings of its spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund IBIT have reached 266,101.6871 BTC, an increase of approximately 1868 BTC from the previous day. The market value is approximately 18,328,227,356.85 USD, and the current circulating share count has risen to 463,920,000. #大盘走势

BlackRock: IBIT's Bitcoin holdings as of April 9 exceeded 266,000 BTC

BlackRock has updated official data showing that as of April 9th, the Bitcoin holdings of its spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund IBIT have reached 266,101.6871 BTC, an increase of approximately 1868 BTC from the previous day. The market value is approximately 18,328,227,356.85 USD, and the current circulating share count has risen to 463,920,000.
This week, spot Bitcoin ETFs had a total net inflow of $635.97 millionAccording to on-chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, there was a total net inflow of $635.97 million into spot Bitcoin ETFs this week, corresponding to an increase of approximately 9,675 BTC in spot Bitcoin ETF holdings this week. In addition, the amount of BTC held by BlackRock (IBIT) is only 66,000 less than that held by Grayscale (GBTC). Based on the current trend of Grayscale reducing its holdings and BlackRock increasing its holdings, we should be able to see BlackRock (IBIT) surpassing Grayscale (GBTC) in BTC holdings in the next 2-3 weeks. #大盘走势

This week, spot Bitcoin ETFs had a total net inflow of $635.97 million

According to on-chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, there was a total net inflow of $635.97 million into spot Bitcoin ETFs this week, corresponding to an increase of approximately 9,675 BTC in spot Bitcoin ETF holdings this week. In addition, the amount of BTC held by BlackRock (IBIT) is only 66,000 less than that held by Grayscale (GBTC). Based on the current trend of Grayscale reducing its holdings and BlackRock increasing its holdings, we should be able to see BlackRock (IBIT) surpassing Grayscale (GBTC) in BTC holdings in the next 2-3 weeks.
EMC Labs: The first wave of large-scale selling of BTC led to price adjustments before halving, and EMC Labs, a cryptocurrency investment research institution, released a report in March 2024 titled "After the Big Sell-Off, the Bull Market Continues." The report pointed out that, according to on-chain data analysis, investors began large-scale selling on February 26, and the period from February 26 to March 12 was the first half of the big sell-off, during which BTC was dominated by buying power, and the price rose from $51,730.96 to $71,475.93. From March 13 to March 31, the second half of the big sell-off (which has not yet ended), BTC was dominated by selling power, and the price dropped from a high of $73,709.99 to $60,771.74. From February 26 to March 31, sellers locked in nearly $63.1 billion in profits. By the end of March, the scale of the sell-off had dropped significantly, but still remained at $1 billion, which caused the price rebound to fail and a downward trend to reappear in April. EMC Labs believes that the selling pressure is decreasing significantly, and the first wave of the bull market's big sell-off is approaching its end. This large-scale sell-off before the production cut clears a large number of profit chips, shifts the cost center of BTC, and helps to raise prices in the next phase. #大盘走势

EMC Labs: The first wave of large-scale selling of BTC led to price adjustments before halving, and

EMC Labs, a cryptocurrency investment research institution, released a report in March 2024 titled "After the Big Sell-Off, the Bull Market Continues." The report pointed out that, according to on-chain data analysis, investors began large-scale selling on February 26, and the period from February 26 to March 12 was the first half of the big sell-off, during which BTC was dominated by buying power, and the price rose from $51,730.96 to $71,475.93. From March 13 to March 31, the second half of the big sell-off (which has not yet ended), BTC was dominated by selling power, and the price dropped from a high of $73,709.99 to $60,771.74. From February 26 to March 31, sellers locked in nearly $63.1 billion in profits. By the end of March, the scale of the sell-off had dropped significantly, but still remained at $1 billion, which caused the price rebound to fail and a downward trend to reappear in April. EMC Labs believes that the selling pressure is decreasing significantly, and the first wave of the bull market's big sell-off is approaching its end. This large-scale sell-off before the production cut clears a large number of profit chips, shifts the cost center of BTC, and helps to raise prices in the next phase.
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