Binance Square
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    You can earn rewards in the following ways:
    Add a coin cashtag (e.g., $BTC) for clarity.
    Add a candle chart widget for the coin you mentioned.
    Our system will automatically detect any trending coins mentioned in your content.
    Enjoy Profits
    Earn up to 30% in commissions from qualified readers who trade directly after clicking anywhere in your content, as shown in the screenshot below.
    Reward Structure
    Basic CommissionBonus CommissionTotal Commission
    Top 1 - 105%+25%30%
    Top 11 - 305%+5%10%
    Basic Commission: Every eligible creator receives a 5% commission.
    Bonus Commission: At the end of each week, Binance ranks all eligible creators by their basic commission, where the top 30 eligible creators of the week can earn a bonus commission as per the table above. Bonus commissions are calculated and settled weekly, without affecting the next week's commission.
    Terms & Conditions
    This promotion may not be available in your region.
    Only short posts, long articles, videos, polls, or audio Lives that are published organically on Binance Square after users confirm their registration for this Promotion will count as qualified content pieces.
    Binance will calculate the commission rewards of each qualified creator at the end of each week, and distribute the weekly commission rewards in FDUSD to their Funding Wallets by the following Thursday at 23:59 (UTC).
    Weekly commission rewards will only be distributed to users when its value is ≥ 0.1 FDUSD.
    Creators can earn up to 30% in trading fee commissions from Spot, Margin, and Futures trades made by both regular and VIP 1-2 users (excluding copy trading).
    Detailed rules.