#Write2Earn I think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high .so I think everyone should buy #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like rocket I hope everyone understand the trick so#buyBNB #spot
#Write2Earn I think pixel will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high .so I think everyone should buy #PIXEL and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like rocket I hope everyone understand the trick so#PIXEL #spot
#Write2Earn I think BTC will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high .so I think everyone should buy #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like rocket I hope everyone understand the trick so#buybtc #spot
#Write2Earn I think eth will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high .so I think everyone should buy #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like rocket I hope everyone understand the trick so#buyeth #spot
#Creating your wallet account on the LWS Web Wallet: Users can create their web wallet account in the usual method.
Restoring your wallet account on the LWS Web Wallet: Use the Sweep-all Feature: Since the web wallet is a light wallet, for transactions and balances to reflect, users should first use the sweep-all feature on the Electron or CLI wallet.
Once the sweep-all is done, all previous transactions are bundled and the current balance reflects in a bundled transaction in the current height.
Users can then restore their wallet account on the LWS web wallet platform.
Access the Web Wallet here: wallet.beldex.io#Write2Earn