Binance Square
زياد احمد الحوري 357
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SEI Token Rockets Over 80%: What's Fueling#Sei the Altcoin's ?Rise in 2024 ١٠:٤٠ ١٦٢ ... A Optimisus The price of Sei tokens has skyrocketed in 2024, driven by a surge in demand that has .propelled it to an all-time high of $0.80 This surge represents a staggering 700% increase from its 2023 low, cementing its position as one of the world's most sought- .after cryptocurrencies Sei has emerged as a standout player in the crypto landscape, with a current .market value of more than $1.7 billion Sei tokens made a significant impact in the futures market, with open interest exceeding $160 million shortly after their .August launch This achievement coincided with the platform's pledge to become carbon neutral. highlighting the growing A ١٠:٤١ ١٦٢ ← ... A ✓ Optimisus importance of sustainability in the crypto .space According to the most recent data, the Sei price has increased significantly, rising .20% in the last day to $0.76 As per Coingecko data, the token's weekly rise is at an impressive 80%, highlighting its momentum and appeal among .investors Sei, which was launched a few months ago through the Binance Launchpool program, has quickly become a prominent player in .the blockchain network space It is currently the largest crypto in the Binance Launchpool, sharing the ecosystem with notable participants such .as Pendle, Klaytn, Beam, and Sui........ Z
SEI Token Rockets Over 80%: What's Fueling#Sei the Altcoin's ?Rise in 2024






The price of Sei tokens has skyrocketed in 2024, driven by a surge in demand that has .propelled it to an all-time high of $0.80

This surge represents a staggering 700% increase from its 2023 low, cementing its position as one of the world's most sought- .after cryptocurrencies

Sei has emerged as a standout player in the crypto landscape, with a current .market value of more than $1.7 billion

Sei tokens made a significant impact in the futures market, with open interest exceeding $160 million shortly after their .August launch

This achievement coincided with the platform's pledge to become carbon neutral. highlighting the growing





✓ Optimisus

importance of sustainability in the crypto .space

According to the most recent data, the Sei price has increased significantly, rising .20% in the last day to $0.76

As per Coingecko data, the token's weekly rise is at an impressive 80%, highlighting its momentum and appeal among .investors

Sei, which was launched a few months ago through the Binance Launchpool program, has quickly become a prominent player in .the blockchain network space

It is currently the largest crypto in the Binance Launchpool, sharing the ecosystem with notable participants such .as Pendle, Klaytn, Beam, and Sui........ Z
لها مستقبل ابدا بشراء
لها مستقبل ابدا بشراء
نتحدث اليوم كمان عن عملة الايثيريوم التي نتوقع له ازدهار قوي في السنوات القادمة قد يصل الى اكثر من 7000$ دولار
الإيثيريوم (Ethereum)
1. **العقود الذكية**:
- تم إطلاق الإيثيريوم في عام 2015 بواسطة فيتاليك بوتيرين.
- الإيثيريوم يتيح إنشاء وتشغيل العقود الذكية (Smart Contracts)، وهي برامج ذاتية التنفيذ تُدار تلقائيًا عند تحقق شروط معينة.
- هذه الميزة تجعل الإيثيريوم منصة مرنة لتطوير التطبيقات اللامركزية (DApps).

2. **البلوكشين المتقدمة**:
- يستخدم الإيثيريوم نسخة مُحسّنة من تقنية البلوكشين، مما يسمح بمعالجة أكثر كفاءة للمعاملات والعقود الذكية.
- تُخطط الإيثيريوم للانتقال إلى نظام إثبات الحصة (Proof of Stake) بدلاً من نظام إثبات العمل (Proof of Work) لزيادة الكفاءة وتقليل استهلاك الطاقة.

3. **النظام البيئي الغني**:
- بفضل العقود الذكية، تطورت منصة الإيثيريوم لتدعم عددًا كبيرًا من التطبيقات اللامركزية (DApps) والمشاريع المالية اللامركزية (DeFi).
- يُستخدم الإيثيريوم كأساس لإنشاء العديد من العملات الرقمية الأخرى (Tokens).

4. **مجتمع المطورين القوي**:
- تتمتع الإيثيريوم بمجتمع مطورين نشط وقوي يساهم بشكل مستمر في تحسين وتطوير الشبكة.
- الدعم الكبير من المجتمع يسهم في الابتكار المستمر والتحسينات التكنولوجية $ETH
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Binance #etherreum #Web3
شكرآ على المشاركه وتفهم
شكرآ على المشاركه وتفهم
connan crypto claire

✋🔥🔥 دعونا نراجع اتجاهات سوق $PEPE التي شاركتها قبل يومين! هل شهدت ذلك الآن؟ إذا استمر أولئك الذين يدعون إلى الاتجاه الصعودي، أعتقد أيضًا أن بيبي سيستمر في الارتفاع، ولكن هذا أمر يتعلق بالمرحلة اللاحقة. وصلت هذه الجولة إلى القمة بمجرد الوصول إلى 0.000017، فهي فرصة مثالية للهروب من المستوى قمة هذه الجولة من السوق! كما قلت من قبل، إنه وقت رائع للعودة إلى نسبة 30 إلى 50% والبدء في شراء القاع. لقد انخفض الآن إلى 10% فقط، وما زال الوقت مبكرًا ولم نبدأ في إدخال الدبابيس والشلالات بعد، لذا تابعونا! هذه المقالة تشاركك نصائح شخصية ولا تشكل أي نصيحة إعلانية أو استثمارية فهي فقط مرجعك ومرجعك دائرة العملة هي دائرة تصنع المعجزات ومليئة بالأمل والتحديات. آمل أن تقوم في طريقك للاستثمار في دائرة العملة بتعزيز دراستك وتحسين معرفتك والاحتفاظ بقدرات كافية على تحليل السوق وإدارة المخاطر، حتى تتمكن حقًا من جني أموال كبيرة في دائرة العملة
افهمها صح وابدا بشراء من بينانس
افهمها صح وابدا بشراء من بينانس
🎯 إليك ما يجب عليك فهمه لتستفيد من الأرباح بدون خسارة في#Binance_Launchpool!
🔴هل يجب أن يكون لدي#bnb في حسابي للمشاركة في Launchpool؟
🟢 إذا كنت مشاركا في مخزن ال$BNB فسيتيح لك هذا الاشتراك تلقائياً في Launchpool وسيكون لديك مكافأة مضاعفة (تخزين + تحصيل ). إذا لم يكن لديك BNB، يمكنك شرائه أو تحويل بعض العملات إليه للمشاركة.
🔴 هل يجب أن أقوم بتخزين كل من BNB و FDUSD؟
🟢 كل مشروع سيكون له شروط مختلفة ونسب مكافآت مختلفة ولكن غالبًا ما يكون لدينا مُجمّعات منفصلة للتخزين لـ #FDUSD والأخرى لـ #BNB⁩ . يعني يمكن اختيار بينهما او تخزين الاثنين للتحصيل اكبر.
🔴 كم عدد الرموز التي سأحصل؟
🟢 هناك الكثير من العوامل تاخدها المنثة بعين الاعتبار: المبلغ الذي تخزنه وفي أي مجمع: BNB أو FDUSD أو كليهما. سترى المكافآت اليومية لكل مجمع ، والتي تكون عادة مختلفة
🔴 هل يمكنني استرداد الرموز المخزنة في أي وقت؟
🟢 نعم، يمكنك استردادها عندما ترغب ولكن تحصيل الرموز سوف يتوقف، أو يمكنك الانتظار حتى نهاية الـ Launchpool وسيتم إعادتها تلقائياً إلى المحفظة الخاصة بك في بينانس
#Binance اكتب لتكسب معا بينانس... ❣️😉🔍
#Binance اكتب لتكسب معا بينانس... ❣️😉🔍
كريبتو بالعربي
اربح بدون تداول علي بينانس من خلال المشاركة في حدث اكتب واربح علي بينانس سكوير #Binance
اربح بدون تداول علي بينانس من خلال المشاركة في حدث اكتب واربح علي بينانس سكوير #Binance
Το περιεχόμενο που αναφέρθηκε έχει αφαιρεθεί
#NTRN# Based on the information you provided, NTRN is on a strong rise. In the last 15 minutes, the price has risen by 26.53%. This indicates that there is strong demand for the currency. Based on this, I think the next 5 candles of NTRN will be bullish. It may register an additional rise of 10% to 20%. This means the price could reach $1.70 or higher. Of course, these are just guesses. It is impossible to predict future prices accurately. However, these analyzes are based on historical data and recent technical analysis. Here's a detailed look at each candle: First candle (16:30 - 17:00): A large bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the uptrend. Second candle (17:00 - 17:30): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend. Third candle (17:30 - 18:00): Medium bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the rise. Fourth candle (18:00 - 18:30): A large bullish candle, indicating trend strength. Fifth candle (18:30 - 19:00): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend. Of course, these exact scenarios may not happen. However, they provide a general idea of the likely direction of the currency.#NTRN

Based on the information you provided, NTRN is on a strong rise. In the last 15 minutes, the price has risen by 26.53%. This indicates that there is strong demand for the currency.

Based on this, I think the next 5 candles of NTRN will be bullish. It may register an additional rise of 10% to 20%. This means the price could reach $1.70 or higher.

Of course, these are just guesses. It is impossible to predict future prices accurately. However, these analyzes are based on historical data and recent technical analysis.

Here's a detailed look at each candle:

First candle (16:30 - 17:00): A large bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the uptrend.
Second candle (17:00 - 17:30): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend.
Third candle (17:30 - 18:00): Medium bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the rise.
Fourth candle (18:00 - 18:30): A large bullish candle, indicating trend strength.
Fifth candle (18:30 - 19:00): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend.
Of course, these exact scenarios may not happen. However, they provide a general idea of the likely direction of the currency.#NTRN
NTRNBased on the information you provided, NTRN is on a strong rise. In the last 15 minutes, the price has risen by 26.53%. This indicates that there is strong demand for the currency.Based on this, I think the next 5 candles of NTRN will be bullish. It may register an additional rise of 10% to 20%. This means the price could reach $1.70 or higher.Of course, these are just guesses. It is impossible to predict future prices accurately. However, these analyzes are based on historical data and recent technical analysis.Here's a detailed look at each candle:First candle (16:30 - 17:00): A large bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the uptrend.Second candle (17:00 - 17:30): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend.Third candle (17:30 - 18:00): Medium bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the rise.Fourth candle (18:00 - 18:30): A large bullish candle, indicating trend strength.Fifth candle (18:30 - 19:00): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend.Of course, these exact scenarios may not happen. However, they provide a general idea of the likely direction of $ETH $NTRN


Based on the information you provided, NTRN is on a strong rise. In the last 15 minutes, the price has risen by 26.53%. This indicates that there is strong demand for the currency.Based on this, I think the next 5 candles of NTRN will be bullish. It may register an additional rise of 10% to 20%. This means the price could reach $1.70 or higher.Of course, these are just guesses. It is impossible to predict future prices accurately. However, these analyzes are based on historical data and recent technical analysis.Here's a detailed look at each candle:First candle (16:30 - 17:00): A large bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the uptrend.Second candle (17:00 - 17:30): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend.Third candle (17:30 - 18:00): Medium bullish candle, indicating a continuation of the rise.Fourth candle (18:00 - 18:30): A large bullish candle, indicating trend strength.Fifth candle (18:30 - 19:00): A small bullish candle, indicating some slowdown in the trend.Of course, these exact scenarios may not happen. However, they provide a general idea of the likely direction of $ETH $NTRN
#Sei Height Height coming coming And strongly And strongly 😍🚀
#Sei Height Height coming coming And strongly And strongly 😍🚀
زياد احمد الحوري 357
SEI Token Rockets Over 80%: What's Fueling#Sei the Altcoin's ?Rise in 2024






The price of Sei tokens has skyrocketed in 2024, driven by a surge in demand that has .propelled it to an all-time high of $0.80

This surge represents a staggering 700% increase from its 2023 low, cementing its position as one of the world's most sought- .after cryptocurrencies

Sei has emerged as a standout player in the crypto landscape, with a current .market value of more than $1.7 billion

Sei tokens made a significant impact in the futures market, with open interest exceeding $160 million shortly after their .August launch

This achievement coincided with the platform's pledge to become carbon neutral. highlighting the growing





✓ Optimisus

importance of sustainability in the crypto .space

According to the most recent data, the Sei price has increased significantly, rising .20% in the last day to $0.76

As per Coingecko data, the token's weekly rise is at an impressive 80%, highlighting its momentum and appeal among .investors

Sei, which was launched a few months ago through the Binance Launchpool program, has quickly become a prominent player in .the blockchain network space

It is currently the largest crypto in the Binance Launchpool, sharing the ecosystem with notable participants such .as Pendle, Klaytn, Beam, and Sui........ Z
jame bayanat CoinGecko 'ana TRON (TRX) hi alan thani 'akbar shabakat min hayth alqimat almuqfala (TVL). wafi alwaqt nafsih . ahsul ealaa quat jadhb Pullix (PLX) li'awal minasat tadawul madeumat min almujtamae watawafur 'iimkaniat alwusul 'iilaa almaerifat ealaa madar alsaaeat tawal 'ayaam al'usbuei, bima fi dhalik aleumlat almushfaratu. artafae TVL alkhas bi TRON binisbat 91.6% fi eam 2023 taeadu TRON alan thani 'akbar shabakat min hayth al TVL, wfqan litaqrir CoinGecko lishahr 'uktubar 2023. wayushir altaqrir 'iilaa 'ana qimat TVL la TRON satanmu min 12.3% (4.1 milyar dulari) fi yanayir 2023 'iilaa 21.6% (7.9 milyar dulari) fi 'uktubar 2023, mimaa yuhaqiq 91.6%. wayazhir tahlil bayanat al'asear 'ana TRX la tazal fi aitijah airtifaei, hayth airtafaeat min 0.100575 dular 'iilaa 0.109823 dular.#TRX
jame bayanat CoinGecko 'ana TRON (TRX) hi alan thani 'akbar shabakat min hayth alqimat almuqfala (TVL). wafi alwaqt nafsih . ahsul ealaa quat jadhb Pullix (PLX) li'awal minasat tadawul madeumat min almujtamae watawafur 'iimkaniat alwusul 'iilaa almaerifat ealaa madar alsaaeat tawal 'ayaam al'usbuei, bima fi dhalik aleumlat almushfaratu. artafae TVL alkhas bi TRON binisbat 91.6% fi eam 2023 taeadu TRON alan thani 'akbar shabakat min hayth al TVL, wfqan litaqrir CoinGecko lishahr 'uktubar 2023. wayushir altaqrir 'iilaa 'ana qimat TVL la TRON satanmu min 12.3% (4.1 milyar dulari) fi yanayir 2023 'iilaa 21.6% (7.9 milyar dulari) fi 'uktubar 2023, mimaa yuhaqiq 91.6%. wayazhir tahlil bayanat al'asear 'ana TRX la tazal fi aitijah airtifaei, hayth airtafaeat min 0.100575 dular 'iilaa 0.109823 dular.#TRX
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