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Ayman Abd Alaziz
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أيها الأصدقاء فرصه الشراء اعتقد انها ستنتهي لنهايه اجتماع الفيدرالي لذا عزز من عملاتك وانتظر الإرتفاع $BTC $ETH $BNB #pepecoin🐸 #PIXEL! #DOGE:
أيها الأصدقاء
فرصه الشراء اعتقد انها ستنتهي لنهايه اجتماع الفيدرالي
لذا عزز من عملاتك وانتظر الإرتفاع $BTC $ETH $BNB
#pepecoin🐸 #PIXEL! #DOGE:
#REZ $REZ Good to Enter For Bullish Momentum Entry Now Target - 0.145$ - 0.15$ - 0.155$ - 0.16$ - 0.165$ - 0.17$ - 0.175$ - 0.18$ If Break Then We See at 0.20$ Stop - 0.12$ follow us #Binance200M Always highly Accurate Signals
#REZ $REZ Good to Enter For Bullish Momentum
Entry Now
Target - 0.145$ - 0.15$ - 0.155$ - 0.16$ - 0.165$ - 0.17$ - 0.175$ - 0.18$
If Break Then We See at 0.20$
Stop - 0.12$
follow us
Always highly Accurate Signals
تكشف البيانات الموجودة على البلوكشين أن حيتان العملات المشفرة اشترت كميات كبيرة من بيب كوين خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. ففي 7 يونيو، استحوذت محفظة مرتبطة بشركة الاستثمار (ناسنت - Nascent) على 447.67 مليار بيب من بينانس، بإجمالي حوالي 5.5 مليون دولار. حيث جعلت هذه الخطوة عملة الميم أكبر الأصول في محفظة شركة الاستثمار، متجاوزة Maker (MKR) وTether USD (USDT)، حيث تمتلك الشركة منهما 2.98 مليون دولار و973,557 دولارًا على التوالي. وفي غضون ذلك، حدثت عملية شراء مهمة أخرى في 8 يونيو. حيث اشترى حوت مجهول الهوية 231.64 مليار بيب بقيمة 2.9 مليون دولار تقريبًا من كراكن والجدير بالذكر أن عمليات الشراء هذه حدثت عندما كان سعر بيب يشهد تصحيحًا مؤخرًا. وكان سعر عملة الميم قد شهد ارتفاعًا ملحوظًا في أواخر شهر مايو بسبب الاهتمام المتجدد بقطاعات العملات الرقمية بشكل عام، مدفوعًا بعودة المحلل المالي The Roaring Kitty. وبعد أن وصلت إلى أعلى مستوى لها على الإطلاق عند 0.00001717 دولار في 27 مايو، تراجع السعر إلى نطاق 0.00001490 دولار و0.00001340 دولار. ومع ذلك، في 7 يونيو، انخفض سعره إلى 0.00001277 دولار وانخفض مؤقتًا إلى 0.00001198 دولار. ووفقًا لتحليل (بي إن كريبتو - BeInCrypto)، انخفضت عملة الميم إلى 0.00001277 دولار لأنها فشلت في الحفاظ على دعمها عند 0.00001369 دولار.
تكشف البيانات الموجودة على البلوكشين أن حيتان العملات المشفرة اشترت كميات كبيرة من بيب كوين خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. ففي 7 يونيو، استحوذت محفظة مرتبطة بشركة الاستثمار (ناسنت - Nascent) على 447.67 مليار بيب من بينانس، بإجمالي حوالي 5.5 مليون دولار. حيث جعلت هذه الخطوة عملة الميم أكبر الأصول في محفظة شركة الاستثمار، متجاوزة Maker (MKR) وTether USD (USDT)، حيث تمتلك الشركة منهما 2.98 مليون دولار و973,557 دولارًا على التوالي.
وفي غضون ذلك، حدثت عملية شراء مهمة أخرى في 8 يونيو. حيث اشترى حوت مجهول الهوية 231.64 مليار بيب بقيمة 2.9 مليون دولار تقريبًا من كراكن
والجدير بالذكر أن عمليات الشراء هذه حدثت عندما كان سعر بيب يشهد تصحيحًا مؤخرًا. وكان سعر عملة الميم قد شهد ارتفاعًا ملحوظًا في أواخر شهر مايو بسبب الاهتمام المتجدد بقطاعات العملات الرقمية بشكل عام، مدفوعًا بعودة المحلل المالي The Roaring Kitty.
وبعد أن وصلت إلى أعلى مستوى لها على الإطلاق عند 0.00001717 دولار في 27 مايو، تراجع السعر إلى نطاق 0.00001490 دولار و0.00001340 دولار. ومع ذلك، في 7 يونيو، انخفض سعره إلى 0.00001277 دولار وانخفض مؤقتًا إلى 0.00001198 دولار.
ووفقًا لتحليل (بي إن كريبتو - BeInCrypto)، انخفضت عملة الميم إلى 0.00001277 دولار لأنها فشلت في الحفاظ على دعمها عند 0.00001369 دولار.
مستقبل عملة BWB، التابعة لمنصة Bitget Wallet، يبدو واعداً نظراً لعدة عوامل رئيسية. القيمة السوقية والاستثمار: في عام 2022، استقطبت Bitget استثمارات استراتيجية بقيمة 30 مليون دولار، مما رفع تقييمها إلى 300 مليون دولار. هذه الخطوة عززت من مكانة العملة وساهمت في زيادة الاهتمام بها . تحليل القيمة السوقية: مقارنةً بعملات المحافظ الأخرى مثل Internet Computer (ICP) و1inch Network، يمكن أن تكون قيمة BWB المستقبلية مرشحة للزيادة إذا استمرت في تقديم خدمات شاملة وجذابة للمستخدمين . دورات السوق: العملات الرقمية تشهد دورات من الارتفاعات والانخفاضات. فهضم هذه الدورات يمكن أن يساعد في توقع تحركات السوق المستقبلية. BWB قد تستفيد من الانتعاشات المستقبلية في السوق الرقمية العالمية، خاصة إذا استمرت الاتجاهات الحالية . الابتكار والتطوير: تقديم ميزات وخدمات جديدة مثل مكافآت الاحتفاظ بالعملة وخدمات المدفوعات يمكن أن يعزز من اعتماد واستخدام BWB، مما يدفع بنمو قيمتها السوقية . على الرغم من التوقعات الإيجابية، يجب على المستثمرين مراعاة أن العملات الرقمية عمومًا تتسم بالتقلبات العالية والمخاطر المرتفعة، ومن المهم دائمًا إجراء أبحاث شاملة قبل اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية.
مستقبل عملة BWB، التابعة لمنصة Bitget Wallet، يبدو واعداً نظراً لعدة عوامل رئيسية.
القيمة السوقية والاستثمار: في عام 2022، استقطبت Bitget استثمارات استراتيجية بقيمة 30 مليون دولار، مما رفع تقييمها إلى 300 مليون دولار. هذه الخطوة عززت من مكانة العملة وساهمت في زيادة الاهتمام بها .
تحليل القيمة السوقية: مقارنةً بعملات المحافظ الأخرى مثل Internet Computer (ICP) و1inch Network، يمكن أن تكون قيمة BWB المستقبلية مرشحة للزيادة إذا استمرت في تقديم خدمات شاملة وجذابة للمستخدمين .
دورات السوق: العملات الرقمية تشهد دورات من الارتفاعات والانخفاضات. فهضم هذه الدورات يمكن أن يساعد في توقع تحركات السوق المستقبلية. BWB قد تستفيد من الانتعاشات المستقبلية في السوق الرقمية العالمية، خاصة إذا استمرت الاتجاهات الحالية .
الابتكار والتطوير: تقديم ميزات وخدمات جديدة مثل مكافآت الاحتفاظ بالعملة وخدمات المدفوعات يمكن أن يعزز من اعتماد واستخدام BWB، مما يدفع بنمو قيمتها السوقية .
على الرغم من التوقعات الإيجابية، يجب على المستثمرين مراعاة أن العملات الرقمية عمومًا تتسم بالتقلبات العالية والمخاطر المرتفعة، ومن المهم دائمًا إجراء أبحاث شاملة قبل اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية.
The way $OM is following this uptrend after finding support at 0.90 suggests that we will reach $1.48 much sooner than expected. This uptrend will also be followed by $FXS and $GNO. Hopefully, BTC remains in a positive mood. We've tracked 28x gains in the previous rally.
The way $OM is following this uptrend after finding support at 0.90 suggests that we will reach $1.48 much sooner than expected. This uptrend will also be followed by $FXS and $GNO. Hopefully, BTC remains in a positive mood.
We've tracked 28x gains in the previous rally.
📰 أسعار العُملات الرقمية اليوم 10 يونيو: البيتكوين والعملات البديلة تستعيد زخمها، و"لا" و"OM" من بين أفضل الرابحين شهدت أسعار العُملات الرقمية اليوم زخمًا صعوديًا ملحوظًا في أعقاب الانعطاف الهابط الذي شهدته في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الماضي. فقد ضخت البيتكوين (BTC) نحو مستوى 70 ألف دولار، في حين شهدت العملات الرقمية البديلة الإيثيريوم (ETH) وسولانا (SOL) وريبل (XRP) مكاسب تتراوح بين 0.5-2%. Source
📰 أسعار العُملات الرقمية اليوم 10 يونيو: البيتكوين والعملات البديلة تستعيد زخمها، و"لا" و"OM" من بين أفضل الرابحين
شهدت أسعار العُملات الرقمية اليوم زخمًا صعوديًا ملحوظًا في أعقاب الانعطاف الهابط الذي شهدته في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الماضي. فقد ضخت البيتكوين (BTC) نحو مستوى 70 ألف دولار، في حين شهدت العملات الرقمية البديلة الإيثيريوم (ETH) وسولانا (SOL) وريبل (XRP) مكاسب تتراوح بين 0.5-2%.
طالما أن البتكوين يتذبذب عند مناطق 71000$ و75000$، سيبقى يقوم بالتصحيح في مناطق 68 ألف و 64 ألف. حتى يأخذ دفع أقوى للاختراق الكبير الذي سيتجاوز بشمعة واحدة مستويات الـ 75 ألف دولار. لذلك أعتقد وأرى أن ما حدث يوم أمس من هبوط هو شيء صحّي وصحيح جدا، ولا يجب أن نتخوف من ذلك أبدا. البتكوين صاعد أكيد، ولكن يجب التحلي بالصبر وعدم المخاطرة بكل رأس مالنا. يوم أمس تبخّر من المنصة مبالغ كبيرة جدا بسبب التصفية، أرجو الانتباااااه 🔥🔥🔥
طالما أن البتكوين يتذبذب عند مناطق 71000$ و75000$، سيبقى يقوم بالتصحيح في مناطق 68 ألف و 64 ألف.
حتى يأخذ دفع أقوى للاختراق الكبير الذي سيتجاوز بشمعة واحدة مستويات الـ 75 ألف دولار.
لذلك أعتقد وأرى أن ما حدث يوم أمس من هبوط هو شيء صحّي وصحيح جدا، ولا يجب أن نتخوف من ذلك أبدا.
البتكوين صاعد أكيد، ولكن يجب التحلي بالصبر وعدم المخاطرة بكل رأس مالنا.
يوم أمس تبخّر من المنصة مبالغ كبيرة جدا بسبب التصفية، أرجو الانتباااااه 🔥🔥🔥
🚨🚨Top 3 Altcoins in June 2024: Current Prices, Potential, and Future Projections🚨 1. **Avalanche ($AVAX )** - **Current Price**: $33.49 - **Potential**: Avalanche is a leading Layer-1 blockchain, known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions. It competes with Ethereum and can handle thousands of transactions per second, with a growing ecosystem of dApps. - **Future Price Projection**: Expected to reach between $50 and $70 by the end of 2024, driven by its strong technology and increasing adoption. 2. **Sei ($SEI )** - **Current Price**: $0.54 - **Potential**: Sei is an open-source Layer 1 blockchain optimized for digital asset exchange. It supports network fees, DPoS validator staking, governance participation, and trading fees on its platform. - **Future Price Projection**: Projected to range between $1.70 and $2.51 in 2024, based on its technological advancements and growing popularity among developers. 3. **Sui ($SUI)** - **Current Price**: $1.15 - **Potential**: Sui has made significant strides with strategic partnerships and technological improvements, including the Move language for smart contract security and parallel processing. These features make it attractive for developers looking for scalability and security. - **Future Price Projection**: Anticipated to be between $2.80 and $3.50 in 2024, reflecting its potential for growth as it expands its ecosystem and attracts more projects and users.
🚨🚨Top 3 Altcoins in June 2024: Current Prices, Potential, and Future Projections🚨
1. **Avalanche ($AVAX )**
- **Current Price**: $33.49
- **Potential**: Avalanche is a leading Layer-1 blockchain, known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions. It competes with Ethereum and can handle thousands of transactions per second, with a growing ecosystem of dApps.
- **Future Price Projection**: Expected to reach between $50 and $70 by the end of 2024, driven by its strong technology and increasing adoption.
2. **Sei ($SEI )**
- **Current Price**: $0.54
- **Potential**: Sei is an open-source Layer 1 blockchain optimized for digital asset exchange. It supports network fees, DPoS validator staking, governance participation, and trading fees on its platform.
- **Future Price Projection**: Projected to range between $1.70 and $2.51 in 2024, based on its technological advancements and growing popularity among developers.
3. **Sui ($SUI )**
- **Current Price**: $1.15
- **Potential**: Sui has made significant strides with strategic partnerships and technological improvements, including the Move language for smart contract security and parallel processing. These features make it attractive for developers looking for scalability and security.
- **Future Price Projection**: Anticipated to be between $2.80 and $3.50 in 2024, reflecting its potential for growth as it expands its ecosystem and attracts more projects and users.
$LUNA shows strength amid Bitcoin's weakness. Currently, it has established its support at 0.60$ and is steadily progressing towards our subsequent target of 1.25$ with substantial volume. Across past scenarios, we've noted a 210% profit.
$LUNA shows strength amid Bitcoin's weakness. Currently, it has established its support at 0.60$ and is steadily progressing towards our subsequent target of 1.25$ with substantial volume.
Across past scenarios, we've noted a 210% profit.
$CELO is going down now wait till the down stop and wait the chance it's a good time today to buy $CELO
$CELO is going down now wait till the down stop and wait the chance it's a good time today to buy $CELO
what's going with $PIXEL my opinion it will get high 🔜👀 spot on break 0.5
what's going with $PIXEL
my opinion it will get high 🔜👀
spot on break 0.5
$PEPE is gaining strength on the charts, gearing up for another upside move. If Bitcoin stays bullish, this memecoin might just trim a zero from its price. $SHIB and $DOGE are stepping up to lead the charge. Previously there was an 11x surge in profits.
$PEPE is gaining strength on the charts, gearing up for another upside move. If Bitcoin stays bullish, this memecoin might just trim a zero from its price. $SHIB and $DOGE are stepping up to lead the charge.
Previously there was an 11x surge in profits.
Milei Moneda is a new meme coin inspired by the political and economic views of Javier Milei, an Argentine president known for his libertarian and pro-Bitcoin stance. You have an opportunity with the ongoing low presale price to get in early! Sponsored Show more +Show less – Read also: Is Ripple Dead? XRP Price Trades Sideways At $0.5 for Months Bitcoin’s Critical Threshold Bitcoin’s performance remains crucial for the overall market sentiment. Michaël van de Poppe pointed out, “Crucial area continues to hold for #Bitcoin. Needs to break $70K for serious upwards momentum.”  While BTC holds a pivotal support level, its struggle to break past $70,000 contrasts with the stronger performance of altcoins. This disparity suggests a shift in market dynamics favouring altcoins. Moreover, the sustained breakout behaviour of altcoins indicates a potential lead in market movements. Van de Poppe added, “Overall; #Altcoins are breaking out in a stronger manner than Bitcoin, which potentially triggers the time for altcoins is now.” This trend underscores the rising dominance and investor interest in altcoins. Key Trendlines and Market Signals The importance of historical trendlines in the altcoin market cannot be overstated. The analyst Moustache highlighted a crucial trendline for altcoins, noting its significance for over seven years. He suggested that ETH/BTC potentially reclaiming this trendline indicates a bullish phase for altcoins, implying that the recent dip might have been a mere fakeout. Additionally, the analyst observed, “Looks to me like ETH/BTC wants to reclaim this line now. If so, then it was just a fakeout (which I strongly believe). Send everything soon?” This optimism about ETH/BTC reclaiming the trendline could lead to an altcoin rally, reinforcing the bullish sentiment among investors. The crypto market is on the verge of a pivotal moment, with altcoins showing stronger breakout tendencies compared to Bitcoin. Analysts highlight the structural similarities with previous bullish cycles, suggesting a potential parabolic movement.
Milei Moneda is a new meme coin inspired by the political and economic views of Javier Milei, an Argentine president known for his libertarian and pro-Bitcoin stance. You have an opportunity with the ongoing low presale price to get in early!
Show more +Show less –
Read also: Is Ripple Dead? XRP Price Trades Sideways At $0.5 for Months
Bitcoin’s Critical Threshold
Bitcoin’s performance remains crucial for the overall market sentiment. Michaël van de Poppe pointed out, “Crucial area continues to hold for #Bitcoin. Needs to break $70K for serious upwards momentum.” 
While BTC holds a pivotal support level, its struggle to break past $70,000 contrasts with the stronger performance of altcoins. This disparity suggests a shift in market dynamics favouring altcoins.
Moreover, the sustained breakout behaviour of altcoins indicates a potential lead in market movements. Van de Poppe added, “Overall; #Altcoins are breaking out in a stronger manner than Bitcoin, which potentially triggers the time for altcoins is now.” This trend underscores the rising dominance and investor interest in altcoins.
Key Trendlines and Market Signals
The importance of historical trendlines in the altcoin market cannot be overstated. The analyst Moustache highlighted a crucial trendline for altcoins, noting its significance for over seven years. He suggested that ETH/BTC potentially reclaiming this trendline indicates a bullish phase for altcoins, implying that the recent dip might have been a mere fakeout.
Additionally, the analyst observed, “Looks to me like ETH/BTC wants to reclaim this line now. If so, then it was just a fakeout (which I strongly believe). Send everything soon?” This optimism about ETH/BTC reclaiming the trendline could lead to an altcoin rally, reinforcing the bullish sentiment among investors.
The crypto market is on the verge of a pivotal moment, with altcoins showing stronger breakout tendencies compared to Bitcoin. Analysts highlight the structural similarities with previous bullish cycles, suggesting a potential parabolic movement.
Is Altseason Just Days Away? Best Altcoins to Buy Now The post Is Altseason Just Days Away? Best Altcoins to Buy Now appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News As the current bull run unfolds, interest in altcoins surges. Crypto enthusiasts eagerly search for the best options to maximize their gains. The market’s dynamic nature presents unique opportunities for those paying attention. Carefully selected altcoins today might yield significant returns in the coming days. This analysis pinpoints some of the most promising altcoins worth considering right now. CYBRO Gains Crypto Whale’s Attention with Its Token Presale CYBRO is a new platform designed to help users earn more on the Blast blockchain. Blast is known for offering better returns on Ethereum (ETH) and stablecoins than other similar solutions. CYBRO’s main function is to help users take full advantage of this opportunity. Currently, CYBRO is selling its tokens on presale at a low price of $0.025 each, which is 58% cheaper than the expected future price. This offers a potential ROI of 140%. There’s talk that a crypto whale might buy a significant amount of CYBRO tokens, showing strong interest in the project. Only 21% of the total tokens are available for this presale, and about 25 million have already been sold. CYBRO is emerging as a standout platform, designed to enhance earnings on the Blast blockchain. Known for delivering better returns on Ethereum (ETH) and stablecoins than other platforms, Blast is the perfect environment for CYBRO’s innovative solutions. Currently, CYBRO tokens are available at a presale price of just $0.025 each — an incredible 58% discount from the anticipated future price. This means a potential ROI of 140%! Rumours are swirling that a crypto whale is eyeing a substantial purchase of CYBRO tokens, signalling strong confidence in the project. With only 21% of the total tokens available for this presale and around 25 million already sold, the window of opportunity is closing fast. Buy $CYBRO at a 58% Discount Before It’s Too Late – Limited Supply! Holding CYBRO tokens
Is Altseason Just Days Away? Best Altcoins to Buy Now
The post Is Altseason Just Days Away? Best Altcoins to Buy Now appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News
As the current bull run unfolds, interest in altcoins surges. Crypto enthusiasts eagerly search for the best options to maximize their gains. The market’s dynamic nature presents unique opportunities for those paying attention. Carefully selected altcoins today might yield significant returns in the coming days. This analysis pinpoints some of the most promising altcoins worth considering right now.
CYBRO Gains Crypto Whale’s Attention with Its Token Presale
CYBRO is a new platform designed to help users earn more on the Blast blockchain. Blast is known for offering better returns on Ethereum (ETH) and stablecoins than other similar solutions. CYBRO’s main function is to help users take full advantage of this opportunity.
Currently, CYBRO is selling its tokens on presale at a low price of $0.025 each, which is 58% cheaper than the expected future price. This offers a potential ROI of 140%. There’s talk that a crypto whale might buy a significant amount of CYBRO tokens, showing strong interest in the project. Only 21% of the total tokens are available for this presale, and about 25 million have already been sold.
CYBRO is emerging as a standout platform, designed to enhance earnings on the Blast blockchain. Known for delivering better returns on Ethereum (ETH) and stablecoins than other platforms, Blast is the perfect environment for CYBRO’s innovative solutions.
Currently, CYBRO tokens are available at a presale price of just $0.025 each — an incredible 58% discount from the anticipated future price. This means a potential ROI of 140%! Rumours are swirling that a crypto whale is eyeing a substantial purchase of CYBRO tokens, signalling strong confidence in the project. With only 21% of the total tokens available for this presale and around 25 million already sold, the window of opportunity is closing fast.
Buy $CYBRO at a 58% Discount Before It’s Too Late – Limited Supply!
Holding CYBRO tokens
The NOT coin price has displayed bullish price action, witnessing a 17% jump within the past day. Notably, Notcoin has seen a remarkable 2000% return within just 20 days, with a significant 320% surge recorded last week. The Daily chart reveals a streak of bullish candles, indicating an exponential rise in NOT price over the week. As per trend-based Fibonacci levels, the meme coin has surged to an unprecedented level of 3.618 at $0.030. However, recent higher price rejection due to bullish exhaustion signals a correction phase. Presently, the NOT price trades at $0.0230, marking a 23% drop in the last few hours and hovering near the 2.618 Fibonacci level. According to Coingabbar analysis, If bulls regain momentum, the Notcoin crypto could prepare to retest its upper resistance level of $0.03000. Conversely, continued bearish dominance may lead the NOT price below the 2.618 Fibonacci level, with a potential downfall towards the 1.618 level at $0.015. KEY LEVELS : RESISTANCE LEVEL : $0.0300000-$0.0400000 SUPPORT LEVEL : $0.0160000-$0.0100000 Disclaimer: Coingabbar's guidance and chart analysis on cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or any other decentralized investments is for informational purposes only. None of it is financial advice. Users are strongly advised to conduct their research, exercise judgment, and be aware of the inherent risks associated with any financial instruments. Coingabbar is not liable for any financial losses. Cryptocurrency and NFT markets could be highly volatile; users should consult financial professionals and assess their risk tolerance before investing. #Megadrop #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 @CZ @Coingabbar Analysis @Binance Research @Binance Square Official $NOT NOT 0.021583 -9.57%
The NOT coin price has displayed bullish price action, witnessing a 17% jump within the past day.
Notably, Notcoin has seen a remarkable 2000% return within just 20 days, with a significant 320% surge recorded last week.
The Daily chart reveals a streak of bullish candles, indicating an exponential rise in NOT price over the week.
As per trend-based Fibonacci levels, the meme coin has surged to an unprecedented level of 3.618 at $0.030.
However, recent higher price rejection due to bullish exhaustion signals a correction phase.
Presently, the NOT price trades at $0.0230, marking a 23% drop in the last few hours and hovering near the 2.618 Fibonacci level.
According to Coingabbar analysis, If bulls regain momentum, the Notcoin crypto could prepare to retest its upper resistance level of $0.03000.
Conversely, continued bearish dominance may lead the NOT price below the 2.618 Fibonacci level, with a potential downfall towards the 1.618 level at $0.015.
RESISTANCE LEVEL : $0.0300000-$0.0400000
SUPPORT LEVEL : $0.0160000-$0.0100000
Disclaimer: Coingabbar's guidance and chart analysis on cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or any other decentralized investments is for informational purposes only. None of it is financial advice. Users are strongly advised to conduct their research, exercise judgment, and be aware of the inherent risks associated with any financial instruments. Coingabbar is not liable for any financial losses. Cryptocurrency and NFT markets could be highly volatile; users should consult financial professionals and assess their risk tolerance before investing.
#Megadrop #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 @CZ @Coingabbar Analysis @Binance Research @Binance Square Official $NOT
Looks like $PIXEL has found its pace with solid support at $0.35 and is all set to reach $0.78. Could it be the next big thing like Axie $AXS in the gaming scene? Let's hope Bitcoin keeps its bullish vibe too! We've seen a 70% profit uptick in it before #Write2Earn! #Write&Earn
Looks like $PIXEL has found its pace with solid support at $0.35 and is all set to reach $0.78. Could it be the next big thing like Axie $AXS in the gaming scene? Let's hope Bitcoin keeps its bullish vibe too!
We've seen a 70% profit uptick in it before
#Write2Earn! #Write&Earn
Binance to Delist 4 Altcoins Beyond its delisting plans, Binance has recently introduced new features and improvements to its self-custody crypto wallet, the Web3 Wallet. The world's largest crypto exchange has announced the removal of three major cryptocurrencies from Binance's spot and margin offerings. These cryptocurrencies include OMG Network (OMG), NEM (XEM), and Wrapped NXM (WNXM). Shortly after the announcement, the prices of these cryptocurrencies dropped significantly. Binance’s Plans for OMG, XEM, and WNXM Binance shared the announcement today, stating that users will not be able to trade spot and margin pairs of OMG, XEM, and WNXM starting June 17. The exchange cites failure to meet industry standards and periodic requirements as the reason for delisting these cryptocurrencies. Users have until September 17 to withdraw these tokens from the platform, as support for them will end on that date. Weeks before the delisting, Binance removed these tokens from Binance Simple Earn, Finance Auto-Invest, and Binance Loans. The exchange stated: "When a crypto or token no longer meets these standards or the industry environment changes, we conduct a deeper review and potentially delist it. Our priority is to continue providing the best services and protections for our users while adapting to evolving market dynamics." However, keep an eye out for official announcements from Binance Exchange #OMG #XEM $OMG $XEM #Write2Earn! #Write&Earn
Binance to Delist 4 Altcoins
Beyond its delisting plans, Binance has recently introduced new features and improvements to its self-custody crypto wallet, the Web3 Wallet. The world's largest crypto exchange has announced the removal of three major cryptocurrencies from Binance's spot and margin offerings. These cryptocurrencies include OMG Network (OMG), NEM (XEM), and Wrapped NXM (WNXM). Shortly after the announcement, the prices of these cryptocurrencies dropped significantly.
Binance’s Plans for OMG, XEM, and WNXM
Binance shared the announcement today, stating that users will not be able to trade spot and margin pairs of OMG, XEM, and WNXM starting June 17. The exchange cites failure to meet industry standards and periodic requirements as the reason for delisting these cryptocurrencies.
Users have until September 17 to withdraw these tokens from the platform, as support for them will end on that date. Weeks before the delisting, Binance removed these tokens from Binance Simple Earn, Finance Auto-Invest, and Binance Loans. The exchange stated:
"When a crypto or token no longer meets these standards or the industry environment changes, we conduct a deeper review and potentially delist it. Our priority is to continue providing the best services and protections for our users while adapting to evolving market dynamics."
However, keep an eye out for official announcements from Binance Exchange
Rising momentum in these 5 altcoins: Preparation for the bull season! 1- Gala (GALA) #GALA , one of the important names of GameFi, reached the top with an increase of 7 percent in the last 24 hours. The popular altcoin, which continued to climb despite the retreat in Bitcoin and Ethereum, made game enthusiasts happy. It seems like a possible GameFi trend will take shape with GALA. 2- Toncoin (TON) #Toncoin , one of the most popular ecosystems of recent times, gained upward momentum with the launch of Notcoin. TON, which experienced a 6.20 percent increase in the last 24 hours, gave confidence to both its ecosystem and investors. If the touch-win craze continues, we may hear the name of TON frequently in the 2024 bull. 3- Notcoin (NOT) #Notcoin , the most played tap-to-win game of the Toncoin ecosystem, increased by 5.90 percent in the last 24 hours. NOT, which makes a difference not only in the Toncoin ecosystem but also in the altcoin market in general, may continue its climb for a while. 4- Kaspa (KAS) #KAS , which comes to the fore with its releases from time to time, showed a performance of 4.80 percent in the last 24 hours. The altcoin, which has managed to remain solid compared to most of the market, has already given the green light to the 2024 bull season. KAS investors are eagerly waiting for the next price movements. 5- Pyth Network (PYTH) #PYTH , one of the ambitious projects of the Solana ecosystem, has achieved a 3.50 percent increase in the last 24 hours. Considering that the airdrop frenzy will take off in June, this month may be active for the popular altcoin. $NOT $GALA $PYTH #Write2Earn! #Write&Earn
Rising momentum in these 5 altcoins: Preparation for the bull season!
1- Gala (GALA)
#GALA , one of the important names of GameFi, reached the top with an increase of 7 percent in the last 24 hours. The popular altcoin, which continued to climb despite the retreat in Bitcoin and Ethereum, made game enthusiasts happy. It seems like a possible GameFi trend will take shape with GALA.
2- Toncoin (TON)
#Toncoin , one of the most popular ecosystems of recent times, gained upward momentum with the launch of Notcoin. TON, which experienced a 6.20 percent increase in the last 24 hours, gave confidence to both its ecosystem and investors. If the touch-win craze continues, we may hear the name of TON frequently in the 2024 bull.
3- Notcoin (NOT)
#Notcoin , the most played tap-to-win game of the Toncoin ecosystem, increased by 5.90 percent in the last 24 hours. NOT, which makes a difference not only in the Toncoin ecosystem but also in the altcoin market in general, may continue its climb for a while.
4- Kaspa (KAS)
#KAS , which comes to the fore with its releases from time to time, showed a performance of 4.80 percent in the last 24 hours. The altcoin, which has managed to remain solid compared to most of the market, has already given the green light to the 2024 bull season. KAS investors are eagerly waiting for the next price movements.
5- Pyth Network (PYTH)
#PYTH , one of the ambitious projects of the Solana ecosystem, has achieved a 3.50 percent increase in the last 24 hours. Considering that the airdrop frenzy will take off in June, this month may be active for the popular altcoin.
#Write2Earn! #Write&Earn
GALA - Analysis Broke B wave local high - Break of wedge - Higher probability is at least top of wedge with likelihood of reversal to the upside #write2earn
GALA - Analysis
Broke B wave local high - Break of wedge - Higher probability is at least top of wedge with likelihood of reversal to the upside
📌 4 Notable Projects are going to Unlock Token this week (June 3 - 9) 👨‍💻 1. $GAL - $7.84M ~ 1.84% M.cap - June 5 2. $HFT - $4.00M ~ 3.28% M.Cap - June 7 3. $KAP - $6.00M ~ 38.18% M.Cap - June 8 4. $GMT - $21.39M ~ 4.34% M.Cap - June 9 The token price may be pushed up to pay out vesting for investors. Accumulation of the token could happen before and after the unlock to optimize profits and entry/exit points. ➡️ Monitor the actions of Smart Money from to gain additional insights. #DataFi #iCrypto #Unlock
📌 4 Notable Projects are going to Unlock Token this week (June 3 - 9) 👨‍💻
1. $GAL - $7.84M ~ 1.84% M.cap - June 5
2. $HFT - $4.00M ~ 3.28% M.Cap - June 7
3. $KAP - $6.00M ~ 38.18% M.Cap - June 8
4. $GMT - $21.39M ~ 4.34% M.Cap - June 9
The token price may be pushed up to pay out vesting for investors. Accumulation of the token could happen before and after the unlock to optimize profits and entry/exit points.
➡️ Monitor the actions of Smart Money from to gain additional insights.
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