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ServerFi:游戏与玩家共生关系报告,最近玩Gamefi 有感!耶鲁大学 Pavun 教授最新发表论文,分享了对未来游戏行业发展和 Web3 游戏行业的看法,提出了 ServerFi 这一全新的理论,总体看下来指出了游戏经济学(Tokenomics)崩溃的重要原因,并分享了部分收益ServerFi 模型,保证游戏代币价格稳步增长。 在传统的WEB2游戏中,例如堡垒之夜、CSGO等这种游戏。玩家的游戏资产托管与服务商,玩家没有游戏账号资产的完整所有权,这种限制导致了游戏内循环经济的可持续增长带来了不利的影响。 🧵Gamefi 的背景 最开始的Gamefi 起源于NFT叙事(边玩边赚-P2E模式)Axie Infinity. 允许玩家收集、繁殖和战斗 NFT卡片,这些卡片拥有独特的属性和能力,这些属性和能力可以通过战略性繁殖和游戏玩法进行增强,这款GameFi游戏不仅提供了类似于CryptoKitties的经济激励,还引入了更复杂的游戏机制和强大的游戏内经济。为所有未来的区块链游戏树立了标杆。 在这些游戏中,我们通常把代币经济学视为孤立的事件,市场中的新生成代币数量增加,导致市场代币供应迅速扩张。这种供需失衡导致代币价值随着时间的推移下降,玩家持有的代币贬值。其次,在代币生成事件(TGE)期间,许多玩家和投资者涌入市场,试图通过买卖代币快速获利。随着最初的新奇感消退,玩家的热情可能会由于经济激励的有限性而减弱。 解决游戏中的任何缺陷有助于吸引新用户,并有可能增加代币需求。参与Axie Infinity需要玩家购买Axies,这涉及较高的初始投资成本。这一高成本对新玩家构成了障碍,限制了游戏的可访问性和广泛采用。此外,稀有Axies的市场价格可能高得离谱,使普通玩家难以负担。 💗ServerFi:通过资产合成实现私有化 ServerFi,涉及玩家在游戏中积累和合并各种NFT和其他数字资产,以获得对游戏服务器的控制权。这种形式的私有化不仅激励玩家更深入地投资于游戏,还与Web3去中心化和社区驱动的精神相契合。例如:我们可以设计抽奖模式,允许玩家抽奖碎片,集齐碎片,合成NFT,质押NFT,体验玩家对游戏服务器的贡献价值 🦁奖励高留存玩家 项目可以监控玩家的行为和参与度,向那些表现出强烈承诺和高活动度的玩家提供有针对性的奖励和激励,通过将服务器收入每天空投给基于系统贡献价值的顶级用户。这种方法将创建一个“边玩边赚”的动态,奖励玩家的参与和贡献。 🍎解析Serverfi 模型:Ti = Σvi 左侧——玩家总贡献值呈现出持续的上升趋势,表明该模型能够有效地保持玩家参与并推动长期价值增长。 右侧——玩家贡献最初呈现出显著上升,但随后显著下降。尽管该模型在早期阶段显示出较高的玩家贡献,但后续迭代中的下降表明在长期内维持玩家参与方面存在挑战。 在建模统计中,我们认为虽然持续奖励高留存玩家的策略可能在早期阶段推动显著的参与度,但从长远来看,这种方法固有地会加剧玩家分层现象。具体来说,这种方法可能会因缺乏足够的正反馈而边缘化尾部玩家,最终导致他们退出游戏。这种分层现象还往往会为新玩家设置较高的进入门槛。结果,新玩家的减少,加上尾部玩家的离开,降低了现有顶级玩家的奖励,从而导致恶性循环的形成。 $$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) 基于整个报告中的Gamefi代币经济学模型,传统的经济模型,买卖NFT并不能真正留存真实用户,相反会很快导致游戏的没落,并且给游戏经济带来不好的影响,与传统经济学相比,ServerFi通过引入一个动态且竞争性的环境,在其中持续的价值贡献是维持地位的必要条件,从而有效地促进了玩家之间的社会流动性,充分保证游戏代币经济的流通跟游戏社区的包容性活跃度,为去中心化技术在游戏中提供可持续发展道路

ServerFi:游戏与玩家共生关系报告,最近玩Gamefi 有感!

耶鲁大学 Pavun 教授最新发表论文,分享了对未来游戏行业发展和 Web3 游戏行业的看法,提出了 ServerFi 这一全新的理论,总体看下来指出了游戏经济学(Tokenomics)崩溃的重要原因,并分享了部分收益ServerFi 模型,保证游戏代币价格稳步增长。

🧵Gamefi 的背景
最开始的Gamefi 起源于NFT叙事(边玩边赚-P2E模式)Axie Infinity. 允许玩家收集、繁殖和战斗 NFT卡片,这些卡片拥有独特的属性和能力,这些属性和能力可以通过战略性繁殖和游戏玩法进行增强,这款GameFi游戏不仅提供了类似于CryptoKitties的经济激励,还引入了更复杂的游戏机制和强大的游戏内经济。为所有未来的区块链游戏树立了标杆。
解决游戏中的任何缺陷有助于吸引新用户,并有可能增加代币需求。参与Axie Infinity需要玩家购买Axies,这涉及较高的初始投资成本。这一高成本对新玩家构成了障碍,限制了游戏的可访问性和广泛采用。此外,稀有Axies的市场价格可能高得离谱,使普通玩家难以负担。

🍎解析Serverfi 模型:Ti = Σvi



CARV Ecosystem, the next leader in revolutionizing the gaming and AI data industries!CARV is a modular data layer for gaming and AI, aiming to revolutionize the way data is used and shared. Currently, CARV has built an ecosystem integrated with over 40 chains, as well as its flagship game and super app CARV Play. Recently, it has completed a 35 million yuan A-round financing @carv_official . #CARVingTheFutureOfDat #BinanceWeb3Airdrop 💗: CARV Helps Users Earn Money In the following ways, CARV, as a data layer for gaming and AI, brings real benefits to users 1️⃣ Token Incentives: Through the CARV protocol, users can earn token rewards, which can be used for in-game purchases, trading, or other purposes. 2️⃣ Decentralized Community: The CARV protocol may create a decentralized community, where users can participate in game decision-making and governance, having more say and control. 3️⃣ In-game Assets: Users can profit from in-game items, such as skins, through trading or other means. Above are some of the ways the CARV protocol can help users earn money. The CARV protocol may also bring new gaming experiences, such as better game interactions, higher game freedom, and more, to enhance users' gaming experiences. 🐠 CARV's Vision: As a data layer, CARV currently has a particularly promising growth scenario; 1️⃣ As WEB3 gaming develops, CARV's good business model may help bring more innovations to the existing game economy system. 2️⃣ As the concept of metaverse gaming rises, CARV can provide more freedom and control in virtual worlds, helping players to better manage their gaming experiences and numerous virtual assets 3️⃣: As decentralized communities grow, users can participate more deeply in building the CARV community, helping the project to develop better. At the same time, as the community grows, the value of game assets will also increase, and CARV can greatly develop virtual assets in games, creating new business opportunities. 4️⃣: In addition to community players, CARV can attract more developers to join, leading to more game incentives and higher-quality game releases, which can help drive positive user growth for the entire protocol. 5️⃣: The integration of virtual games and business models, as the project matures, can attract more users by bridging online virtual assets to offline transactions, establishing offline business models, and combining online and offline models, which can help the project achieve long-term development. ☁️ Summary: With the cooperation of Binance and WEB3 wallets, CARV is making a big move, using games and AI as entry points, building a underlying logic, and leveraging Binance's strong user base to promote user growth for the project. This will bring more real players to the project, and for Binance wallets, it will have a batch of sticky loyal users, which can promote the positive development of the wallet ecosystem. For users, in addition to earning profits from this Binance wallet activity, they can also experience a majority of players in the metaverse assets, and discover more huge profit opportunities, such as chain games and mining.

CARV Ecosystem, the next leader in revolutionizing the gaming and AI data industries!

CARV is a modular data layer for gaming and AI, aiming to revolutionize the way data is used and shared. Currently, CARV has built an ecosystem integrated with over 40 chains, as well as its flagship game and super app CARV Play. Recently, it has completed a 35 million yuan A-round financing @CARV . #CARVingTheFutureOfDat #BinanceWeb3Airdrop

💗: CARV Helps Users Earn Money
In the following ways, CARV, as a data layer for gaming and AI, brings real benefits to users

1️⃣ Token Incentives: Through the CARV protocol, users can earn token rewards, which can be used for in-game purchases, trading, or other purposes.

2️⃣ Decentralized Community: The CARV protocol may create a decentralized community, where users can participate in game decision-making and governance, having more say and control.

3️⃣ In-game Assets: Users can profit from in-game items, such as skins, through trading or other means.

Above are some of the ways the CARV protocol can help users earn money. The CARV protocol may also bring new gaming experiences, such as better game interactions, higher game freedom, and more, to enhance users' gaming experiences.

🐠 CARV's Vision:
As a data layer, CARV currently has a particularly promising growth scenario;

1️⃣ As WEB3 gaming develops, CARV's good business model may help bring more innovations to the existing game economy system.
2️⃣ As the concept of metaverse gaming rises, CARV can provide more freedom and control in virtual worlds, helping players to better manage their gaming experiences and numerous virtual assets

3️⃣: As decentralized communities grow, users can participate more deeply in building the CARV community, helping the project to develop better. At the same time, as the community grows, the value of game assets will also increase, and CARV can greatly develop virtual assets in games, creating new business opportunities.

4️⃣: In addition to community players, CARV can attract more developers to join, leading to more game incentives and higher-quality game releases, which can help drive positive user growth for the entire protocol.
5️⃣: The integration of virtual games and business models, as the project matures, can attract more users by bridging online virtual assets to offline transactions, establishing offline business models, and combining online and offline models, which can help the project achieve long-term development.

☁️ Summary:
With the cooperation of Binance and WEB3 wallets, CARV is making a big move, using games and AI as entry points, building a underlying logic, and leveraging Binance's strong user base to promote user growth for the project. This will bring more real players to the project, and for Binance wallets, it will have a batch of sticky loyal users, which can promote the positive development of the wallet ecosystem. For users, in addition to earning profits from this Binance wallet activity, they can also experience a majority of players in the metaverse assets, and discover more huge profit opportunities, such as chain games and mining.
A fun mobile game, BULLET LEAGUE is now online!$BTC {future}(ETHUSDT) Lately, the market has been dull, and I've tried various mobile games, but I found a relatively good one, so I'd like to recommend it to everyone. My ID is SEAligoudan, feel free to add me as a friend 📖Background: With a $195 million financing round led by renowned institutions such as Coinbase, OKX, OpenSea, Animoca, and others 🎮Official Game Website: Official Website + Gameplay Details: 1: Click on the link above ⬆️, register with your own wallet, and enter the official website, as shown below ⬇️ 2: I'm currently deeply involved in this shooting game, similar to the battle games on the island, with a relatively high playability and smoothness. After clicking Play, you'll get a download link. Currently, iOS users can switch to the Hong Kong store to download and play freely. 🐠Mobile Gameplay: Click on 【Play】 to deeply engage in the game. The mechanism is roughly that 30 people are on the same map, and you only need to use your phone to control the character to collect resources, defeat enemies, and survive within the poison circle to win. I'll release a video on the specific gameplay later. My ID is SEAligoudan $

A fun mobile game, BULLET LEAGUE is now online!


Lately, the market has been dull, and I've tried various mobile games, but I found a relatively good one, so I'd like to recommend it to everyone. My ID is SEAligoudan, feel free to add me as a friend


With a $195 million financing round led by renowned institutions such as Coinbase, OKX, OpenSea, Animoca, and others
🎮Official Game Website:

Official Website + Gameplay Details:
1: Click on the link above ⬆️, register with your own wallet, and enter the official website, as shown below ⬇️

2: I'm currently deeply involved in this shooting game, similar to the battle games on the island, with a relatively high playability and smoothness. After clicking Play, you'll get a download link. Currently, iOS users can switch to the Hong Kong store to download and play freely.

🐠Mobile Gameplay:
Click on 【Play】 to deeply engage in the game. The mechanism is roughly that 30 people are on the same map, and you only need to use your phone to control the character to collect resources, defeat enemies, and survive within the poison circle to win. I'll release a video on the specific gameplay later. My ID is SEAligoudan

{spot}(ETHUSDT) Dollar Exchange Rate Changes: The decline in inflation may impact the dollar's exchange rate, which in turn affects international trade and capital flows.Global Economic Interactions: Changes in the U.S. economy will also have ripple effects on other countries, especially those with close economic ties to the U.S. Overall, the continuous decline in the U.S. CPI may bring about a series of positive changes for the economy, but it remains crucial to carefully observe global economic conditions, supply-demand dynamics, and financial market reactions in order to respond promptly to potential uncertainties. so Long Crypto $ETH #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落

Dollar Exchange Rate Changes: The decline in inflation may impact the dollar's exchange rate, which in turn affects international trade and capital flows.Global Economic Interactions: Changes in the U.S. economy will also have ripple effects on other countries, especially those with close economic ties to the U.S.

Overall, the continuous decline in the U.S. CPI may bring about a series of positive changes for the economy, but it remains crucial to carefully observe global economic conditions, supply-demand dynamics, and financial market reactions in order to respond promptly to potential uncertainties. so Long Crypto

Gain is a leveraged yield tool on Ethereum!$ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) Kelp supports Gain, which is now live! Official website: 🧵 Tool Introduction: Gain is a tool that allows you to access multiple L2 networks, re-staking platforms, and DeFi opportunities with just one click. It simplifies the process of participating in airdrop opportunities and DeFi strategies without the need to constantly monitor personal positions. 🚗 Tutorial Introduction: Visit the official website to stake ETH or rseth to earn airdrop rewards from L2 points like Linea, Scroll, Karak, and more! 🌞 DeFi Opportunities: After you stake, you will receive ageth, which you can then stake in Pendle or other DeFi protocols. 🌧️ Tool Operation Mechanism: Gain connects these tokens to L2 protocols in the background. Currently, the re-staking incentives are: ⍛ 3x Karak XP ⍛ 1x EigenLayer points L2 rewards: ⍛ 15% additional LXP-L boost ⍛ Top-tier roll-up bridging incentives: ⍛ 125k ACX token pool Infrastructure incentives: ⍛ 3 times points from us: ⍛ 3x Kelp Miles Additionally, there are upcoming DeFi rewards!

Gain is a leveraged yield tool on Ethereum!


Kelp supports Gain, which is now live! Official website:
🧵 Tool Introduction:
Gain is a tool that allows you to access multiple L2 networks, re-staking platforms, and DeFi opportunities with just one click. It simplifies the process of participating in airdrop opportunities and DeFi strategies without the need to constantly monitor personal positions.
🚗 Tutorial Introduction:
Visit the official website to stake ETH or rseth to earn airdrop rewards from L2 points like Linea, Scroll, Karak, and more!

🌞 DeFi Opportunities:
After you stake, you will receive ageth, which you can then stake in Pendle or other DeFi protocols.
🌧️ Tool Operation Mechanism:
Gain connects these tokens to L2 protocols in the background. Currently, the re-staking incentives are:

⍛ 3x Karak XP

⍛ 1x EigenLayer points

L2 rewards:

⍛ 15% additional LXP-L boost

⍛ Top-tier roll-up bridging incentives:

⍛ 125k ACX token pool

Infrastructure incentives:

⍛ 3 times points from us:

⍛ 3x Kelp Miles
Additionally, there are upcoming DeFi rewards!
Marathon Digital Holdings CEO says their $250 million offering to buy more $BTC is oversubscribed 👀 {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Marathon Digital Holdings CEO says their $250 million offering to buy more $BTC is oversubscribed
this is orderly Defi$BTC
this is orderly Defi$BTC
Solana DeFi Trilogy [Part 3]🧵: Blackwing is a modular blockchain designed for collateral-free leveraged trading of any asset. Once traders deposit funds into Blackwing, they can trade assets on any modular application chain without the need to transfer funds between different networks. $SOL {future}(SOLUSDT) This significantly reduces costs and enhances security. Currently, it has raised $4.5 million. 🐠: Preparation Phase (Currently staking ARB, ETH, Solana) 1️⃣: Prepare your backpack 🎒 wallet and some SOL. 2️⃣: Click on Airdrop, select the first BXP for staking, and use your backpack wallet to stake SOL. 3️⃣: Once you have BXP, you can participate in the Testnet. Click on the BXP in the upper right corner to exchange it for BUSD, and then engage in simulated contracts to acquire more test BUSD. 💗 Summary: Overall, in terms of funding, we use the backpack wallet for interactions while staking with SOL. We can simultaneously interact with Blackwing and the backpack wallet. Invitation Code: Feel free to obtain it yourself.

Solana DeFi Trilogy [Part 3]

🧵: Blackwing is a modular blockchain designed for collateral-free leveraged trading of any asset. Once traders deposit funds into Blackwing, they can trade assets on any modular application chain without the need to transfer funds between different networks. $SOL

This significantly reduces costs and enhances security. Currently, it has raised $4.5 million.

🐠: Preparation Phase (Currently staking ARB, ETH, Solana)

1️⃣: Prepare your backpack 🎒 wallet and some SOL.
2️⃣: Click on Airdrop, select the first BXP for staking, and use your backpack wallet to stake SOL.
3️⃣: Once you have BXP, you can participate in the Testnet. Click on the BXP in the upper right corner to exchange it for BUSD, and then engage in simulated contracts to acquire more test BUSD.

💗 Summary:
Overall, in terms of funding, we use the backpack wallet for interactions while staking with SOL. We can simultaneously interact with Blackwing and the backpack wallet.
Invitation Code: Feel free to obtain it yourself.
Solana DeFi Trilogy [Part 2]$SOL {future}(SOLUSDT) 🧵 Solayer is building a re-staking network on Solana. Currently, it's part of the LSD re-staking module on Solana, and those interested can give it a try. Recently, there was a relatively important piece of news: Binance Labs invested, which makes it a relatively well-known project. 🐠 Route Interaction: 1️⃣: Log in with a wallet:, you can ignore the social features here, it's up to personal preference 2️⃣: Staking various tokens on Solana. I specifically recommend participating in staking SOL tokens. Currently, by staking 10 SOL with an invitation code, you can use a large account to recruit smaller accounts. 🦁 Concept Definition: 1️⃣: Go to the largest lending protocol on Solana, Kamino Finance, lend out your stablecoins, and then borrow SOL (as a conservative strategy). 2️⃣: Directly stake SOL, lend out other JitoSOL, and then stake it into Solayer (as an aggressive strategy). 3️⃣: Use sSOL/SOL to provide liquidity (LP) on the Orca DeFi protocol. Summary of Participation: 💗 Currently, I am using two methods. I lend stablecoins to borrow SOL (keeping a safe liquidation ratio at 50%), and then I stake a single amount in the Solayer pool. 😊 For the remaining portion, I used half of my sSOL along with SOL to provide liquidity in the Orca pool (currently benefiting from Solayer Boost and Orca Boost).

Solana DeFi Trilogy [Part 2]


🧵 Solayer is building a re-staking network on Solana. Currently, it's part of the LSD re-staking module on Solana, and those interested can give it a try.

Recently, there was a relatively important piece of news: Binance Labs invested, which makes it a relatively well-known project.
🐠 Route Interaction:
1️⃣: Log in with a wallet:, you can ignore the social features here, it's up to personal preference
2️⃣: Staking various tokens on Solana. I specifically recommend participating in staking SOL tokens. Currently, by staking 10 SOL with an invitation code, you can use a large account to recruit smaller accounts.

🦁 Concept Definition:
1️⃣: Go to the largest lending protocol on Solana, Kamino Finance, lend out your stablecoins, and then borrow SOL (as a conservative strategy).
2️⃣: Directly stake SOL, lend out other JitoSOL, and then stake it into Solayer (as an aggressive strategy).
3️⃣: Use sSOL/SOL to provide liquidity (LP) on the Orca DeFi protocol.

Summary of Participation:

💗 Currently, I am using two methods. I lend stablecoins to borrow SOL (keeping a safe liquidation ratio at 50%), and then I stake a single amount in the Solayer pool.
😊 For the remaining portion, I used half of my sSOL along with SOL to provide liquidity in the Orca pool (currently benefiting from Solayer Boost and Orca Boost).
$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) 伴随着降息预期,比特币应该会回踩到5.6左右然后开启反弹回测模式
Solana DeFi Trilogy 【Part 1】NX Finance's Composable Leverage Protocol, allowing users to unlock PerpDex LP yields and rewards within the Solana ecosystem; Invitation link:$SOL {future}(SOLUSDT) 🐠: Leverage - Amplify SoL yields 💗: Lend - Lend USDC, USDT, and SOL through two pools: Jupiter Lending Pool and Nx Lending Pool ☁️ Tutorial: 1️⃣ Use JLP to borrow SOL, maintain a leverage of around 1.2, and keep the Health Factor above 2.5 to avoid liquidation. 2️⃣ Currently, there is a Jupiter pool, and personally, I operate by depositing USDC with an APR of around 13.58%. Another option is to deposit SOL in the Nx Lending Pool. 🐠 Strategy: 1: In addition to using leverage and lending to increase rewards, you can also @Backpack_CN wallet to increase rewards by 10%. 2: Buy MadNXX NFT to enjoy an extra 10% bonus reward.

Solana DeFi Trilogy 【Part 1】

NX Finance's Composable Leverage Protocol, allowing users to unlock PerpDex LP yields and rewards within the Solana ecosystem;
Invitation link:$SOL
🐠: Leverage - Amplify SoL yields
💗: Lend - Lend USDC, USDT, and SOL through two pools: Jupiter Lending Pool and Nx Lending Pool
☁️ Tutorial:
1️⃣ Use JLP to borrow SOL, maintain a leverage of around 1.2, and keep the Health Factor above 2.5 to avoid liquidation.
2️⃣ Currently, there is a Jupiter pool, and personally, I operate by depositing USDC with an APR of around 13.58%. Another option is to deposit SOL in the Nx Lending Pool.
🐠 Strategy:
1: In addition to using leverage and lending to increase rewards, you can also
wallet to increase rewards by 10%.
2: Buy MadNXX NFT to enjoy an extra 10% bonus reward.
Linea 生态有意思Defi,你确定不尝试下吗?邀请链接,介意可以不用点(这不是广告,是我单纯自己玩的)、$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) 借贷、生态NFT都玩腻了吧,Linea PUa 这么久了。最近出的积分活动,大家都把资金做Lp借贷,我自己想法是多参与参与项目生态 今天尝试玩了下 @MYX_Finance 还是比较有意思的。 在对比LOGX、等其他去中心话交易所,这个MXY是我最欣赏的 💗事件回顾: 1️⃣:Linea 官网宣传了,我抱着试试的心态玩了一下 🐠玩法推荐 1️⃣风险爱好者: 链上下跌时候,前天晚上 $BTC 跌到49000时候,我就去再上面开了几千U的蚂蚁仓,目前他们奖励在Linea 上有宝石奖励,交易赚取宝石、持仓激励(我理解是覆盖手续费) 2️⃣保守爱好者: 可以参与他这个赚取 MLP,类似Solana 上的Glp 数据图表显示,上面交易量在Linea主网上后,剧增。所以比较保守的玩家可以参与,目前建议参加的是BTCUSDC 这个池子,流动性比较好 啰嗦废话: 我没收广告费,我是自己也玩这个,如果你的linea 资金有沉淀的,偶尔来这里活跃一下。增加一下交易量,跟月活,目前我在上面开了1.5w u的 Long BTC,如果你也是比特币信徒,勇敢加入多军

Linea 生态有意思Defi,你确定不尝试下吗?

借贷、生态NFT都玩腻了吧,Linea PUa 这么久了。最近出的积分活动,大家都把资金做Lp借贷,我自己想法是多参与参与项目生态
今天尝试玩了下 @MYX_Finance 还是比较有意思的。 在对比LOGX、等其他去中心话交易所,这个MXY是我最欣赏的

1️⃣:Linea 官网宣传了,我抱着试试的心态玩了一下

链上下跌时候,前天晚上 $BTC 跌到49000时候,我就去再上面开了几千U的蚂蚁仓,目前他们奖励在Linea 上有宝石奖励,交易赚取宝石、持仓激励(我理解是覆盖手续费)

可以参与他这个赚取 MLP,类似Solana 上的Glp 数据图表显示,上面交易量在Linea主网上后,剧增。所以比较保守的玩家可以参与,目前建议参加的是BTCUSDC 这个池子,流动性比较好

我没收广告费,我是自己也玩这个,如果你的linea 资金有沉淀的,偶尔来这里活跃一下。增加一下交易量,跟月活,目前我在上面开了1.5w u的 Long BTC,如果你也是比特币信徒,勇敢加入多军
#MarketDownturn $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) Selecting quality projects: In the current market environment, we need to pay more attention to the fundamentals and technical indicators of projects, selecting those with good development prospects and stable operations. Gradual investment: We should not put all our funds into the cryptocurrency market at once, but rather invest gradually, waiting for market rebound opportunities. Upside opportunities: The current market environment also provides some upside opportunities. We can focus on undervalued cryptocurrencies and wait for their value to rebound. Self-education: The development of the cryptocurrency market requires us to continually learn and improve ourselves. We need to understand market changes and project developments, mastering new investment strategies and technologies. In summary, the current cryptocurrency market crash is not the end of the world, but an opportunity for us to learn and grow. We need to remain calm and rational, carefully analyzing market changes, finding opportunities, and seizing the moment, working together to navigate the current market difficulties.
#MarketDownturn $BTC

Selecting quality projects: In the current market environment, we need to pay more attention to the fundamentals and technical indicators of projects, selecting those with good development prospects and stable operations.
Gradual investment: We should not put all our funds into the cryptocurrency market at once, but rather invest gradually, waiting for market rebound opportunities.
Upside opportunities: The current market environment also provides some upside opportunities. We can focus on undervalued cryptocurrencies and wait for their value to rebound.
Self-education: The development of the cryptocurrency market requires us to continually learn and improve ourselves. We need to understand market changes and project developments, mastering new investment strategies and technologies.
In summary, the current cryptocurrency market crash is not the end of the world, but an opportunity for us to learn and grow. We need to remain calm and rational, carefully analyzing market changes, finding opportunities, and seizing the moment, working together to navigate the current market difficulties.
#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 😑非农数据增长缓慢意味着美国经济增长乏力,可能对经济前景产生负面影响。 具体来说,非农数据增长缓慢可能表明以下几点: 就业增长疲软:非农数据增长缓慢可能表明美国就业市场增长疲软,新的工作岗位增加缓慢,可能影响消费者信心和支出。 经济增长乏力:非农数据是衡量美国经济增长的重要指标之一,增长缓慢可能表明美国经济增长乏力,可能影响股票市场和其他金融市场。 通胀压力下降:非农数据增长缓慢可能表明通胀压力下降,可能导致美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)降低利率,以刺激经济增长。 政策调整可能:非农数据增长缓慢可能促使美国政府和央行重新评估经济政策,可能会出台新的刺激经济增长的政策。 总之,非农数据增长缓慢对美国经济前景的影响是负面的,可能会导致经济增长乏力、就业增长疲软和通胀压力下降。 这样看起来,八九月份降息还是未知数,大盘我看5万左右 {future}(BTCUSDT) $BTC



Berkshire Hathaway has dumped more shares this quarter than any other quarter in its entire history. $BTC
Berkshire Hathaway has dumped more shares this quarter than any other quarter in its entire history.
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