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How to control over trading ? Whenever I think about my startup crypto trade journey, I feel aww that how emotional I was attached with my trades,and how much losses I first investment became zero even I close trades in profits too, After strong analysis I opted out some strategies and regain again. Some of them are : 1: In crypto trading there are some Do's and Don't s....stick to them strictly 2: Don't throw your full investment in single trade . 3: Always follow the percentage formula for investment...go for total 5%investment of full investment 4: Further remain half percentage out of this 5% for 2nd entry for safe side... 5: Never blindly estimate any crypto.....go for proper techniques and technical analysis..... ( to be continued)
How to control over trading ?

Whenever I think about my startup crypto trade journey, I feel aww that how emotional I was attached with my trades,and how much losses I first investment became zero even I close trades in profits too, After strong analysis I opted out some strategies and regain again. Some of them are :
1: In crypto trading there are some Do's and Don't s....stick to them strictly
2: Don't throw your full investment in single trade .
3: Always follow the percentage formula for investment...go for total 5%investment of full investment
4: Further remain half percentage out of this 5% for 2nd entry for safe side...
5: Never blindly estimate any crypto.....go for proper techniques and technical analysis.....
( to be continued)
check ✔️ this 👇🏻
check ✔️ this 👇🏻
Why bother to get Airdrops as rewards? Come on let's do it together !
Crypto is so well-known to public now a days that everybody wants to invest in crypto and in hurry to become a millionaire.Thats possible too but for the meantime a lot of strategies are needed to be practiced by investors to get a potential coin and also by market developers to get a boost in a certain coin.
What are Airdrops in Crypto?
 Airdrops are one of the technical and sharp strategy by market developers to give a boost to a certain coin. This strategy is beneficial for both investors and market makers .As a result market would get access to common real millions of investors in no time and investors would get millions of free tokens . Airdrops are so popular to get free coins or some times against a very minimal amount to be hold or to be paid as gas fees. But for airdrops a proper investigation is required to be done also because there could be a scam too , however we will learn about different types of  airdrops and how can we participate to get more airdrops?

Different types of Airdrops
 Different types of airdrops are👇🏻
Standard BountiesHolders Referrals
Standard Airdrops
This is the most simple and easy type of airdrops, no tasks or complex process is required to get qualify.
How to participate in Standard Airdrops?
Just to signup simply for a certain airdrop project directly , connect the required wallet and become eligible for minimum amount of airdrop.
Bounty Airdrops
An Airdrop that is distributed against the completion of certain tasks given is called bounties or bounty airdrops.
How to participate in bounties?
First search for a legitimate coin airdrops through trustworthy resources. Go for official website or app. Follow the tasks ,these tasks are very easy to be done like 
👉🏻 follow  the community,
👉🏻 follow the twitter page ,
👉🏻 attach the certain asked wallet ,
👉🏻 follow on telegram ,
👉🏻 subscribe the YouTube channel and
👉🏻 Refer to friends ,etc.
When required tasks are done completely you are ready to claim the reward accordingly.Pic is uploaded just for a reference.

Referral Airdrops
In this airdrop program if some one refer the certain page or coin to some one other they both become eligible to get airdrops according to the policy.
How to participate in referral Airdrops?
There would be specific referral code allotted to you, if you will send invite to your friends to join the same airdrop program through your specific code you would receive referral airdrops as reward.Pic is uploaded just for a reference ,

Holder or Exclusive Airdrops
These airdrops are given to specific investors who are already holding the same coin before , on fulfilment of some minimum criteria required they are given different sizes of certain airdrops. 
How to participate in Holder airdrops?
Someone should hold certain coin to get these airdrops.Pic is uploaded just for a reference ,

My own real life example of Airdrops.
I have multiple experience regarding airdrops , first binance is the main source ,I astonished when I saw (minimum amount) airdrops in my binance spot wallet through launchpad ,earn and launch pool. Mostly they delivered me HOLDER type of airdrops.
My 2nd experience is when I received 1 million of doky/sol as bounty airdrops , doky was a fabulous experience for me , tasks are very easy to complete, after I got more confident and got #NOT airdrops, now tens of my airdrops are on the way.
Strategies for finding and participating in different types of airdrops.
In this era of internet ,what the least thing that is impossible ," nothing at all".
If someone seeks to know about airdrops there are a lot of options to follow
lookup to different parallel websites , there are a lot of websites that are made to acknowledge people about upcoming airdrops. To participate in gather information about airdrops and follow the instructions accordingly and claim your reward.
In touch with different communities like on telegram that is very famous to get airdrops now a days . Join the certain community and follow the latest news to participate in airdrops project.Twitter or X is also a very reliable source to get instant news about a certain coin/token/airdrop . As officials always use X to announce any particular news about airdrops.Always follow the right time and right date mentioned in X.ReferralReferral is another trustworthy way to get participation in airdrops.
After completing all the tasks the main important thing is to attach a wallet , ofcourse this is so risky so for this, one should know that the project is accurate and not a scam . After giving access to wallet some minimal gas fees "to pay" would be required that can be any coin most probably #ETH and #SOL are asked, after, many others like #sui, #ton ,#arb ,#sai and #zk etc are asked too . After paying, now you are ready to see a successful airdrop , hurray!
@Richard Teng
@Binance Customer Support
@Binance Square Official
#What are different types of trading strategies and its associated risks and advantages ?
Investors always join the crypto industry with the motive to generate money ,fast money and more money.Timeframes and techniques could be different but goal always remains the same, definitely money. But with making money , loosing money is also a parallel truth.No one can deny this fact.
Therefore before starting any trade a trader either newcomers or experienced should investigate all encircled aspects of crypto market multiple times.This article is based on different types of trading strategies, risk involvements and advantages , also providing real-life examples, and offering some of pro tips to get maximum advantage out of any type of trade.
Let's unbox the different types of trading strategies.
Different types of Crypto trading strategies:
There are different types of crypto trading strategies, some of common strategies are, ;
HODling Or Long term trading Or Positioning Trading Swing TradingDay trading or Intraday tradingScalping 
Now let's have a check on one by one with details including risk involvements and advantages.
HODl is a slang term frequently used in crypto market that stands for 
"Hold on for Dear Life"
HODling is a long term trading strategy to get maximum benefit from a certain crypto. Different terms like "Long term trading", "positioning trading",and "HODling" are used for this type of trading.
HODl is a higher time frame strategy that usually passes through months to years.Even the beginners can rely on this strategy.
In this type ,traders buy a certain crypto in the dip, hold it and wait for the boom to sell at the highest price even if it takes time from many months to years.
Associated Risks :
Timespan: A very detailed investigation of certain crypto is required to trust that it will go up in future,otherwise more dips means more suitable time to get out with profits.Implicit or Opportunity costs: Investment held for crypto by adapting this strategy remains bound until it gets matured even though more profits can be generated by other short-term investments.Volatility: As crypto is unpredictable and mostly volatile in nature, although many countries are making new rules and regulations regarding crypto ,long-term investment could be risky, any kind of ban or legality can make a crypto flip on instant bases.
Associated Advantages:
Basic strategy: This is the most basic strategy even beginners can practice by just buying in the dip and selling in the rise.Safest:This is the safest strategy for the classic traders who don't mind investing through years even if dip remains.Low Investments: there is not more Capital required,low investments are fine to get more money.Time saving: This is a one time investment, there is no need to check the complex market frequently, just wait for the right time to get profits. Trading charges: Frequent trading always charge frequent fees too. HODl is spared from these frequent charges. 
Bitcoin is the first case where HODLing proved more beneficial in trading.Traders who bought BTC under $1000 before 2017 and hold it for its price rising,became millionaires in 2021.Many are HODling still for the next boom.
2.Swing tradings 
Swing tradings are flexible in time frame as it can be from a day to several weeks .These types of trades hold short to medium pace depending on the swinging price. Buying on dip selling on rise, like this a swing trading forms.
Associated Risks:
Volatility: As volatility is associated with crypto, the market can go against anytime.Decisions making: Wrong timings to enter or exit can lead to massive losses.Market pattern: Market swing patterns are also unpredictable.Low-medium investment: In this strategy low to medium capital is required to get a decent amount of profits.But in case of opposite market swing trends losses would increase with time span.
Associated Advantages:
Moderate Time saving: This strategy takes less time as compared to HODling in the sense of hold and also takes less monitoring as compared to intra day trade.Potential: As it is flexible in time so it has more potential to increase profit limits.Flexibility: Traders can wait until its trade gets mature.It could be either soon or late.
Swing trading is profitably applicable only if technical analysis is done properly.So when the certain technical indicators indicate to buy ,"buy it" ,and when show the indication to sell ,"sell it". All cryptos can be practiced by swing trading strategy but Pro-traders can do it with proper risk management.
3.Day trading or Intraday trading
This strategy means trading with opening and closing in the same day.The traders emphasize maximizing profits by buying and selling on the daily basis movements .Analysts also consider this strategy more profitable than others .
For the time frame Day trading is a short term daily trade in which preferably all positions are closed before the market closes.
Associated Risks:
Required Technical analysis: This strategy requires a deep technical analysis to enter the market ,also needed entry and exit at the right time. It means the trader should have appropriate knowledge of Crypto market's latest trends.Trading charges: As on the daily basis trading is getting done so charges are accordingly.Volatility: As crypto is volatile in nature so if decisions making go against ,there would be quick losses happened.Time taking:It is a time taking practice, traders have to be vigilant to take entry and exit that cause stress too.Appropriate investment: As to get more profits appropriate investment would be there as Capital.
Associated Advantages:
Timespan : Daily time frame is so ideal to spread the capital on multiple trades to maximize profits on the daily basis in spite of choosing the long-term trades .High Profits: A proper technical strategy can maximize profits on a daily basis.Flexibility : Traders always prefer flexibility in trading to avoid any HODling risk and to close the trade to avoid the next day gap between opening and closing prices.
Example :
A very good example of intra day trade is to choose any crypto etc Solana. Buy in the dip and find its highest ,sell it ,book the profit and close the trade.
Scalping is the most wanted and most dangerous strategy in Future crypto trades.Traders can make money in a few minutes. A minor change in price can make decent profits with appropriate risk management techniques. A short time frame is used for this strategy.Pro-traders are recommended for this strategy, beginners should avoid unless they learn technicalities of trades.
Associated Risks:
Permanent loss: A wrong buying/selling can cause permanent capital loss in case of future trade ,in spot at least HODling will help to retrieve the capital within a long time span.Stress:  Short time trade always causes mental stress with price fluctuations.Transaction charges: As trading is being done frequently transactions charges would be frequent.Full Concentration: 360⁰ concentration is required for scalp trading.
Associated Advantages:
Less timespan: Each trade lies on short time frames ,no certain volatility of the market involves.Frequent Profits: Frequent profits add up over time and Capital will increase gradually.
A scalp trader buy in dip and sell in rise but needs to do this frequently with more effort and with concentration.
Practical Tips and recommendations:
Crypto is always unpredictable and volatile in nature ,so traders should always do a proper investigation before attempting any strategy.
Some of the Pro tips which are essential to follow are listed below;
A trader must learn all necessary and update techniques.Should never tried an attempt to be emotional .Never keep all of your investment in one crypto.Always manage risk accordingly.Must use stop loss strategy.Should never go against market trend.If a sudden lose happend or a trade went wrong, stay away from market for some time.Never try to attempt trade again to get your money back.Have a start again with fresh mind.
All strategies encircle advantages as well as risks .This is up to a trader how he can avail maximum benefit out of it.So stay tuned with recent market updates and also keep learning about the latest techniques to enhance your experience as a Pro-trader.
So Happy Trading 😃
#pepe⚡ The bull flag can be seen in the 4 hour and daily chart. Soon ready to break resistance and 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Avoid if it will break support . Don't forget to manage your risk and DYOR.
The bull flag can be seen in the 4 hour and daily chart.
Soon ready to break resistance and 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Avoid if it will break support .
Don't forget to manage your risk and DYOR.
#What are different types of trading strategies and its associated risks and advantages ?Investors always join the crypto industry with the motive to generate money ,fast money and more money.Timeframes and techniques could be different but goal always remains the same, definitely money. But with making money , loosing money is also a parallel truth.No one can deny this fact. Therefore before starting any trade a trader either newcomers or experienced should investigate all encircled aspects of crypto market multiple times.This article is based on different types of trading strategies, risk involvements and advantages , also providing real-life examples, and offering some of pro tips to get maximum advantage out of any type of trade. Let's unbox the different types of trading strategies. Different types of Crypto trading strategies: There are different types of crypto trading strategies, some of common strategies are, ; HODling Or Long term trading Or Positioning Trading Swing TradingDay trading or Intraday tradingScalping  Now let's have a check on one by one with details including risk involvements and advantages. 1.HODling HODl is a slang term frequently used in crypto market that stands for  "Hold on for Dear Life" HODling is a long term trading strategy to get maximum benefit from a certain crypto. Different terms like "Long term trading", "positioning trading",and "HODling" are used for this type of trading. HODl is a higher time frame strategy that usually passes through months to years.Even the beginners can rely on this strategy. In this type ,traders buy a certain crypto in the dip, hold it and wait for the boom to sell at the highest price even if it takes time from many months to years. Associated Risks : Timespan: A very detailed investigation of certain crypto is required to trust that it will go up in future,otherwise more dips means more suitable time to get out with profits.Implicit or Opportunity costs: Investment held for crypto by adapting this strategy remains bound until it gets matured even though more profits can be generated by other short-term investments.Volatility: As crypto is unpredictable and mostly volatile in nature, although many countries are making new rules and regulations regarding crypto ,long-term investment could be risky, any kind of ban or legality can make a crypto flip on instant bases. Associated Advantages: Basic strategy: This is the most basic strategy even beginners can practice by just buying in the dip and selling in the rise.Safest:This is the safest strategy for the classic traders who don't mind investing through years even if dip remains.Low Investments: there is not more Capital required,low investments are fine to get more money.Time saving: This is a one time investment, there is no need to check the complex market frequently, just wait for the right time to get profits. Trading charges: Frequent trading always charge frequent fees too. HODl is spared from these frequent charges.  Example: Bitcoin is the first case where HODLing proved more beneficial in trading.Traders who bought BTC under $1000 before 2017 and hold it for its price rising,became millionaires in 2021.Many are HODling still for the next boom. 2.Swing tradings  Swing tradings are flexible in time frame as it can be from a day to several weeks .These types of trades hold short to medium pace depending on the swinging price. Buying on dip selling on rise, like this a swing trading forms. Associated Risks: Volatility: As volatility is associated with crypto, the market can go against anytime.Decisions making: Wrong timings to enter or exit can lead to massive losses.Market pattern: Market swing patterns are also unpredictable.Low-medium investment: In this strategy low to medium capital is required to get a decent amount of profits.But in case of opposite market swing trends losses would increase with time span. Associated Advantages: Moderate Time saving: This strategy takes less time as compared to HODling in the sense of hold and also takes less monitoring as compared to intra day trade.Potential: As it is flexible in time so it has more potential to increase profit limits.Flexibility: Traders can wait until its trade gets mature.It could be either soon or late. Example: Swing trading is profitably applicable only if technical analysis is done properly.So when the certain technical indicators indicate to buy ,"buy it" ,and when show the indication to sell ,"sell it". All cryptos can be practiced by swing trading strategy but Pro-traders can do it with proper risk management. 3.Day trading or Intraday trading This strategy means trading with opening and closing in the same day.The traders emphasize maximizing profits by buying and selling on the daily basis movements .Analysts also consider this strategy more profitable than others . For the time frame Day trading is a short term daily trade in which preferably all positions are closed before the market closes. Associated Risks: Required Technical analysis: This strategy requires a deep technical analysis to enter the market ,also needed entry and exit at the right time. It means the trader should have appropriate knowledge of Crypto market's latest trends.Trading charges: As on the daily basis trading is getting done so charges are accordingly.Volatility: As crypto is volatile in nature so if decisions making go against ,there would be quick losses happened.Time taking:It is a time taking practice, traders have to be vigilant to take entry and exit that cause stress too.Appropriate investment: As to get more profits appropriate investment would be there as Capital. Associated Advantages: Timespan : Daily time frame is so ideal to spread the capital on multiple trades to maximize profits on the daily basis in spite of choosing the long-term trades .High Profits: A proper technical strategy can maximize profits on a daily basis.Flexibility : Traders always prefer flexibility in trading to avoid any HODling risk and to close the trade to avoid the next day gap between opening and closing prices. Example : A very good example of intra day trade is to choose any crypto etc Solana. Buy in the dip and find its highest ,sell it ,book the profit and close the trade. 4.Scalping:  Scalping is the most wanted and most dangerous strategy in Future crypto trades.Traders can make money in a few minutes. A minor change in price can make decent profits with appropriate risk management techniques. A short time frame is used for this strategy.Pro-traders are recommended for this strategy, beginners should avoid unless they learn technicalities of trades. Associated Risks: Permanent loss: A wrong buying/selling can cause permanent capital loss in case of future trade ,in spot at least HODling will help to retrieve the capital within a long time span.Stress:  Short time trade always causes mental stress with price fluctuations.Transaction charges: As trading is being done frequently transactions charges would be frequent.Full Concentration: 360⁰ concentration is required for scalp trading. Associated Advantages: Less timespan: Each trade lies on short time frames ,no certain volatility of the market involves.Frequent Profits: Frequent profits add up over time and Capital will increase gradually. Example: A scalp trader buy in dip and sell in rise but needs to do this frequently with more effort and with concentration. Practical Tips and recommendations: Crypto is always unpredictable and volatile in nature ,so traders should always do a proper investigation before attempting any strategy. Some of the Pro tips which are essential to follow are listed below; A trader must learn all necessary and update techniques.Should never tried an attempt to be emotional .Never keep all of your investment in one crypto.Always manage risk accordingly.Must use stop loss strategy.Should never go against market trend.If a sudden lose happend or a trade went wrong, stay away from market for some time.Never try to attempt trade again to get your money back.Have a start again with fresh mind. Conclusion: All strategies encircle advantages as well as risks .This is up to a trader how he can avail maximum benefit out of it.So stay tuned with recent market updates and also keep learning about the latest techniques to enhance your experience as a Pro-trader. So Happy Trading 😃 #CryptoTradingGuide

#What are different types of trading strategies and its associated risks and advantages ?

Investors always join the crypto industry with the motive to generate money ,fast money and more money.Timeframes and techniques could be different but goal always remains the same, definitely money. But with making money , loosing money is also a parallel truth.No one can deny this fact.
Therefore before starting any trade a trader either newcomers or experienced should investigate all encircled aspects of crypto market multiple times.This article is based on different types of trading strategies, risk involvements and advantages , also providing real-life examples, and offering some of pro tips to get maximum advantage out of any type of trade.
Let's unbox the different types of trading strategies.
Different types of Crypto trading strategies:
There are different types of crypto trading strategies, some of common strategies are, ;
HODling Or Long term trading Or Positioning Trading Swing TradingDay trading or Intraday tradingScalping 
Now let's have a check on one by one with details including risk involvements and advantages.
HODl is a slang term frequently used in crypto market that stands for 
"Hold on for Dear Life"
HODling is a long term trading strategy to get maximum benefit from a certain crypto. Different terms like "Long term trading", "positioning trading",and "HODling" are used for this type of trading.
HODl is a higher time frame strategy that usually passes through months to years.Even the beginners can rely on this strategy.
In this type ,traders buy a certain crypto in the dip, hold it and wait for the boom to sell at the highest price even if it takes time from many months to years.
Associated Risks :
Timespan: A very detailed investigation of certain crypto is required to trust that it will go up in future,otherwise more dips means more suitable time to get out with profits.Implicit or Opportunity costs: Investment held for crypto by adapting this strategy remains bound until it gets matured even though more profits can be generated by other short-term investments.Volatility: As crypto is unpredictable and mostly volatile in nature, although many countries are making new rules and regulations regarding crypto ,long-term investment could be risky, any kind of ban or legality can make a crypto flip on instant bases.
Associated Advantages:
Basic strategy: This is the most basic strategy even beginners can practice by just buying in the dip and selling in the rise.Safest:This is the safest strategy for the classic traders who don't mind investing through years even if dip remains.Low Investments: there is not more Capital required,low investments are fine to get more money.Time saving: This is a one time investment, there is no need to check the complex market frequently, just wait for the right time to get profits. Trading charges: Frequent trading always charge frequent fees too. HODl is spared from these frequent charges. 
Bitcoin is the first case where HODLing proved more beneficial in trading.Traders who bought BTC under $1000 before 2017 and hold it for its price rising,became millionaires in 2021.Many are HODling still for the next boom.
2.Swing tradings 
Swing tradings are flexible in time frame as it can be from a day to several weeks .These types of trades hold short to medium pace depending on the swinging price. Buying on dip selling on rise, like this a swing trading forms.
Associated Risks:
Volatility: As volatility is associated with crypto, the market can go against anytime.Decisions making: Wrong timings to enter or exit can lead to massive losses.Market pattern: Market swing patterns are also unpredictable.Low-medium investment: In this strategy low to medium capital is required to get a decent amount of profits.But in case of opposite market swing trends losses would increase with time span.
Associated Advantages:
Moderate Time saving: This strategy takes less time as compared to HODling in the sense of hold and also takes less monitoring as compared to intra day trade.Potential: As it is flexible in time so it has more potential to increase profit limits.Flexibility: Traders can wait until its trade gets mature.It could be either soon or late.
Swing trading is profitably applicable only if technical analysis is done properly.So when the certain technical indicators indicate to buy ,"buy it" ,and when show the indication to sell ,"sell it". All cryptos can be practiced by swing trading strategy but Pro-traders can do it with proper risk management.
3.Day trading or Intraday trading
This strategy means trading with opening and closing in the same day.The traders emphasize maximizing profits by buying and selling on the daily basis movements .Analysts also consider this strategy more profitable than others .
For the time frame Day trading is a short term daily trade in which preferably all positions are closed before the market closes.
Associated Risks:
Required Technical analysis: This strategy requires a deep technical analysis to enter the market ,also needed entry and exit at the right time. It means the trader should have appropriate knowledge of Crypto market's latest trends.Trading charges: As on the daily basis trading is getting done so charges are accordingly.Volatility: As crypto is volatile in nature so if decisions making go against ,there would be quick losses happened.Time taking:It is a time taking practice, traders have to be vigilant to take entry and exit that cause stress too.Appropriate investment: As to get more profits appropriate investment would be there as Capital.
Associated Advantages:
Timespan : Daily time frame is so ideal to spread the capital on multiple trades to maximize profits on the daily basis in spite of choosing the long-term trades .High Profits: A proper technical strategy can maximize profits on a daily basis.Flexibility : Traders always prefer flexibility in trading to avoid any HODling risk and to close the trade to avoid the next day gap between opening and closing prices.
Example :
A very good example of intra day trade is to choose any crypto etc Solana. Buy in the dip and find its highest ,sell it ,book the profit and close the trade.
Scalping is the most wanted and most dangerous strategy in Future crypto trades.Traders can make money in a few minutes. A minor change in price can make decent profits with appropriate risk management techniques. A short time frame is used for this strategy.Pro-traders are recommended for this strategy, beginners should avoid unless they learn technicalities of trades.
Associated Risks:
Permanent loss: A wrong buying/selling can cause permanent capital loss in case of future trade ,in spot at least HODling will help to retrieve the capital within a long time span.Stress:  Short time trade always causes mental stress with price fluctuations.Transaction charges: As trading is being done frequently transactions charges would be frequent.Full Concentration: 360⁰ concentration is required for scalp trading.
Associated Advantages:
Less timespan: Each trade lies on short time frames ,no certain volatility of the market involves.Frequent Profits: Frequent profits add up over time and Capital will increase gradually.
A scalp trader buy in dip and sell in rise but needs to do this frequently with more effort and with concentration.
Practical Tips and recommendations:
Crypto is always unpredictable and volatile in nature ,so traders should always do a proper investigation before attempting any strategy.
Some of the Pro tips which are essential to follow are listed below;
A trader must learn all necessary and update techniques.Should never tried an attempt to be emotional .Never keep all of your investment in one crypto.Always manage risk accordingly.Must use stop loss strategy.Should never go against market trend.If a sudden lose happend or a trade went wrong, stay away from market for some time.Never try to attempt trade again to get your money back.Have a start again with fresh mind.
All strategies encircle advantages as well as risks .This is up to a trader how he can avail maximum benefit out of it.So stay tuned with recent market updates and also keep learning about the latest techniques to enhance your experience as a Pro-trader.
So Happy Trading 😃
#Hive dumping or pumping ?🤔 traders be careful full #hive is in gainers but at a higher small frame still in loss . one thing to be noted is it is at its all time low approx so long-term investment could have potential .For a smaller time frame the future is better , Bid to ask is .17$ to .32$ that's good to trade in future with risk management . DYOR.
dumping or pumping ?🤔
traders be careful full #hive is in gainers but at a higher small frame still in loss . one thing to be noted is it is at its all time low approx so long-term investment could have potential .For a smaller time frame the future is better ,
Bid to ask is .17$ to .32$
that's good to trade in future with risk management .
#DJT #NewsAboutCrypto 🚀 Trump Meme Coin DJT on Solana Skyrockets Amid Rumors! 💸 The Trump Coin on Solana ($DJT) is booming due to unverified rumors that former 🇺🇸 U.S. President Donald Trump is launching an official token by the same name. 😁 These claims emerged from The Pirate Wires account on Twitter and briefly faced a “fake news” label. 🏴‍☠️ The Pirate Wires’ Editor-in-Chief Mike Solana clarified he hadn't spoken to Trump directly and was reporting based on sources. Despite this, Crypto Twitter went wild, driving the token's trading volume over $337 million in just 24 hours! 📈 $DJT, saw a significant price spike to $0.039 (currently $0.028). However, its total market cap of $288 million suggests it may follow the typical volatile cycle of celebrity meme coins.👀📰Trump’s name continues to drive crypto interest, with his recent declaration of being a "crypto president" adding fuel to the fire. Meanwhile, Bubble Maps revealed that 67% of the DJT supply is in one cluster, casting doubt on its official ties to Trump. (news/pic copied by social media for the acknowledgement)

🚀 Trump Meme Coin DJT on Solana Skyrockets Amid Rumors! 💸 The Trump Coin on Solana ($DJT) is booming due to unverified rumors that former 🇺🇸 U.S. President Donald Trump is launching an official token by the same name. 😁 These claims emerged from The Pirate Wires account on Twitter and briefly faced a “fake news” label. 🏴‍☠️ The Pirate Wires’ Editor-in-Chief Mike Solana clarified he hadn't spoken to Trump directly and was reporting based on sources. Despite this, Crypto Twitter went wild, driving the token's trading volume over $337 million in just 24 hours! 📈 $DJT, saw a significant price spike to $0.039 (currently $0.028). However, its total market cap of $288 million suggests it may follow the typical volatile cycle of celebrity meme coins.👀📰Trump’s name continues to drive crypto interest, with his recent declaration of being a "crypto president" adding fuel to the fire. Meanwhile, Bubble Maps revealed that 67% of the DJT supply is in one cluster, casting doubt on its official ties to Trump.
(news/pic copied by social media for the acknowledgement)
#BEAMXUSDT #Beamx looks to long on the daily basis , a very compromising bull flag can be seen but if we analyse the weekly chart it is still in short position . The bid to ask is .016$ to .021$. not a financial advisor,DYOR {future}(BEAMXUSDT)
#Beamx looks to long on the daily basis , a very compromising bull flag can be seen but if we analyse the weekly chart it is still in short position .
The bid to ask is .016$ to .021$.
not a financial advisor,DYOR
#ocean The #ocean will be delisted on Binance .Check out the risk before investment . if You have the #ocean in spot and do not want to sell , transfer it on your trustworthy wallet . {future}(OCEANUSDT)
The #ocean will be delisted on Binance .Check out the risk before investment . if You have the #ocean in spot and do not want to sell , transfer it on your trustworthy wallet .
#fet Fet , is again in the top gainer. But if we analyse the weekly chart , The doodle is red but very close to its open price , The daily doodle is green and strong enough.If we analyse, investors are demanding it at less price ,be careful full investors.The "AI" is main positive approach to invest in FET. ask $1.10 to bid $1.7 is expected . Just a technical analysis , not a financial advice . dyor #Write2Earn! {future}(FETUSDT)
Fet , is again in the top gainer.
But if we analyse the weekly chart , The doodle is red but very close to its open price , The daily doodle is green and strong enough.If we analyse, investors are demanding it at less price ,be careful full investors.The "AI" is main positive approach to invest in FET.
ask $1.10 to bid $1.7 is expected .
Just a technical analysis , not a financial advice .

Wishing a blessed and peaceful Eid Al-Adha from #Binance to those celebrating! 🌙
Wishing a blessed and peaceful Eid Al-Adha from #Binance to those celebrating! 🌙
Why bother to get Airdrops as rewards? Come on let's do it together !Crypto is so well-known to public now a days that everybody wants to invest in crypto and in hurry to become a millionaire.Thats possible too but for the meantime a lot of strategies are needed to be practiced by investors to get a potential coin and also by market developers to get a boost in a certain coin. What are Airdrops in Crypto?  Airdrops are one of the technical and sharp strategy by market developers to give a boost to a certain coin. This strategy is beneficial for both investors and market makers .As a result market would get access to common real millions of investors in no time and investors would get millions of free tokens . Airdrops are so popular to get free coins or some times against a very minimal amount to be hold or to be paid as gas fees. But for airdrops a proper investigation is required to be done also because there could be a scam too , however we will learn about different types of  airdrops and how can we participate to get more airdrops? Different types of Airdrops  Different types of airdrops are👇🏻 Standard BountiesHolders Referrals Standard Airdrops This is the most simple and easy type of airdrops, no tasks or complex process is required to get qualify. How to participate in Standard Airdrops? Just to signup simply for a certain airdrop project directly , connect the required wallet and become eligible for minimum amount of airdrop. Bounty Airdrops An Airdrop that is distributed against the completion of certain tasks given is called bounties or bounty airdrops. How to participate in bounties? First search for a legitimate coin airdrops through trustworthy resources. Go for official website or app. Follow the tasks ,these tasks are very easy to be done like  👉🏻 follow  the community, 👉🏻 follow the twitter page , 👉🏻 attach the certain asked wallet , 👉🏻 follow on telegram , 👉🏻 subscribe the YouTube channel and 👉🏻 Refer to friends ,etc. When required tasks are done completely you are ready to claim the reward accordingly.Pic is uploaded just for a reference. Referral Airdrops In this airdrop program if some one refer the certain page or coin to some one other they both become eligible to get airdrops according to the policy. How to participate in referral Airdrops? There would be specific referral code allotted to you, if you will send invite to your friends to join the same airdrop program through your specific code you would receive referral airdrops as reward.Pic is uploaded just for a reference , Holder or Exclusive Airdrops These airdrops are given to specific investors who are already holding the same coin before , on fulfilment of some minimum criteria required they are given different sizes of certain airdrops.  How to participate in Holder airdrops? Someone should hold certain coin to get these airdrops.Pic is uploaded just for a reference , My own real life example of Airdrops. I have multiple experience regarding airdrops , first binance is the main source ,I astonished when I saw (minimum amount) airdrops in my binance spot wallet through launchpad ,earn and launch pool. Mostly they delivered me HOLDER type of airdrops. My 2nd experience is when I received 1 million of doky/sol as bounty airdrops , doky was a fabulous experience for me , tasks are very easy to complete, after I got more confident and got #NOT airdrops, now tens of my airdrops are on the way. Strategies for finding and participating in different types of airdrops. In this era of internet ,what the least thing that is impossible ," nothing at all". If someone seeks to know about airdrops there are a lot of options to follow lookup to different parallel websites , there are a lot of websites that are made to acknowledge people about upcoming airdrops. To participate in gather information about airdrops and follow the instructions accordingly and claim your reward. In touch with different communities like on telegram that is very famous to get airdrops now a days . Join the certain community and follow the latest news to participate in airdrops project.Twitter or X is also a very reliable source to get instant news about a certain coin/token/airdrop . As officials always use X to announce any particular news about airdrops.Always follow the right time and right date mentioned in X.ReferralReferral is another trustworthy way to get participation in airdrops. After completing all the tasks the main important thing is to attach a wallet , ofcourse this is so risky so for this, one should know that the project is accurate and not a scam . After giving access to wallet some minimal gas fees "to pay" would be required that can be any coin most probably #ETH and #SOL are asked, after, many others like #sui, #ton ,#arb ,#sai and #zk etc are asked too . After paying, now you are ready to see a successful airdrop , hurray! #AirdropGuide @richardteng @Binance_Customer_Support @Binance_Square_Official

Why bother to get Airdrops as rewards? Come on let's do it together !

Crypto is so well-known to public now a days that everybody wants to invest in crypto and in hurry to become a millionaire.Thats possible too but for the meantime a lot of strategies are needed to be practiced by investors to get a potential coin and also by market developers to get a boost in a certain coin.
What are Airdrops in Crypto?
 Airdrops are one of the technical and sharp strategy by market developers to give a boost to a certain coin. This strategy is beneficial for both investors and market makers .As a result market would get access to common real millions of investors in no time and investors would get millions of free tokens . Airdrops are so popular to get free coins or some times against a very minimal amount to be hold or to be paid as gas fees. But for airdrops a proper investigation is required to be done also because there could be a scam too , however we will learn about different types of  airdrops and how can we participate to get more airdrops?

Different types of Airdrops
 Different types of airdrops are👇🏻
Standard BountiesHolders Referrals
Standard Airdrops
This is the most simple and easy type of airdrops, no tasks or complex process is required to get qualify.
How to participate in Standard Airdrops?
Just to signup simply for a certain airdrop project directly , connect the required wallet and become eligible for minimum amount of airdrop.
Bounty Airdrops
An Airdrop that is distributed against the completion of certain tasks given is called bounties or bounty airdrops.
How to participate in bounties?
First search for a legitimate coin airdrops through trustworthy resources. Go for official website or app. Follow the tasks ,these tasks are very easy to be done like 
👉🏻 follow  the community,
👉🏻 follow the twitter page ,
👉🏻 attach the certain asked wallet ,
👉🏻 follow on telegram ,
👉🏻 subscribe the YouTube channel and
👉🏻 Refer to friends ,etc.
When required tasks are done completely you are ready to claim the reward accordingly.Pic is uploaded just for a reference.

Referral Airdrops
In this airdrop program if some one refer the certain page or coin to some one other they both become eligible to get airdrops according to the policy.
How to participate in referral Airdrops?
There would be specific referral code allotted to you, if you will send invite to your friends to join the same airdrop program through your specific code you would receive referral airdrops as reward.Pic is uploaded just for a reference ,

Holder or Exclusive Airdrops
These airdrops are given to specific investors who are already holding the same coin before , on fulfilment of some minimum criteria required they are given different sizes of certain airdrops. 
How to participate in Holder airdrops?
Someone should hold certain coin to get these airdrops.Pic is uploaded just for a reference ,

My own real life example of Airdrops.
I have multiple experience regarding airdrops , first binance is the main source ,I astonished when I saw (minimum amount) airdrops in my binance spot wallet through launchpad ,earn and launch pool. Mostly they delivered me HOLDER type of airdrops.
My 2nd experience is when I received 1 million of doky/sol as bounty airdrops , doky was a fabulous experience for me , tasks are very easy to complete, after I got more confident and got #NOT airdrops, now tens of my airdrops are on the way.
Strategies for finding and participating in different types of airdrops.
In this era of internet ,what the least thing that is impossible ," nothing at all".
If someone seeks to know about airdrops there are a lot of options to follow
lookup to different parallel websites , there are a lot of websites that are made to acknowledge people about upcoming airdrops. To participate in gather information about airdrops and follow the instructions accordingly and claim your reward.
In touch with different communities like on telegram that is very famous to get airdrops now a days . Join the certain community and follow the latest news to participate in airdrops project.Twitter or X is also a very reliable source to get instant news about a certain coin/token/airdrop . As officials always use X to announce any particular news about airdrops.Always follow the right time and right date mentioned in X.ReferralReferral is another trustworthy way to get participation in airdrops.
After completing all the tasks the main important thing is to attach a wallet , ofcourse this is so risky so for this, one should know that the project is accurate and not a scam . After giving access to wallet some minimal gas fees "to pay" would be required that can be any coin most probably #ETH and #SOL are asked, after, many others like #sui, #ton ,#arb ,#sai and #zk etc are asked too . After paying, now you are ready to see a successful airdrop , hurray!
@Richard Teng
@Binance Customer Support
@Binance Square Official
#Ethifi technical analysis . Eithifi is again in gainers . If the resistance level would break ,it would be in a bullish zone . 2.90$ is its support level . Depth market range is 3.4$-4.4$. {future}(ETHFIUSDT)
#Ethifi technical analysis .
Eithifi is again in gainers .
If the resistance level would break ,it would be in a bullish zone .
2.90$ is its support level .
Depth market range is 3.4$-4.4$.
#sui Sui is making its low again . Good to long with 20x leverage . entry .87$-.90$ .87$ will be it's support level and strict stoploss. Just a technical analysis Not a financial advice .DYOR #Write2Earn!
Sui is making its low again .
Good to long with 20x leverage .
entry .87$-.90$
.87$ will be it's support level and strict stoploss.
Just a technical analysis
Not a financial advice .DYOR

#IO #IO is in the consolidations zone, resistance level is necessary to break up to enter in the bullish zone but if, support level breakdown, definitely dump can be seen.
#IO is in the consolidations zone, resistance level is necessary to break up to enter in the bullish zone but if, support level breakdown, definitely dump can be seen.
#BTC update BTC looks so critical to judge having the pump or dump ahead .On the weekly chart a hard dump can be seen ,one of the reasons could be #FOMC or China-US market closing gap. On the daily chart analysis , it could be easy to have a wide view.So be careful before entering any trade.
#BTC update

BTC looks so critical to judge having the pump or dump ahead .On the weekly chart a hard dump can be seen ,one of the reasons could be #FOMC or China-US market closing gap.
On the daily chart analysis , it could be easy to have a wide view.So be careful before entering any trade.
#PSG/USDT The Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token (PSG) is a utility token that gives Paris Saint-Germain Football Club ("Paris Saint-Germain") fans a tokenized share of influence on club decisions using the Socios application and services. On the weekly basis,#PSG pump is hard to visible. check the graphs. Depth range is $2.54 - $4.4

The Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token (PSG) is a utility token that gives Paris Saint-Germain Football Club ("Paris Saint-Germain") fans a tokenized share of influence on club decisions using the Socios application and services.

On the weekly basis,#PSG pump is hard to visible.
check the graphs.
Depth range is $2.54 - $4.4
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