First and foremost, before continuing... to be a trader, you need passion.

If you don't have passion for trading, it's better to leave it behind, because it's the fuel you'll need to overcome the sacrifices involved.

So, let's make it clear: if you're interested in this profession solely for the purpose of making money, you will be the perfect candidate to be plucked not in days, but in hours.

At this point, let me also say that trading is very possessive. It will want you for itself only. Only then will it let you taste its fruits. It will become your way of life.

"Pursuing perfection prevents you from tackling multiple topics at once."

You probably dedicate more time and effort to other secondary tasks. Think carefully, trading can give you much more than any other profession, but not overnight. Everything requires learning, everything requires experience, and that takes time, a lot of time.

You can't enter the market expecting to make money immediately, just as an apprentice surgeon can't imagine successfully operating on a patient on their first day. This seems logical, but it completely escapes the mind of those who approach the markets simply because they've heard you can make a lot of money. What they haven't been told is the entire process that's needed first.

And it's true that you can make a lot, but you'll have to prepare yourself intensely, especially psychologically. The market is a true mental steamroller.

But what you really need to think about is whether it's worth dedicating all that time and effort because, in the long run, it will give you much more satisfaction than any other profession you know. Not just money, but freedom and avoiding dealing with people and your boss.

So, once you decide (without a doubt) that you will work as a trader, you must avoid dividing your available time among other tasks. It will be time taken away from trading.

Once you start your journey, you'll understand. It will force you to eliminate much more from your life than you imagine, even within the profession itself. But I insist, the truth is that the sums of money that can be achieved are truly spectacular.

The secret (once you're able to make money consistently with a small account) is to progressively increase the amount of money you trade with and wait for that opportunity that has a 99% probability of success, that opportunity that seems like it will never come but always does.

It's not about insisting on achieving a daily, weekly, or monthly monetary goal (this will cause you to rush and overtrade). It's about observing the market calmly, waiting for the right opportunity; the rest will follow naturally and compensate for the other trades.

Progressively increasing the amount of money you trade with is vital. It is the single goal every trader should pursue. It is the essence of trading.

WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT? Because the moment will come when you can achieve a year's goal in just one trade.

And I might be understating it...

With this detail alone, you'll realize the extreme importance of not trying to enter the market as often as possible, but rather as minimally and accurately as possible.

But be careful, this that seems so easy is anything but. It's extremely difficult to apply.

And not just this. Without the right experience, even if you have enough patience not to overtrade, if you don't gain experience through daily practice, it will be impossible to learn to distinguish good opportunities from bad ones, and you'll constantly be shooting in the dark.

Another good piece of advice: depending on the Time Frame you use to practice (remember it should be real because simulated won't develop the necessary instincts for good trading), the figure, pattern, etc., will take more or less time to form. In other words, it's not the same to let a Head and Shoulders pattern develop on a weekly chart as on a daily chart. In the former, its confirmation could take months or even years.

Therefore, if you want to gain a lot of experience quickly, practice on the smallest time frames you can. And since charts are fractal (the same patterns develop in the same way across all Time Frames), your "eye" will learn very quickly to recognize them, for example by trading on a 1-minute chart.

That said, always risk very little money when practicing, and treat it as money dedicated to your learning. You'll recover it later on.
