📣🔒Billionaire Mark Cuban got hacked...again! This time, it's his Gmail, not his crypto wallet. "If anyone gets anything from mcuban@gmail.com after 3:30pm pst it's not me," he warns his 8.8M followers.

🤔💭Wonder how many emails he's missing? Nick Percoco, CSO of Kraken, bets it's a 5-digit number. And some are even speculating if his X account is compromised too.

🔙🔐Remember when Cuban lost $870K from his crypto wallet 9 months ago? Hackers targeted him after he logged into MetaMask for the first time in months.

🎙️💪Despite these setbacks, Cuban remains a crypto advocate, calling for better crypto regulations in the US. He believes the CFTC should regulate "all crypto", not the SEC.

💬👇What's your take on this? Should the CFTC or SEC regulate crypto? And how many unread emails do you think Cuban has? Let's discuss! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews