Yes, you are being manipulated in the market. Manipulated by whom? The big players, the 'whales' as they're called. Banks, hedge funds, family offices... all these entities have a conflict of interest with retail investors and will do everything to profit from them.

At the lowest points, these whales will tell you that Bitcoin is dead, that cryptocurrencies are nonsense, that they're not backed by anything. At the highest points, they will tell you the opposite: Bitcoin is incredible, it will go up to $1,000,000. Do exactly the opposite: when a whale says that cryptocurrencies are dead, it's time to buy. When they say it's going even higher, all you have to do is sell.

Whales need your liquidity in this market: when they buy, they want you to sell so they can buy back your Bitcoin at a low price. And vice versa. It's a very classic yet terribly effective mechanism for banks. Don't listen to what they say, but rather do what they do. Close your ears, open your eyes.

This is probably the best advice I can give you in the market so far. Some will believe me, others won't, it doesn't matter. I'm just trying to ensure you don't lose too much - if you learn without me, you'll learn with the market.

Pridectum pro
