🔥Hot off the press! McKinsey's latest report suggests tokenization adoption will come in waves, led by assets like mutual funds, bonds, loans. But hold your horses, folks! They also caution that many institutions are still in "wait and see" mode. 🧐

The tokenized asset market might only hit $4 trillion by 2030, even in an optimistic scenario. That's slower and more limited than some of the more bullish predictions out there. But hey, $1 trillion ain't too shabby either, right? 🚀

Tokenization has been a buzzword in this bull market, with big players like BlackRock, Citigroup, and HSBC hopping on the blockchain bandwagon. But McKinsey warns we're at a "tipping point" with many projects moving from pilot to full-scale deployment.

The report suggests mutual funds, bonds, and loans will be the frontrunners in tokenization efforts. But slower adoption is expected for assets like real estate, commodities, and equities.

So, what's your take on this? Are you bullish on tokenization or are you in the "wait and see" camp? Drop your thoughts below! 👇 #BlockchainNews #Tokenization #CryptoMarket