Thread #14

5ire x Bubble Protocol Integration

#5ireChain has integrated Bubble Protocol’s private off-chain data management with its layer 1 blockchain, enhancing scalability and safeguarding DApps. Developers can now enjoy free API-based off-chain cloud storage (50MB/user) and 10 requests/second, driving innovation in privacy.

Partnership with GT Protocol

5ireChain is thrilled to join forces with GT Protocol. Together, they are leveraging AI to make blockchain and crypto technologies accessible to 100 million users. With GT Protocol’s AI tools, managing crypto investments, trading on CEX & DEX, and interacting with NFT platforms has never been easier—users can simply use text or voice commands.

Partnership with zkStarter

5ireChain is excited to announce its partnership with zkStarter, the pioneers of next-gen DeFi on ZK-Rollups. Together, they are bringing innovative fundraising solutions like IDOs and the first-ever dynamic fundraising platform to the ZK ecosystem.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. All opinions expressed are based on personal research and interest.