Who are whales? ❗️

In the cryptocurrency market, "whales" are individuals or entities that hold a large amount of a particular cryptocurrency. Their holdings are substantial enough to influence the market prices through their trading activities. Here's a bit more detail about them

1. **Individual Investors**: Some whales are individual investors who bought cryptocurrencies early, often referred to as early adopters or original investors.

2. **Institutional Investors**: Large financial institutions, hedge funds, and investment firms also act as whales when they manage significant amounts of cryptocurrency.

3. **Exchanges**: Cryptocurrency exchanges that hold large amounts of various cryptocurrencies to facilitate trading on their platforms can be considered whales.

4. **Projects and Foundations**: Some cryptocurrency projects or foundations that control large pre-mined or reserved amounts of their own tokens can influence the market.

5. **High-Net-Worth Individuals**: Wealthy individuals who have diversified their portfolios to include large holdings of cryptocurrencies.

Whales are significant in the crypto market because their large trades can cause substantial price swings, creating volatility. They can also influence market sentiment and trends by moving prices up or down through their buying and selling activities.

