Why Layer Zero Is Going to Be a Better Ecosystem Than ZkSync??!!

Let's Find out but,

Official #LayeZero #Airdrop Checker is Now Live! 🔥🪂

First Check your eligibility: https://www.layerzero.foundation

Some wallets still need to be excluded. As they are removed over the next 48 hours, your final allocation may increase slightly but will not decrease.

👉So Layer Zero has opted to Give the People Airdrops Based on the Transactions and Amount of Fee They Spent!

😎Which Ideally makes it fair for the people who actually paid hefty fee and were doing it with good money for rewards. Which Layer Zero was aware of and they patterned down a system where even if the smallest transaction was done on their ecosystem they gave at least something to even that guy!

😍Which makes LayerZero Not hated by people because layerzero did took care of even the smallest investor and enthusiast who was part of their development journey!

🤬Whereas ZkSync did not appreciate it at all!

They made the poor poorer and Rich Richer by Spilling 100k+ Tokens to the Creators Mostly!

This is why I believe ZRO is going to be a better ecosystem with better reputation in the market in the Long Run!

That's a Wrap! If you liked it, Do not forget to leave a like and Follow us!

#AirdropGuide #AirDropSeries #Airdrops_free