From Concept to Finalist: My Journey in the Super #SmashMiner Melee

As a participant in the Super Smash Miner Melee, I am honored to share my journey to the top of this competition. Here is a log of my contributions, detailing each task, its execution, and the impact that secured my position among the Top-4 Social Miners.

Task 1: Telegram Sticker Set Creation,

Create a Telegram sticker set for

#TheDAOLabs or other blockchain #SocialMining communities.

I designed a vibrant Telegram sticker set for the @DAOLabs community, incorporating relevant themes and humor. I used official graphics and adhered to the community’s color palette. The sticker set was well-received, fostering greater interaction within the community.

Sticker Set Link:

Task 2: Article Writing. Write an article about "Social Mining can make a difference!" and publish it on Medium.

I authored "Unlocking the Power of #SocialMining," exploring its transformative potential. The article outlined the concept, operational mechanics, and benefits. The article garnered significant attention, highlighting my ability to communicate complex ideas.

Article Link:

Task 3: Infographic Creation. Create an infographic on a relevant news event for WAX, focusing on security guidelines.

I designed an infographic detailing essential security guidelines for setting up on @WAX_io. It covered password creation, two-factor authentication (2FA), cold wallets, and phishing prevention. It also highlighted WAX's new Multi-Chain NFT & Token Bridge.

The infographic was shared widely for its clarity and practical value.

Infographic Link:

Reflecting on my journey through the Super #SmashMiner Melee, I am proud of the efforts that have culminated in my standing among the Top-4 Social Miners. Each task has been an opportunity to demonstrate my skills in design, content creation, and community engagement.