- #Aave community prepares for temperature check vote on deploying Aave V3 on Celo network.

- If approved, #Celo Foundation allocates 0.5% of CELO's circulating supply as an incentive for Aave users to support Celo's adoption.

- Proposal suggests potential collaboration in natural capital-backed assets and ReFi assets, contingent on liquidity and credit assessments.

- Aave #DAO verified nodes might integrate into Celo network, 120 million CELO influx to Aave for on-chain liquidity.

- Proposal also proposes a $10 million CELO/wETH pool on Uniswap, pending CELO governance.

- Temperature check voting closes on August 17, possible advancement to ARFC stage for further discussion and analysis.

- Successful ARFC phase leads to submission as an AIP for on-chain #governance approval.

- #Collaboration between Aave and Celo reflects the trend of DeFi platforms cooperating to strengthen ecosystems.

- If successful, this collaboration could encourage more such partnerships in the DeFi space.