$BTC 🚨🚨🚨 Bitcoin Analysis (BTCUSDT) - 1 Hour Time Frame‼️‼️ ⏳⏰🔴#bitcoin #BTC

🔹 Current Price: 65,629.6 USDT

Market Trends:


Level: 70,527.8 USDT

Trend Line (TL) Strength: 2.35 (Weak)

Angle: 4°

Distance: 7.48%


Level: 64,970.6 USDT

TL Strength: 2.2 (Weak)

Angle: 1°

Distance: 0.99%

Technical Patterns:

Butterfly Pattern: This harmonic pattern often signals a potential price reversal. Traders should watch for confirmation of this pattern to anticipate price changes.

Black Swan Event: Indicates significant market anomalies, which can lead to sharp and unpredictable price movements.

Trend Analysis on Multiple Timeframes:

50 Bars: -11° Downtrend

100 Bars: -4° Sideways

150 Bars: -12° Downtrend

200 Bars: -14° Downtrend


The overall market sentiment for BTC on the 1-hour chart indicates a predominant downtrend, with short-term upward corrections.

The weak trend line strengths suggest that the current trends may not be strongly established, providing opportunities for quick trades on potential reversals.

Trading Strategy:

For Long Positions: Look for confirmation of the butterfly pattern and a break above the 64,970.6 USDT level with significant volume.

For Short Positions: Monitor for a continuation of the downtrend, especially if the price falls below the 65,000 USDT level with strong momentum.

📊 Stay vigilant and ensure to use stop-loss orders to manage risk effectively #AirdropGuide #Alert🔴 #TradingShot $BTC