Today I am Writing About a Scam Coin In which Binance also Supported Them to Scam Their Holders

Are you Curious to know How they Scammed??

Few Weeks Ago Price was At 2$ Team Of LSK Started Selling Its Coin To Investors from When it was at 3$

And when it come at 2.2$ they announced to make a new contract and Binance also Announced that they will Support LSK Swap to new Contract at 1:1

In mean time Team Dumped More tokens

People those who were holding in their Personal wallets were not allowed to sell their token or transfer as it was under migration to new contract

All Holders are advised to swap with new LSK which caused them a High Transaction fee for Swapping In ETH as Gas Fee

Also for many Holders swapping was not available they did not replied Properly in their Telegram Group and continued selling tokens

Then frustrated Holders swapped somehow and sold around 1.2$

And Now They Announced that Old Holders are Elligible for Airdrop means new Token are given to them who are still holding

This is a Scam which first triggered and made holders to sell their token and now to announce airdrop eligibility based on Old Holders who did not sold

Not A financial advice

Do Your Own Research $LSK