🚨 Wailing On Going News 🚨

The current state of the cryptocurrency market is currently trending bearish📈 affecting #BTC and #altcoins after the statement and current interest rate of the United States released by the Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Bank Mr. Jerome Powell. This has affected the market negatively.

There are on going rumors that the Saudi Prince 👳 has accepted the trading of oil with crypto.This is a big move which is going to affect the market positively which will lead to a boom on the market. They have adopted several ways of trading oil apart from the US dollar. This will lead to a boom in the financial market of the world especially the crypto market.

Investors who hold cryptos now should not panic on how the market is going now(Bearish)📈.They should hold their cryptos for a while because when you sell you will be at a loss because of the current trend of the market. I therefore urge investors to hold their cryptocurrencies for a while and wait for the market boom after the launching of acceptance of crypto to trade oil.

I there advice investors who also have some money lying idle without any immediate utilization to invest it into the crypto market to await the upcoming boom💥. Because upon my research, the Saudi Prince will launch the trading with crypto soon. So investors and whales please heed to my advice and thank me later .

Thank you very much.

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