$SUI Bridge Goes Live on Testnet with Incentive Program !!

How to Guide on how to be test the SUI Bridge to be eligible for Incentives!!

Sui Bridge Launched!

What is Sui Bridge?

Sui Bridge is a native protocol designed for seamless and secure asset and data transfers between Ethereum and Sui. It serves as a crucial component of Sui’s infrastructure.

How does it work?

Leveraging Sui’s inherent security and speed, Sui Bridge allows effortless transfers of assets like ETH, wBTC, USDC, and USDT.

Why is it important?

Bridging options like Sui Bridge enhance DeFi ecosystems by promoting interoperability between different blockchains, improving liquidity, and expanding digital asset utility.


Unlike third-party bridges, Sui Bridge relies on Sui network validators, ensuring trust and reliability.

Testing Incentives:

To celebrate the Testnet launch, an incentive program offers 100,000 SUI to users who contribute to testing and improving Sui Bridge1.

Feel free to explore Sui Bridge and its benefits! 😊

Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to bridge assets from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui Testnet using the Sui Bridge:

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to bridge assets from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui Testnet using the Sui Bridge:

1. Access the Sui Bridge Web Interface:

- Visit the Sui Bridge Testnet web interface.

- Connect both an Ethereum wallet and a Sui wallet. You can also manually enter the destination chain address if needed.

2. Obtain Testnet Tokens:

- Request Testnet tokens from a specific faucet for the respective network (Sepolia or Sui Testnet).

- Google Cloud offers an Ethereum Sepolia Testnet faucet, and Sui Wallet provides a simple one-click process to claim Testnet SUI tokens (available in both mobile and browser extension versions).

- Refer to the Sui documentation for additional methods to obtain Testnet SUI tokens.

3. Supported Tokens on Sui Bridge Testnet:

- Sui Bridge supports the following tokens:

- Native Sepolia Ethereum

- Wrapped ETH (WETH)

- Wrapped BTC (WBTC)



4. Bridge the Asset:

- To bridge an asset from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui Testnet, follow these steps:

- For native Sepolia Ethereum, use the appropriate faucet.

- For Wrapped ETH (WETH), go to Etherscan, navigate to the "Contract" -> "Write Contract" tab, connect to Web3, and write a "deposit" transaction to wrap native Sepolia Ethereum into WETH.

- For WBTC, USDC, or USDT, go to Etherscan, navigate to the "Contract" -> "Write Contract" tab, connect to Web3, and write a mint transaction to obtain tokens. Note the decimal places for each token (WBTC: 8, USDC and USDT: 6).

5. Test Bridging Tokens:

- Select a token (e.g., Wrapped ETH) and enter the desired amount to bridge.

- Click "Bridge" to initiate the transfer from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui Testnet.

6. Approve the Transaction:

- After initiating the bridging transaction from your wallet, you'll be redirected to the transaction details page.

- Monitor the progress of the transfer, which may take around 10 minutes due to Ethereum's probabilistic finality.

7. Automatic Token Delivery (Most Cases):

- Once Ethereum finalizes the transaction, bridged tokens are typically sent directly to recipient addresses on Sui Testnet.

- Recipients usually don't need to manually claim tokens. However, in some edge cases, manual claiming may be necessary via the user interface.

8. Testing Behavior During Incentives Program:

- During the incentives program, scenarios may intentionally be augmented to test different behaviors.

- Observe how tokens are delivered and whether manual claiming is required.

9. Bridging from Sui Testnet to Ethereum Sepolia:

- Click the switch button in the middle of the form to change the direction.

- Select the assets that arrived at your Sui Testnet address.

- Bridge them back to Ethereum Sepolia (the amount doesn't matter) by submitting the initialization transaction.

10. Claiming Assets on Ethereum Sepolia:

- After bridging back, users can instantly claim their assets on Ethereum Sepolia.

- Use the "Claim" button on the interface to initiate the second transaction.

- Note that in some edge cases, recipients may need to wait before claiming the token.

Here's a concise summary and step-by-step guide for participating in the Sui Bridge Testnet:


- Purpose: The Sui Bridge Testnet helps create a secure and efficient bridge between Ethereum Sepolia and Sui.

- Benefits: Participants contribute to a smoother transition when the bridge goes live on Sui Mainnet.

- Community Engagement: Join the testing process and provide feedback.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Access Sui Bridge Testnet:

- Visit the Sui Bridge Testnet web interface.

- Connect your Ethereum and Sui wallets.

2. Obtain Testnet Tokens:

- Request Testnet tokens from specific faucets (Sepolia or Sui Testnet).

- Use Google Cloud or Sui Wallet for easy token acquisition.

3. Supported Tokens:

- Sui Bridge supports native Sepolia Ethereum, Wrapped ETH (WETH), Wrapped BTC (WBTC), USDC, and USDT.

4. Bridge from Sepolia to Sui:

- Choose a token and enter the desired amount.

- Click "Bridge" to initiate the transfer (around 10 minutes).

5. Automatic Token Delivery:

- In most cases, tokens are sent directly to recipients on Sui Testnet.

- Manual claiming may be necessary in some edge cases.

6. Bridging Back to Ethereum Sepolia:

- Switch the direction in the form.

- Bridge assets back to Ethereum Sepolia (amount doesn't matter).

- Use the "Claim" button to retrieve tokens.

Remember, this process helps improve the bridge and prepares for its Mainnet launch! 😊.

Sui Bridge