Don’t worry, everyone. After every dark, terrifying night, a strong, brilliant sun rises. This symbolizes the inevitable arrival of better times after periods of hardship and fear. Just as the night seems endless, the struggles we face can feel overwhelming. However, it’s crucial to remember that no matter how long and dark the night, the dawn always breaks, bringing light, warmth, and hope.

During times of turmoil and conflict, it can be difficult to stay calm. The chaos, the "show of blood," as it might seem, can be distressing and unsettling. But nature has a way of balancing itself. The storms and trials are part of a greater cycle, one that ultimately leads to renewal and peace. Nature’s resilience is a reminder that even in the face of destruction, life finds a way to continue and thrive.

So, take a deep breath and allow yourself to witness the unfolding events. Trust in the process, knowing that after the most challenging and horrifying nights, a new day will dawn, and nature will work its magic to restore harmony. In this assurance, find comfort and strength to endure until the sun rises again.

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