Sui Bridge, a native bridge purpose-built for bridging assets and data to and from Sui, launched on Testnet today. As a native protocol, Sui Bridge enables effortless and secure transfers of ETH, wBTC, USDC, and USDT between Ethereum and Sui, making it a key piece of Sui infrastructure. Leveraging the inherent security and speed of Sui, Sui Bridge offers a new path onto Sui powered by Sui network validators.

As the Sui ecosystem progresses, diverse, secure, and dependable bridging options make up a fundamental component of a healthy DeFi ecosystem. Bridges facilitate interoperability between different blockchains, enabling assets and data to move across networks. This enhances liquidity and expands the utility of digital assets, making it easier for users to engage in various blockchain activities, such as DeFi and gaming.

Sui Bridge security

As a native bridge, Sui validators secure Sui Bridge, ensuring a high level of trust and reliability. Unlike third-party bridges, which rely on external validators, the Sui Bridge leverages the inherent security infrastructure of the Sui blockchain. This native approach means that bridging actions are safeguarded by the same robust mechanisms that protect the Sui network itself.

Testing incentives

To mark the launch of Sui Bridge, we created an incentive program focused on enhancing user experience and ensuring system security and reliability. We encourage participants to engage with the bridge frontend extensively to help us catch any edge cases and fix bugs in smart contracts, bridge nodes, and the user interface. A total of 100,000 SUI will be distributed on Mainnet to the addresses that contribute to testing Sui Bridge.

Help us test

To participate, users must interact with the Sui Bridge web interface on Testnet and ensure they complete the entire transaction flow, including claiming assets on the other side. This helps us track eligible activities and reward participants accurately. Using the bridge outside of the web interface, for example by directly calling the functions, will make the address ineligible for rewards. Other eligibility requirements will be set forth in the applicable terms of service. 

For this testing program we encourage participants to explore the entire bridge flow. However, some of the most valuable feedback comes from those who encounter and report real issues. We encourage intentional testing to uncover edge cases. Before reporting an issue, participants should check the Sui Discord server and review the discussions in the sui-bridge specific channel. To report new issues, use the separate Sui Bridge forum.

Feedback typically must include a video clip to help with reproducing the issue and the associated transaction hash/digest. If the reported issues are genuine, rewards will be allocated accordingly at the end of the program. Moderators will assist in reviewing submitted videos, ensuring accuracy and relevance. Participants are encouraged to submit only high-quality reports after consulting the FAQ and discord channel. It's crucial to note that low-quality and spam reports may adversely affect rewards.

Bug bounty program

In conjunction with the Testnet incentive program, we are also expanding the scope of the Sui bug bounty program to include Sui Bridge. We invite the community to help us identify and fix any potential bugs. From critical vulnerabilities such as permanently lost user funds to medium level risks like crashing the bridge node, every contribution matters in ensuring the security and reliability of Sui Bridge. Join us in making Sui Bridge as secure and resilient as possible. Other eligibility requirements will be set forth in the applicable terms of service.

How-to guide

Currently, the Sui Bridge web interface uses Sui Testnet and Ethereum Sepolia Testnet. Most wallets let users switch between networks in the same manner as the Sui Bridge web interface, which involves choosing the appropriate networks from a tab or drop-down.

Users must request Testnet tokens from a faucet specific to that network. There are multiple options for faucets on both Sepolia and Sui Testnets. For example, Google Cloud offers an Ethereum Sepolia Testnet faucet and Sui Wallet provides a simple one-click process to claim Testnet SUI in both mobile and browser extension versions. There are many more methods to obtain Testnet SUI tokens noted in the Sui documentation.

There are five types of token supported by Sui Bridge on Testnet:

  • Native Sepolia Ethereum

  • Wrapped ETH

  • Wrapped BTC

  • USDC

  • USDT

The following guide describes how to bridge an asset from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui Testnet, and then bridge the asset back to Ethereum Sepolia. Each roundtrip bridge is considered a full test case that is eligible for rewards.

  1. Go to the Sui Bridge Testnet web interface.

  1. Connect both an Ethereum and Sui wallet. For the destination chain, you can also choose to enter the address manually by clicking "Enter manually".

  2. Obtain/mint test coins from a faucet or token contracts:

    1. For native Sepolia Ethereum, use a faucet like the one linked above.

    2. For Wrapped Eth, on Etherscan, go to the "Contract" -> "Write Contract" tab, "Connect to Web3" then "write" a "deposit" transaction to wrap native Sepolia Ethereum to WETH.

    3. For WBTC, USDC, or USDT on Etherscan, go to the "Contract" -> "Write Contract" tab, "Connect to Web3", then "write" a mint transaction to get tokens.

      1. Note WBTC’s decimal place is 8 so the amount 1000000 equals 0.01 WBTC. USDC and USDT’s decimal place is 6.

  3. Now let’s test bridging tokens from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui Testnet. Select a token and enter the amount to bridge and select "Bridge assets". The interface may require approval of the ERC20 tokens allowance.

  1. After approving the transaction from the wallet, the user will be redirected to the transaction details page to follow the progress of the bridging transaction. Transfers from Sepolia to Sui Testnet may take around 10 minutes to finalize. This is because of Ethereum’s probabilistic finality.

After Ethereum finalization, in most cases bridged tokens will be sent directly to recipient addresses on Sui Testnet without the recipient’s manual claim. In some edge cases, recipients may need to wait for a bit and claim manually on the user interface. During the incentives program, we may deliberately augment this scenario to test this behavior.

  1. Now let’s test bridging from Sui Testnet to Ethereum Sepolia. Click the switch button in the middle of the form to switch the direction. Choose the assets that just arrived at the Sui Testnet address and bridge it back (the amount does not matter) and submit the initialization transaction. Then users can instantly claim their assets on Ethereum Sepolia via the "Claim" button on the interface with the second transaction on Ethereum Sepolia. In some edge cases, recipients may need to wait for an extra amount of time before claiming the token. During the incentives campaign, we may deliberately augment this scenario to test this behavior.

Ready, set, test!

By participating in the Sui Bridge Testnet, users not only help us create a more secure and efficient bridge but also will experience a smooth transition when the bridge goes live on Sui Mainnet. We are excited to see the community’s engagement and look forward to any feedback.

Join us in testing the Sui Bridge today and stay tuned for the launch of Sui Bridge on Mainnet!

Note: This content is for general educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed or relied upon as an endorsement or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any asset, investment or financial product and does not constitute financial, legal, or tax advice.