🚀🚀Binance's 55th project is (link unavailable) (IO), which is a decentralized artificial 🚀intelligence and cloud computing platform ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵. Here are some key details about (link unavailable) and its tokenomics ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵:❌

🎗️- Decentralized AI computing and cloud platform

🎗️- Users can stake BNB and FDUSD to collect IO tokens before trading begins on June 11

🎗️- Initial supply of total (link unavailable) (IO) is set at 500,000,000 tokens

🎗️- Maximum supply is capped at 800,000,000 coins

- 95,000,000 IO tokens (19% of the initial total supply) will be in circulation initially

- Total volume available for mining is 20,000,000 IO tokens, representing 4% of the initial total supply🔥

- Personal hourly mining limits are set at 17,708.33 IO for the #BNB mining pool and 3,125 IO for the #FDUSD mining pool

💲- Distribution of tokens between pools is set at 17,000,000 IO (85%) for the #BNB pool and 3,000,000 IO (15%) for the FDUSD pool🚀🚀