Highstreet Wallet on the Move: Major Sale of HIGH Tokens

In the past 24 hours, a wallet linked to Highstreet made a significant move. Wallet 0xbf4 sold 217,849 HIGH tokens, netting 1.76M USDC at an average price of $8.07 per token.

This sale is particularly noteworthy because most of the HIGH tokens in this wallet originated from Highstreet itself, suggesting that the wallet likely belongs to either an investor with deep ties to the project or Highstreet directly.

Wallet Details:

Address: 0xbf416d234967c745c80a72703cf7ae59647c540a

Current Holdings: 210,000 HIGH ($1.85M)

With a substantial amount of HIGH still in the wallet, it appears poised for more potential sales in the near future.

Adding to the intrigue, the price of HIGH has surged by 20.87% over the past day, making this activity even more impactful and closely watched by the market.