According to Odaily, Zulu Network, a Bitcoin L2 project, has officially launched the beta version of its ZuluPrime testnet. The core updates of the L2 ZuluPrime testnet beta version include an upgrade to the Zulu bridge's smart contract and the ability for transaction fees on the Zulu chain to be paid in multiple tokens. Currently, it supports BTC and Zulu tokens. The overall performance and interface have also been optimized.

The Zulu Network has become the first in the industry to simulate the implementation of ZKP through the Bitcoin Script language on Bitcoin, contributing code to the BitVM2 official repository for the benefit of more projects. The Zulu team is currently iterating rapidly, planning to upgrade to a true Bitcoin L2 in the next phase, inheriting the security of the Bitcoin network.

The beta market activity Lwazi is scheduled to start on June 8. This development is a significant step forward for the Zulu Network, as it continues to innovate and contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem.