
I've been playing with Copy Trading for a week now, and below are my thoughts on the risks for Copy Traders:

1. Margin Ratio and Liquidation Risk: If a Lead Trader transfers more funds into their account to lower the margin ratio (adding more collateral to prevent liquidation) in the middle of a position, copy traders may face significant risks. Since this transfer is not done automatically for copy traders, they need to manually add funds themselves, which is highly unlikely because Copy Traders are not alerted. If they fail to do so, their positions can be liquidated, resulting in a total loss of their funds, while the Lead Trader continues to hold the position.

2. Order Execution and Slippage: When a limit order is placed, the Lead Trader's orders are registered first, with Copy Traders' orders standing later in line. Additionally, when the Lead Trader exits a position with a limit order, Copy Traders exit with a market order. This can lead to higher fees and potential losses from price slippage due to the market order execution.