Bitcoin on Bulish Movement

I am buying 10 more Bitcoin before July . Why? The “Having.” If you can’t afford a whole Bitcoin you may want to consider buying 1/10 of a coin, via the new ETFs or Satoshi’s.

If the Bitcoin process works as designed you may own a whole Bitcoin by the end of this year.

I expect Bitcoin to be $100 k by September 2024.

If you are not into Bitcoin I suggest buying silver coins, preferably US silver eagles. My friend Andy Schectman states the once abundant supply of silver is nearly gone. He has a standing order for $1 million in “junk” silver (pre-64 US silver coins) and can it find pre 1964 silver coins to fill the order.

Q: Why is this happening?

A: Because the “smart money” knows the US is the biggest debtor nation in the world; China’s property market is “toast;” Japan has been in a Depression since 1990; Germany is sliding into aDepression, mom and pop consumer are living on credit cards; banks are in trouble; and the world is on the brink of war.

Michael Saylor a Bitcoin maxi asks Q: “What do you call people who insist on saving fiat currency…“fake” money?

A: Poor.

Michael Saylor, Andy Schectman and me, do not want you to be poor.

Please start acquiring gold, silver, Bitcoin, if you already have not started.

Of the three, silver is the most affordable for the most people.

Bitcoin is about $70,000 a coin.

Gold is about $2,500 coin.

Silver is about $35.00 a coin.

Please don’t be a poor person saving fake money.

Almost everyone in the world can afford at least one silver coin or one Bitcoin Satoshi.

Be smart, take action