$LUNA In the end, new investors are being completely ripped off here. Investors who suffered massive losses 2 years ago will receive an airdrop until 2027, which they will hold onto until then or longer because it makes no sense to sell below value. What Terra is doing is playing with new investors because as soon as it dumps they panic and sell immediately and nowadays there are only 1% who really hold on to coins for years. Most sell below value or sell as soon as they have made a little profit. You should be aware that if you invest here it will take some time until it really pumps. Up until now they have only played with investors and thrown new coins into the market and almost 1 million new ones every day, if it should even be possible for Terra to escape its ruined reputation in any way in the future, I personally don't see any improvement.

Because Luna was launched in the middle of a bear market. It triggered the bear market and now the bear market is over, but not for Luna. Investors have lost millions. Why should the same people who made it possible for Terra to reach this market cap in the past risk investing money here again?

you will receive an airdrop don't forget it. and the new market cap depends on new small investors that Terra has been playing with for 2 years

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