What is considered normal in our time?

Normal is spending more than you have to impress people you don't even like.

Normal is getting divorced, chasing multiple partners throughout life.

Normal is spending days scrolling through social media, having millions of "friends," while none of them are actually your friend.

Normal is spending your weekends on alcohol.

Normal is working at a job you hate, getting paid peanuts, until the end of your days.

Normal is being angry and negative with everyone to prove that you are "strong."

Normal is being lazy and giving up on your dreams because you are not used to sacrificing yourself.

Normal is cheating in relationships instead of trying to fix them.

Normal is eating ultra-processed food because we don't have time.

Normal is doing something only because you expect a reward in return.

Normal is living fast and stressed, rather than enjoying the simple things.

But is all this really normal?

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