💥$BRETT has so much upside

Now that we’re hovering around the top 100

We fall into a category of tokens that rise as the market rises

Meaning irrespective of catalysts inside the confines of the project $BRETT will pump alongside the market in a general sense

Coinbase will do a ton of heavy lifting as well

Onchain summer is going to be huge for us because Coinbase is spending millions to onboard masses into their L2 ecosystem @Base

A portion of those new useless will buy into the #1 meme on this chain: $BRETT

The market will do the heavy lifting

Coinbase will do the heavy lifting

All we need to do is show up each and everyday as a community just like all of the traditional tier 1 memes have done historically

The blueprint has been set

The market is primed

The team knows what they’re doing

All we have to do is our small part of showing up everyday and manage our position wisely

This is a game of discipline, patience, and consistency work

You’ve never been this close before

You have the Shib of this cycle in your hands

Do not fumble the ball.

#StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #TrendlineBreakout