Why are Notcoin gas fees really high?

Notcoin, which runs on The Open Network (TON), has high gas fees for several reasons. When many people use the network at the same time, it becomes crowded. This congestion means users compete to get their transactions processed quickly, which leads to higher fees. Additionally, if #Notcoin transactions involve complex operations or smart contracts, they require more computational power, which increases the cost.

The high fees are also related to the type of blockchain TON is. #TON is a Layer 1 blockchain, which means it handles all the basic tasks like validating transactions and creating new blocks directly. Because it processes everything on its own, any issues with speed or cost are directly tied to its performance. This is different from Layer 2 solutions, which are built on top of Layer 1 blockchains to make transactions faster and cheaper by offloading some of the work.

In conclusion, Notcoin‘s high gas fees are mainly because it operates on the TON Layer 1 blockchain. The fees are high due to network congestion, complex transactions, and the inherent limitations of handling all tasks at the primary layer. Understanding the difference between Layer 1 and Layer 2 helps explain why these fees are high and what might be done to reduce them in the future.