Preparations have begun for the new version of ChatGPT

US-based #OpenAI company announced that it has formed a "security committee" to develop a new artificial intelligence model that will replace the GPT-4o system.

Developed by OpenAI, #ChatGPT can provide natural answers to many questions, almost like a personal teacher who knows everything.

#OpenAI , the company that developed the artificial intelligence chat assistant ChatGPT; introduced its new model, "GPT-4o", which can perform real-time reasoning over voice, image and text.

According to the statement made on the company's website, work has begun to create an upper model of the GPT-4o system, which was introduced in May.

OpenAI announced that it has formed a "security committee" to develop a new artificial intelligence model that will replace the GPT-4o system.

Members of the security committee include OpenAI Chief Executive Officer (#CEO ) #SamAltman , Chairman of the Board Bret Taylor, Q&A site Quora CEO Adam D'Angelo, former Sony general counsel Nicole Seligman, and the firm's technical and legal experts. 4 employees took part.

The committee is expected to first evaluate the company's ongoing operations and security measures, submit a recommendation report to the board of directors within 90 days, and then announce them to the public "within the scope of security measures."